First Balkan War oor Kroaties

First Balkan War

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Prvi balkanski rat


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The First Balkan War found the Albanians as a nation fighting for its own national state.
Prvi balkanski rat zatekao je Albance kao naciju bez vlastite nacionalne države.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the eve of the First Balkan War Kingdom of Montenegro lined up 55,000 soldiers.
Uoči Prvog balkanskog rata Kraljevina Crna Gora postrojila je 55.000 vojnika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The forced displacement of Albanians from Kosovo, Metohija, Sandzak and Macedonia started in the First Balkan war in October 1912.
Nasilno iseljavanje Albanaca s Kosova, Metohije, Sandžaka i Makedonije je počelo u prvom balkanskom ratu u listopadu 1912.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The area was liberated by the 21st Sredna Gora Regiment led by Vladimir Serafimov in 1912, during the First Balkan War.
Područje Smoljana oslobodio je 1912. godine bugarski 21 puk Sredna Gora, kojeg je vodio Vladimir Serafimov, za vrijeme Prvog Balkanskog rata.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Until the end of October 1912, during the First Balkan War, the Sanjak of Prizren was occupied by the Kingdom of Serbia and that of Montenegro.
Do kraja listopada 1912. godine, za vrijeme Prvog balkanskog rata Prizrenski sandžak okupirala je vojska Kraljevine Srbije iz Crne Gore.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the First Balkan War, Bulgarian forces captured the city, only to surrender it to the Greek army during the Second Balkan War on July 14, 1913.
U vrijeme Balkanskih ratova, jedinice bugarske vojske morale su se predati grčkoj vojsci i dati im grad za vrijeme Drugog Balkanskog rata 14. srpnja 1913..WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ottoman rule ended during the First Balkan War when the town and the surrounding area were liberated by the Bulgarian General Vasil Delov on 21 October 1912.
Otomanska vlast okončana je za Prvog balkanskog rata, kada je bugarski general Vasil Delov 21. listopada 1912. godine ušao u grad sa svojom vojskom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finally, on November 2, 1912 the Greek army, as one of the winners of the First Balkan War, entered Polygyros and incorporated the town in the Greek State.
Konačno su 2. studenog 1912. jedinice grčke vojske za vrijeme Prvog balkanskog rata, ušle u Poligiros, koji je od tada u sastavu Grčke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was the moment when what could have been just another war in the Balkans, began to turn into the First World War.
Ono što je trebao biti još jedan rat na Balkanu, tog se trenutka pretvarao u Prvi svjetski rat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is also much uneasiness about how to deal with ethnic conflicts, such as those in the disintegrating Balkan region—first the war in Bosnia and then the conflict in Kosovo.
Vlada i velika nesigurnost s obzirom na to kako rješavati etničke sukobe, kao što su oni na dezintegriranom balkanskom području — prvo rat u Bosni, a onda sukobi na Kosovu.jw2019 jw2019
But then came the Balkan War, and with it the first gust of wind swept over a Europe which had grown nervous.
Tada ipak izbi Balkanski rat s kojim je preletio prvi udar vjetra preko sad već nervozne Europe.Literature Literature
During the Balkan Wars (1912–13) and during the First World War (1914–18), he proved to be an excellent officer, and was promoted in 1913, and again in 1915, to lieutenant colonel.
U Balkanskim ratovima 1912. - 1913. i Prvom svjetskom ratu 1914. - 1918. pokazao se kao odličan časnik i u čin stožernog bojnika promaknut je 1913., a u čin potpukovnika 1915. godine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
May # st-- Hadzic is charged by The Hague with # counts of violations of the laws or customs of war, including one of the first atrocities in the Balkan conflicts-- the Vukovar hospital massacre
svibanj – Haag optužuje Hadžića za # instanci kršenja ratnih zakona i običaja, uključujući i jedno od prvih zlodjela počinjeno tokom sukoba na Balkanu – masakr u vukovarskoj bolniciSetimes Setimes
The crisis had begun in the Balkans, and as the Austrians faced up to the Serbs, the First World War started here as it would go on everywhere else.
Napadom Austrije na Srbiju Prvi svjetski rat započeo je ovdje i proširit će se uokolo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the First Balkan War in 1912, as commander of the First Army, Crown Prince Alexander fought victorious battles in Kumanovo and Bitola, and later in 1913, during the Second Balkan War, the Battle of Bregalnica.
U Prvom balkanskom ratu 1912., prijestolonasljednik Aleksandar je kao zapovjednik prve armije vodio vojsku u pobjedu u bici kod Kumanova i u bici kod Bitole, a 1913., u Drugom balkanskom ratu pobijedio je i u bici kod Bregalnice.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Varna became a front city in the First Balkan War and the First World War; its economy was badly affected by the temporary loss of its agrarian hinterland of Southern Dobruja to Romania (1913–16 and 1919–40).
Varna je bila prva linija bojišnice, za Prvog balkanskog rata, kao i za Prvog svjetskog rata . Grad je ekonomski nazadovao, privremenim priključenjem svoje bogate agrarne okolice (Južna Dobrudža) Rumunjskoj (1913.-16. i 1919.-40.).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Before the First World War, "Near East" was used in English to refer to the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire, while "Middle East" referred to Iran, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Turkestan.
Prije Prvog svjetskog rata Bliski istok se koristio u engleskom jeziku za označavanje Balkana i Otomanskog Carstva, dok je Srednji istok označavao Perziju, Afganistan, te Središnju Aziju, Turkistan i Kavkaz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
War veterans from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) gathered in Novi Sad last month for the first meeting of the newly established Peaceful Coalition of War Veterans from the Western Balkans, sending a strong message of tolerance and reconciliation in the region
Ratni veterani iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) okupili su se prošlog mjeseca u Novom Sadu na prvom sastanku novoustrojene Mirovne koalicije ratnih veterana zapadnog Balkana, šaljući snažnu poruku snošljivosti i pomirenja u regijiSetimes Setimes
For the better part of a decade, Croatia was a focus of the Security Council 's attention, first as conflict erupted in the Balkans, and later as efforts at post-war rehabilitation and reconciliation got under way
Dobar dio desetljeća, Hrvatska je bila u središtu pozornosti Vijeća sigurnosti, prvo po izbijanju sukoba na Balkanu, a potom kada su započeli napori na poslijeratnoj obnovi i pomirenjuSetimes Setimes
Still, the Second Balkan War broke out in June 1913 over the division of Macedonia between the former allies of the first conflict.
Drugi balkanski rat izbio je 1913. godine zbog sukoba među saveznicima oko podjele Makedonije.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Against the backdrop of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War in 2014 — and with memories still fresh of the Balkan Wars less than a generation ago — both citizens and politicians highlighted that the most important achievement of the Union was to bring an end to centuries of bloodshed on the continent.
Uzimajući u obzir stotu obljetnicu početka Prvog svjetskog rata u 2014. – i još uvijek svježe uspomene na balkanske ratove unazad manje od jedne generacije – građani i političari istaknuli su da je najvažnije postignuće Unije bilo okončanje stoljeća krvoprolića na kontinentu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It will be the first major war crimes trial for a special court established in Serbia last year to deal specifically with atrocities committed during the Balkan conflicts in the # s, as well as with cases of organised crime
Ovo će biti prvo veliko suđenje za ratne zločine pred posebnim sudom ustrojenim prošle godine u Srbiji u svrhu održavanja suđenja vezanih uz zločine počinjene tijekom sukoba na Balkanu u # ima, kao i suđenja u vezi s organiziranim kriminalomSetimes Setimes
" The Dayton accords were meant to end the war, but it should not be set in stone or concrete, " Burns said Wednesday in Sarajevo, the first stop of his three-day tour of the Balkans
" Daytonski sporazum imao je za cilj okončanje rata, ali ne bi trebao biti uklesan u kamenu ili betonu ", kazao je Burns u srijedu u Sarajevu, koje je bilo prvo odredište njegove trodnevne balkanske turnejeSetimes Setimes
In an historic act of reconciliation, Serbian President Boris Tadic paid a visit to Vukovar on Thursday (November # th), the first Serbian head of state to visit the town, which for Croatians is a symbol of the suffering and war crimes that occurred during the Balkan conflict
U povijesnom činu pomirenja, srpski predsjednik Boris Tadić posjetio je Vukovar u četvrtak # studenog. To je prvi srpski državni čelnik koji je posjetio grad, koji je za Hrvate simbol patnji i ratnih zločina počinjenih tijekom sukoba na BalkanuSetimes Setimes
10 years after that the first of 4 wars on Balkan Peninsula brakes out. And her first message was peace through conversion, prayer and this first message has its weight, strength, credibility.
Deset godina poslije toga izbija prvi od četiri rata na području Balkana, a njezina poruka - mir kroz obraćenje, molitvu ima težinu, jačinu, vjerodostojnost.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
33 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.