Global Address List oor Kroaties

Global Address List

An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

Globalni popis adresa

An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server.

globalni popis adresa

Glosbe Research

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

global address list

An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

globalni popis adresa

An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
The Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing or amending the list of the names and addresses of global responsible smelters and refiners.
Komisija donosi provedbene akte o utvrđivanju ili izmjeni popisa naziva i adresa globalnih odgovornih talionica i rafinerija.not-set not-set
If you use a Microsoft Exchange Server account, names and email addresses in the Global Address List (GAL) are also considered safe senders.
Ako koristite račun sustava Microsoft Exchange Server, imena i adrese e-pošte iz Popis globalnih adresa (GAL) također se smatraju sigurnim pošiljateljima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Compare calendars to schedule meetings and access collaboration features, including shared calendars, groups, the global address list, external contacts, tasks, conference rooms, and delegation capabilities.
Usporedite kalendare da biste zakazivali sastanke i pristupali značajkama za suradnju, uključujući zajedničke kalendare, grupe, globalne adresare, vanjske kontakte, zadatke, konferencijske dvorane i značajke delegiranja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange Server, your manager's name is detected in the Global Address List and inserted in the "To" box, or you can specify the recipient. Team E-mail
Ako se u vašoj tvrtki ili ustanovi koristi Microsoft Exchange Server, ime rukovoditelja pronalazi se na globalni popis adresa i upisuje u okvir Prima ili pak možete sami odabrati primatelja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronisation tool is primarily used to synchronise the Exchange global address list, also known as the shared address book, support complex routing scenarios and provision users in a cross-premises deployment.
Alat Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization u prvom se redu koristi za sinkroniziranje globalnog popisa adresa sustava Exchange, koji se još naziva i zajednički adresar, kao podrška složenim scenarijima usmjeravanja i dodjelu korisnika u implementaciji na više lokacija.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za rješavanje globalnih izazova, kao što su održiv razvoj i klimatske promjene, te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union’s efforts to address those issues.
Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za rješavanje globalnih izazova, kao što su održiv razvoj i klimatske promjene, te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
(13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
(13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
(10) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union’s efforts to address these issues.
(9) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za rješavanje globalnih izazova, kao što su održiv razvoj i klimatske promjene, te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju ovih pitanja.not-set not-set
(13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
(13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. se trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
(13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as poverty, sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
(13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su siromaštvo, održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
(13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, the pursuit of a rules- and values-based global order and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
(13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene, težnja globalnom poretku koji se temelji na propisima i vrijednostima, te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
(13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development, environmental protection, climate change and adapting the EU’s circular economy model, and to align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
(13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj, zaštita okoliša, klimatske promjene i prilagodba modela kružnog gospodarstva Unije, te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
the list of cities chosen for addressing urban issues and the procedures for sub-delegation to urban authorities, possibly by means of a global grant;
popis gradova koji su odabrani za rješavanje urbanih problema i postupke za daljnje delegiranje ovlasti na gradske vlasti, po mogućnosti u obliku globalno dodijeljenih bespovratnih sredstava;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In terms of international action, they advocated for improving mapping and coordination of global R&D efforts, and globally supporting R&D efforts, particularly regarding the WHO list of R&D priorities on AMR and addressing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Kad je riječ o djelovanju na međunarodnoj razini, dionici su zagovarali bolje mapiranje i koordinaciju nastojanja u području istraživanja i razvoja na svjetskoj razini te globalnu potporu tim nastojanjima, posebno u pogledu popisa prioriteta WHO-a za istraživanje i razvoj u području AMR-a te suočavanje s problemom tuberkuloze koja je otporna na više lijekova.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
</Amend> <Amend>Amendment <NumAm>3</NumAm> <DocAmend>Proposal for a regulation</DocAmend> <Article>Recital 13</Article> Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
</Amend> <Amend>Amandman <NumAm>3</NumAm> <DocAmend>Prijedlog uredbe</DocAmend> <Article>Uvodna izjava 13. </Article> Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
</Amend> <Amend>Amendment <NumAm>14</NumAm> <DocAmend>Proposal for a regulation</DocAmend> <Article>Recital 13</Article> Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
</Amend> <Amend>Amandman <NumAm>14</NumAm> <DocAmend>Prijedlog uredbe</DocAmend> <Article>Uvodna izjava 13. </Article> Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
</Amend> <Amend>Amendment <NumAm>15</NumAm> <DocAmend>Proposal for a regulation</DocAmend> <Article>Recital 13</Article> Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
</Amend> <Amend>Amandman <NumAm>15</NumAm> <DocAmend>Prijedlog uredbe</DocAmend> <Article>Uvodna izjava 13. </Article> Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
</Amend> <Amend>Amendment <NumAm>7</NumAm> <DocAmend>Proposal for a regulation</DocAmend> <Article>Recital 13</Article> Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13) The beneficiaries listed in Annex I need to be better prepared to address global challenges, such as sustainable development and climate change, and align with the Union's efforts to address those issues.
</Amend> <Amend>Amandman <NumAm>7</NumAm> <DocAmend>Prijedlog uredbe</DocAmend> <Article>Uvodna izjava 13. </Article> Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (13) Korisnici navedeni u Prilogu I. trebaju se bolje pripremiti za suočavanje s globalnim izazovima kao što su održivi razvoj i klimatske promjene te se uskladiti s naporima Unije u rješavanju tih pitanja.not-set not-set
The Global Privacy Office will provide electronic and/or paper copies of this Policy upon request to the addresses listed in Section 3.a.
Odjel za zaštitu privatnosti tvrtke MSD će omogućiti elektroničke i/ili papirnate kopije ove Politike po zahtjevu na adresu navedenu u odjelu 3.a.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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