Dose correction factors oor Kroaties

Dose correction factors

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

Čimbenici ispravka doze


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Therefore , an effective field , which represents a single anatomic region ( head , neck , abdomen ... ) , would be defined by phantom , s contour and range of scattered irradiation for a number of theoreticaly defined models of cubic and anatomic TBI phantoms . We shall introduce the local dosimetric functions and in vivo dosimetry , which will be based on entrance and output dose readings and mid plane dose correction factors .
Zato će se definirati efektivno polje ublizini točke koja predstavlja neko anatomsko područje ( glava, vrat, abdomen ) . Ono će biti određeno konturom fantoma i dosegom raspršnog zračenja i to za teorijske modele kubičnih i anatomskih fantoma , slične čovjeku . Uvest će se lokalne dozimetrijske funkcije i razviti metoda in vivo dozimetrije , temeljena naočitanoj ulaznoj i izlaznoj dozi te čimbenicima ispravka doze usredišnjoj ravnini tijela .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The mid plane absorbed dose will be measured by use of the entrance and output dose readings(semiconductor detectors ) of a certain body , s region . and the correction factor , calculated in advance by use of a special software made for this purpose .
Doza u središnjoj ravnini , u praksi će se mjeriti poluvodičkim in vivo detektorima na ulazu i izlazu za pojedino područje tijela a dobivena aritmetička sredina ispravit će se pomoću unaprijed izračunatih čimbenika . U tu svrhu izradit će se odgovarajući softver .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Investigation was performed with 60Co photon beams within the range of typical therapeutic doses. It included determination of detectors response linearity, measurement reproducibility, comparison of calibration methods and determination of correction factors for use in nonreferent conditions.
Ispitivanje dozimetrijskih svojstava detektora provedeno je u terapijskom području doza dobivenih 60Co fotonskim snopovima a uključivalo je, između ostalog, određivanje linearnosti odziva na dozu i reproducibilnosti mjerenja, zatim kalibraciju i određivanje korekcijskih faktora za primjenu u nereferentnim uvjetima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Recombinant activated factor VII was administered in a single dose of 90 kg of body weight, when it was not possible to correct the coagulation disorder and achieve clinically sufficient hemostasis by conventional and/or surgical methods. Fifteen minutes after rFVIIa administration PT and APTT values significantly improved to normal ranges, PC also changed significantly.
Rekombinantni aktivirani faktor VII. bio je primijenjen u dozi od 90 kg tjelesne težine intravenskim putem kad konvencionalnim metodama nismo postigli hemostazu. Petnaest minuta poslije primjene rFVIIa, PV i APTV su se značajno poboljšali (PV 13,3 ± 1,6 sekundi, APTV 39,2 ± 2,6 sekundi), Tr se također značajno promijenio (73,6 ± 45,3 x 109/L).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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