Otok oor Kroaties


A town in Croatia.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Otok (Vinkovci)
Otok (grad)
Today’ s destination is Sali , the capital city of the island of Dugi Otok .
Naš današnji cilj je Sali , glavni grad Dugog otoka .
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Dugi Otok
Dugi otok


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Operations located in the remote Greek Islands and in the Croatian islands of Dugi Otok, Vis, Mljet and Lastovo
Operacije na udaljenim grčkim otocima i na hrvatskim otocima Dugi otok, Vis, Mljet i LastovoEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The greatest examples can be caught in the area around the islands ; Mljet , Lastovo , Vis , and Dugi Otok .
Najveće se srdele love u području otoka Mljeta , Lastova , Visa i Dugog otoka . Idući od vanjskih otoka prema obali kopna veličina joj opada .hrenWaC hrenWaC
From the port in Sali we shall set our course for “ Proversa” , a narrow passage between Dugi Otok and the Kornati islands which is at the same time the entrance to the Kornati National Park .
Iz luke Sali plovimo kurs “ Proversa ” , uzak prolaz između Dugog otoka i Kornata , koji je istovremeno i ulaz u nacionalni park Kornati .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The inhabitants of Dugi otok refer to this configuration as stene ( rocks ) .
Ovu konfiguraciju Dugootočani nazivaju stenama .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Operations located in the remote Greek Islands and in the Croatian islands of Dugi Otok, Vis, Mljet and Lastovo may benefit from an increase by
Operacije na udaljenim grčkim otocima i hrvatskim otocima Dugi otok, Vis, Mljet i Lastovo mogu imati koristi od povećanja zaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Other more significant ones include the Island of St. John ( Otok Sv . Ivana ) , very much loved by the people of Rovinj , the Island of St. Andrew ( Otok Sv . Andrije ) , the Banjole Island , the Figarola Island , the Island of Two Sisters ( Otok Dvije sestrice ) , the Island of Donkeys ( Otok magaraca ) etc.
Od ostalih značajnijih i vidljivijih tu su od Rovinjaca omiljeni Sv . Ivan zatim Sv . Andrija , Banjole , Figarola , Dvije sestrice , Otok magaraca ...hrenWaC hrenWaC
In 20 local administrative units with the lowest percentage of irreligious population (less than 0.33%), mostly are municipalities in southwestern and eastern Croatian counties, and the only city among them is the City of Otok in Vukovar-Srijem County with 0.28% of irreligious population.
U dvadeset lokalnih jedinica s najmanjim udjelom ireligioznog stanovništva (manje od 0,33 %) nalaze se pretežito općine jugozapadnih i istočnih hrvatskih županija, a jedini grad među njima je Otok u Vukovarskoj-srijemskoj županiji sa 0,28 % ireligioznih.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Operations located in the remote Irish Islands, Greek Islands and in the Croatian islands of Dugi Otok, Vis, Mljet and Lastovo [Am.
Operacije na udaljenim irskim otocima, grčkim otocima i na hrvatskim otocima Dugi otok, Vis, Mljet i Lastovo [Am.not-set not-set
By boat, the coast of the island can be reached in 15 minutes from the Sali, the nearest inhabited place on Dugi otok.
Brodom se može do nje doći za 15 minuta iz mjesta Sali, najbližeg naseljenog mjesta na Dugom otoku.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Besides being located in the center of the most indented area in the entire Adriatic , most of the traffic currents running from the land towards the Kornati islands and the island of Dugi otok pass through here as well , and there are several well-known marinas in the circle of only twenty kilometers .
Osim što se nalazi u središtu najrazvedenijeg područja u cijelom Jadranu , ovuda prolazi glavnina prometnih tokova od kopna prema Kornatima i Dugom otoku , a u krugu od svega dvadeset kilometara nalazi se nekoliko poznatih marina .hrenWaC hrenWaC
On the Gospin otok and by the Jadro river branches the Croatian rulers built up the buildings and founded the centre of the Croatian Solin .
Na Gospinu otoku i uz rukavce Jadra hrvatski su vladari podigli nove građevine i stvorili središte hrvatskog Solina .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Summary : The profile in the Brbiš nica Cove is situated in the central partof the Dugi Otok Island , between the slope deposits in thenorthwest and the platform deposits in the southeast .
Sažetak : Profil u uvali Brbišnica nalazi se u srednjem dijelu Dugog otoka, između " pregibnih " facijesa sjeverozapadnog dijela teplatformskog razvojajugoistočnog dijela .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Today ' s church was built on the same site , of approximately the same dimensions , where the fesitval of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin are celebrated In 1998 , Pope John Paul the II visited this sanctuary and held a mass for the young people of Our Lady ' s Island ( Gospin otok ) .
Na tom istom mjestu podignuta je današnja crkva približno istih dimenzija u kojoj se održavaju svetkovine rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije . 1998 . godine Papa Ivan Pavao II . je pohodio ovo svetište i na Gos pinom otoku održao misu za mlade .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The island group of Kornati consists of 147 islands , small islands and reefs covering the area of 69 km2 , spreading from Dugi otok till Ž irje covering the total area of 320 km2 .
Otočna skupina Kornati broji 147 otoka , otočića i hridi ukupne površine 69 km2 , a prostiru se od Dugog otoka do Žirja na ukupnoj površini od 320 km2 .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Sali is the biggest village on Dugi otok ( ~1000 inhabitants ) .
Pristajemo na dijelu luke točno ispred trgovine .hrenWaC hrenWaC
That the church had an important place in the consciousness of the then users of the area can be seen from the fact that since the beginning of the 14th century the whole island had been named by variants of its name , the most frequent being Insula Sanctae Mariae and Stomorin otok , the Croatian form derived from it .
Da je crkvi pripadalo važno mjesto u svijesti tadašnjih stanovnika , vidi se iz toga što se od početka 14 . stoljeća čitav otok naziva raznim inačicama njezina imena , a najčešća je Insula Sanctae Mariae te hrvatski oblik Stomorin otok .hrenWaC hrenWaC
It stretches 35 km in length and 13 km in width between Dugi Otok to the northwest , Zirje and Pasman to the southeast and Vrgad and Murter to the north and northeast .
Protežu se na dužini od 35 km i širini od 13 km , između Dugog otoka na sjeverozapadu , Ž irja i Pašmana na jugoistoku i Vrgade i Murtera na sjeveru i sjeveroistoku .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Numerous hidden bays and beaches offer various possibilities for one day excursions by boat to the adjacent islets , such as the islets of Misnjak and Karantunic , but also to the other islands of the Zadar archipelago : Iz , Sestrunj , Rivanj , Dugi otok , Silba , Molat and many others .
Brojne skrivene uvale pružaju neograničene mogućnosti jednodnevnih izleta barkom , kojom se možete zaputiti na obližnje otočiće , kao što je Mišnjak , ali i na susjedne otoke zadarskog arhipelaga Iž , Sestrunj , Rivanj i Dugi otok .hrenWaC hrenWaC
During the First World War Goli Otok was used as a detention camp of prisoners of war .
Za I . svjetskog rata ondje su bili internirani ratni zarobljenici .hrenWaC hrenWaC
" NCP - spring apostles " is taking place every year , at the end of March , opening the season with four days sailing the navigation routes that are changing every year , one year to the south and widely known restaurant POJODA on island Vis , and following year to the north to Kornati islands and place Sali on Dugi otok .
" NCP - Proljetni apostoli " svake godine , krajem ožujka , otvaraju sezonu četverodnevnim druženjem na navigacijskim rutama koje nas naizmjence vode , jedne godine prema jugu i nadaleko poznatom restoranu Pojoda , a već sljedeće na sjever prema Kornatima i mjestu Sali .hrenWaC hrenWaC
More up-to-date form of same services is organized by three glass-boats which , on a daily basis , take tourists to a very attractive viewing of underwater world . There are also several boats for whole-day excursions to nearby islets sveti grgur , goli otok , baska and kosljun , on the island of krk , as well as nearby fjord zavratnica .
Moderniji oblik istih usluga su 3 GLASS- BOOTA koji svakodnevno vode turiste u vrlo atraktivno razgledavanje podvodnog svijeta , te nekoliko brodova za cjelodnevne izlete na obližnje otočiće Sv . Grgur , Goli otok , Bašku i Košljun na otoku Krku , te obližnji fjord Zavratnicu .hrenWaC hrenWaC
They lived very poorly, as Ilona's husband was sent to the prison camp at Goli Otok for several years and she was made to raise the three young children alone.
Živjeli su siromašno, kako je Ilonin suprug poslan na Goli Otok na nekoliko godina, morala je sama uzdržavati troje mlade djece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I sail near Rava and Krknata towards Sail , the biggest and the southernmost village on Dugi Otok .
Nastavljam uz Ravu i Krknatu dalje prema Saliju , najvećem i najjužnijem naselju na Dugom otoku .hrenWaC hrenWaC
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