Netherlands oor Kroaties


/ˈnɛ.ðə.ləndz/, /ˈnɛ.ðɚ.ləndz/ adjektief, eienaam, naamwoord
A country in northwestern Europe bordering Germany and Belgium. Official name: Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


eienaam, naamwoordvroulike
country in northwestern Europe
From an overall assessment it follows that the excessive deficit situation in the Netherlands has been corrected.
Iz sveobuhvatne procjene proizlazi da je stanje prekomjernog deficita u Nizozemskoj ispravljeno.


From an overall assessment it follows that the excessive deficit situation in the Netherlands has been corrected.
Iz sveobuhvatne procjene proizlazi da je stanje prekomjernog deficita u Nizozemskoj ispravljeno.


pertaining to the Netherlands
As a result, the Commission accepted the commitments provided by the Netherlands authorities.’
Slijedom navedenoga Komisija je prihvatila obveze koje su preuzela nizozemska nadležna tijela.“




Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


geographic terms (country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


As a result, the Commission accepted the commitments provided by the Netherlands authorities.’
Slijedom navedenoga Komisija je prihvatila obveze koje su preuzela nizozemska nadležna tijela.“

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

capital of The Netherlands
Transport in the Netherlands
Promet Nizozemske
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kraljevina Nizozemska · Nizozemska
regions of the Netherlands
nizozemske regije
Beatrix of the Netherlands
Beatrix od Nizozemske
Netherlands Guiana
Flag of the Netherlands
Zastava Nizozemske
Netherlands OCT
nizozemske prekomorske zemlje i područja


Advanced filtering
Perper, which also has franchises in Germany and the Netherlands, has established a presence in Tirana and the coastal cities of Durres and Vlora
Perper, koji također ima svoje ispostave u Njemačkoj i Nizozemskoj, otvorio je restorane u Tirani i primorskim gradovima Durresu i VloriSetimes Setimes
The above approval mark affixed to a component shows that the type concerned was approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Part II of Regulation No 118 under approval number 001234.
Gore prikazana homologacijska oznaka pričvršćena za sastavni dio pokazuje da je predmetni tip homologiran u Nizozemskoj (E4) u skladu s dijelom I. Pravilnika br. 118 pod homologacijskim brojem 001234.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Belgium-Netherlands Convention
Belgijsko-nizozemski ugovorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the specific needs of paying expenditure of the EAGF pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (*), and depending on the Union's cash position, Member States may be invited by the Commission to bring forward, by up to two months in the first quarter of the financial year, the entry of one-twelfth, or a fraction thereof, of the amounts in the budget for the VAT-based own resource and the GNI-based own resource, taking into account the effect on these resources of the correction granted to the United Kingdom for budgetary imbalances and of the gross reduction granted to Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden.
Za posebne potrebe plaćanja rashoda EFJP-a na temelju Uredbe (EU) br. 1307/2013 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća (*) i ovisno o stanju gotovine u Uniji, Komisija može pozvati države članice da do dva mjeseca u prvom tromjesečju financijske godine unaprijed knjiže jednu dvanaestinu ili dio jedne dvanaestine iznosa predviđenih u proračunu za vlastita sredstva koja se temelje na PDV-u i vlastita sredstva koja se temelje na BND-u, uzimajući u obzir učinak korekcije proračunskih neravnoteža odobrene Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini i bruto smanjenja odobrenog Danskoj, Nizozemskoj, Austriji i Švedskoj na ta sredstva.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In early January 1944, Ferdinand was suddenly taken to a concentration camp in Vught, in the Netherlands.
Početkom siječnja 1944. Ferdinand je neočekivano bio prebačen u koncentracioni logor u Vughtu u Nizozemskoj.jw2019 jw2019
41 On the other hand, according to the State Secretary, the period prescribed for a decision in respect of that application started to run only from 14 December 2016, the date on which the Kingdom of the Netherlands declared that it was responsible for examining the application.
41 Suprotno tomu, prema mišljenju državnog tajnika, rok za odlučivanje o navedenom zahtjevu počeo je teći tek 14. prosinca 2016., na datum kad se Kraljevina Nizozemska proglasila odgovornom za njegovu obradu.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The address details under the heading ‘Netherlands’ shall be replaced with:
Podaci o adresi pod naslovom „Nizozemska” zamjenjuju se sljedećim:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It also invited the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany to engage in appropriate consultations in order to reach an agreement within the meaning of Article 7(5) of Regulation No 510/2006.
Također je pozvala Kraljevinu Nizozemsku i Saveznu Republiku Njemačku da započnu odgovarajuće savjetovanje radi postizanja dogovora, u smislu članka 7. stavka 5. Uredbe br. 510/2006.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even in a small country like the Netherlands, with some 15 million inhabitants, coining and printing presses will be running for three years straight to produce 2.8 billion coins and 380 million bank notes by January 1, 2002.
Čak i u malim zemljama, kao što je Nizozemska, koja ima oko 15 milijuna stanovnika, strojevi za izradu kovanica i novčanica radit će non-stop tri godine da bi se do 1. siječnja 2002. proizvelo 2,8 milijardi kovanica i 380 milijuna novčanica.jw2019 jw2019
The Kingdom of the Netherlands will agree to a decision as referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 312(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union once a revision of the decision referred to in the third paragraph of Article 311 of that Treaty has provided the Netherlands with a satisfactory solution for its excessive negative net payment position vis-à-vis the Union budget.
Kraljevina Nizozemska složit će se s odlukom iz članka 312. stavka 2. drugog podstavka Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije nakon što se revizijom odluke iz članka 311. trećeg stavka tog Ugovora za Nizozemsku predvidi zadovoljavajuće rješenje za prekomjerno negativan položaj njezinih neto uplata u odnosu na proračun Unije.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
( 24 ) I understand from the order for reference that under Article 8(f) of the Vw a third-country national who applies for asylum is considered to be lawfully resident in the Netherlands while a decision on his application for a residence permit is pending, and that, on the basis of his application (or a court order), his deportation is to be deferred until a decision on the asylum request is taken.
( 24 ) Iz odluke kojom je upućeno prethodno pitanje zaključujem da se, u skladu s člankom 8. točkom (f) Vw‐a, za državljanina treće zemlje koji zatraži azil smatra da zakonito boravi u Nizozemskoj dok se ne donese odluka o njegovu zahtjevu za dozvolu boravka i da se, na temelju njegova zahtjeva (ili sudskog naloga), njegovo protjerivanje odgađa dok se ne donese odluka o zahtjevu za azil.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
44 In this respect, the Netherlands Antilles, which, under the Netherlands Constitution, is one of the three entities which constitute the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is on that list and, therefore, is the subject-matter of the special arrangements for association set out in Part Four of the EC Treaty.
44 S tim u svezi, Nizozemski Antili, koji su u skladu s nizozemskim Ustavom jedan od tri entiteta Kraljevine Nizozemske, nalaze se na tom popisu pa su stoga dio posebnog režima pridruženja koji je definiran četvrtim dijelom Ugovora o EZ‐u.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A number of reports pointed to changes in this area, such as significant organisational change in France, Netherlands, Slovenia and United Kingdom, and streamlining of laboratory services (in Bulgaria; in Spain, for food safety; and in Poland, for pesticides).
Niz izvješća upućivao je na promjene u ovom području, kao što su značajne organizacijske promjene u Francuskoj, Nizozemskoj, Sloveniji i Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini, i pojednostavljivanje laboratorijskih službi (u Bugarskoj; u Španjolskoj, za sigurnost hrane; i u Poljskoj, za pesticide).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
52 In any event, the force of res judicata extends only to the grounds of a judgment which constitute the necessary support of its operative part and are, therefore, inseparable from it (judgment of 15 November 2012, Al-Aqsa v Council and Netherlands v Al-Aqsa, C‐539/10 P and C‐550/10 P, EU:C:2012:711, paragraph 49 and the case-law cited).
52 U svakom slučaju, pravomoćnost se odnosi samo na obrazloženje presude koje je nužan oslonac njezinoj izreci te je stoga njezin neodvojivi dio (presuda od 15. studenoga 2012., Al-Aqsa/Vijeće i Nizozemska/Al-Aqsa, C-539/10 P i C-550/10 P, EU:C:2012:711, t. 49. i navedena sudska praksa).Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
That measure was an obligation which the State was bound to assume as a public authority, in order to avoid serious disturbance of the Netherlands economy through the collapse of a systemic national bank.
Ta je mjera bila obveza koju je država morala preuzeti kao javna vlast kako bi izbjegla ozbiljan poremećaj u nizozemskom gospodarstvu u obliku urušavanja sistemski važne nacionalne banke.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the Netherlands, this equals the maximum price that could be asked from NEC for the complex.
Nizozemska tvrdi da je taj iznos jednak najvećoj cijeni koja bi se mogla tražiti od kluba NEC za kompleks.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The EU could establish an EU learning network on circular procurement so that the lessons learnt from various Green Deals (e.g. in Flanders(6) and the Netherlands(7)) are gathered and offer support for the establishment of future agreements.
EU bi mogao uspostaviti mrežu učenja EU-a o kružnoj nabavi kako bi se prikupile pouke iz raznih zelenih ugovora (npr. u Flandriji(6) i Nizozemskoj(7)) i pružila potpora za uspostavljanje budućih sporazuma.not-set not-set
To this end, it is appropriate to establish that in the September subperiod the quantities not used for the least-developed OCTs can be allocated for the import of rice originating in the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.
U tu svrhu primjereno je utvrditi da se u rujanskom podrazdoblju neupotrijebljene količine za najnerazvijenije PZP mogu dodijeliti za uvoz riže podrijetlom iz Nizozemskih Antila i Arube.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(10) FME-CWM, a Dutch association for the technology industry, recommends a ministerial top team to coordinate digitalisation in the Netherlands, 16 March 2017.
(10) FME-CWM, nizozemsko udruženje za tehnološku industriju, preporučuje uspostavu ministarskog tima na visokoj razini koji bi koordinirao digitalizaciju u Nizozemskoj, 16. ožujka 2017.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Since there is no declaration made by the Kingdom of the Netherlands under Article 28(2) of Framework Decision 2008/909, that provision must be found to be incompatible with Article 28(1) of that framework decision that, likewise as I stated above, provides that requests received after 5 December 2011 are governed by the rules adopted by the Member States to implement that framework decision, and the date on which the judgment in question became final is completely irrelevant for that purpose.
Budući da Kraljevina Nizozemska nije dala izjavu u skladu s člankom 28. stavkom 2. Okvirne odluke 2008/909, za tu se odredbu treba smatrati da nije u skladu s člankom 28. stavkom 1. te okvirne odluke, koja, također podsjećam, predviđa da se zamolbe zaprimljene nakon 5. prosinca 2011. uređuju pravilima koja su države članice donijele radi provedbe navedene okvirne odluke a da pritom datum kada je predmetna presuda postala pravomoćna u tom pogledu nema nikakvu važnost.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Council Decision (EU) 2017/1335 of 11 July 2017 appointing an alternate member, proposed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, of the Committee of the Regions
Odluka Vijeća (EU) 2017/1335 od 11. srpnja 2017. o imenovanju zamjenika člana Odbora regija, kojeg je predložila Kraljevina Nizozemskaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 395(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC, the Commission transmitted the request of the Netherlands to the other Member States by letters dated 9 August 2018, with the exception of Spain and Cyprus, to which the request was transmitted by letters dated 10 August 2018.
U skladu s člankom 395. stavkom 2. drugim podstavkom Direktive 2006/112/EZ Komisija je zahtjev Nizozemske dopisima od 9. kolovoza 2018. proslijedila ostalim državama članicama, osim Španjolske i Cipra, kojima je zahtjev proslijeđen dopisima od 10. kolovoza 2018.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Such a request should be supported by objective factors revealing an appreciable difference over some years in the cost of living between that place of employment and the capital of the Member State concerned (except for the Netherlands, where The Hague is used instead of Amsterdam).
Takav zahtjev treba potkrijepiti objektivnim čimbenicima koji ukazuju na znatnu višegodišnju razliku u troškovima života između tog mjesta rada i glavnog grada predmetne države članice (osim Nizozemske gdje se umjesto Amsterdama u obzir uzima Haag).not-set not-set
H gas network: ≤ 3,2 mol % (Oude Pekela subsystem), ≤ 2,5 mol % (the rest of the Netherlands)
plinska mreža H: ≤ 3,2 mol % (podsustav Oude Pekela), ≤ 2,5 mol % (ostatak Nizozemske)Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Communication from the Minister for Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Article 3(2) of Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons
Priopćenje ministra gospodarstva Kraljevine Nizozemske na temelju članka 3. stavka 2. Direktive 94/22/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o uvjetima za davanje i korištenje odobrenja za traženje, istraživanje i proizvodnju ugljikovodikaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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