Our Lady of Fatima oor Kroaties

Our Lady of Fatima

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Gospa Fatimska


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Today is the ninetieth anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.
Danas je 90. obljetnica ukazanja Naše Gospe Fatimske.vatican.va vatican.va
Either I'm very mistaken or this Requejo guy exists on the same plane as Our Lady of Fatima.
Ili se grdno varam, ili taj Requejo postoji koliko i Bogorodica iz Fatime.Literature Literature
Never had a greater crowd gathered in Phat Diem to do honour to Our Lady of Fatima.
Nikad se nije više svijeta skupilo u Fat Dijemu da oda počast Našoj Gospi od Fatime.Literature Literature
Our Lady of Fatima church and its rectory burned to the ground this evening, killing two priests.
Crkva Naše Gospe Fatimske i njen rektorat su večeras spaljeni do temelja, usmrtivši dva svećenika.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am spiritually close to the Comboni Missionary Fathers at Our Lady of Fatima parish in Bangui, who are welcoming large numbers of refugees.
Izražavam svoju duhovnu blizinu ocima kombonijancima iz župe Gospe Fatimske u Banguiju, koji su zbrinuli brojne osobe.vatican.va vatican.va
In Brezovljani , pass by the Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima and at the 36.2 km mark , carefully cross the railway tracks and continue in the direction of Poljana Kri ž evač ka .
U Brezovljanima prolazite pokraj kapele Gospe Fatimske i nakon 36. 2 km rute dolazite do željezničke pruge , oprezno je prijeđite i nastavite u smjeru Poljane Križevačke .hrenWaC hrenWaC
I remember, when I had only just become a bishop in the year 1992, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima had just arrived in Buenos Aires and a big Mass was celebrated for the sick.
Sjećam se kako je, nedugo nakon što sam zaređen za biskupa, godine 1992., stigao u Buenos Aires kip Gospe Fatimske te je održana velika misa za bolesne.vatican.va vatican.va
Church of Our Lady of Fatima h
Crkva gospe Fatimske hParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Our Lady of Fatima, Help those who are dear to us.
Naša Gospe Fatimska, Vrati na pravi put našu zabludjelu braću.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Our Lady of Fatima, bring back to the right road our erring brothers.
Naša Gospe Fatimska, Vrati na pravi put našu zabludjelu braću.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Agoda.com's secure on-line booking form makes it easy to reserve hotels close to Our Lady of Fatima Chapel.
Kroz Agoda.com siguran online rezervacijski obrazac, rezervacije se mogu lako izvršiti za hotele u blizini Our Lady of Fatima kapela.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On him they found a devotional book, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis and a booklet on Our Lady of Fatima.
Kod njega su našli latinsku misnu knjižicu[3], knjigu duhovnih pobuda Tome Kempenca Nasljeduj Krista i knjižicu o Majci Božjoj Fatimskoj.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In this article, the author introduces the mentioned churches and remarks on the acceptance of the messages of Our Lady of Fatima over time.
U ovom radu autor predstavlja spomenute crkve, te razglaba kako se u njima prihvaćaju i aktualiziraju fatimske Gospine poruke.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On Sunday, October 13th (the day of Our Lady of Fatima, as he himself underlined), he presided the English pilgrims Mass in concelebration with about 20 priests.
U nedjelju, 13.10. (na dan Gospe Fatimske, kako je sam naglasio) predslavio je englesku hodočasničku svetu Misu u koncelebraciji sa dvadesetak svećenika.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Afterwards, as I’ve already told you, I went to Portugal to pray before our Lady of Fatima and to meet with a large group of your sisters and brothers.
Zatim, kao što sam vam rekao, bio sam u Portugalu kako bih molio ispred Naše Gospe Fatimske i susreo sam se s dobrom grupom vaših sestara i vaše braće.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
No less exceptional is the hotel's easy access to the city's myriad attractions and landmarks, such as Our Lady of Fatima Church, Gaisano Island Mall Mactan, Mactan Marina Mall.
Sa glavnim gradskim atrakcijama u blizini kao što su crkva Naše Gospe Fatimske, trgovački centar Gaisano Island Mactan, Most Marcela B. Fernana, posjetitelji hotela će jednostavno zavoljeti ovu lokaciju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The star is also interpreted as a Marian symbol, standing for the parishes of Mala Subotica (chruch of Nativity of Mary) and Orehovica Orehovica (church of Our Lady of Fatima), as well as the symbol of the County.
Zvijezda se tumaèi i kao marijanski simbol, za župe Mala Subotica (crkva Male Gospe) i Orehovica (crkva Gospe Fatimske).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yesterday evening, I returned from my pilgrimage to Fatima — let us greet Our Lady of Fatima — and today’s Marian prayer takes on a special meaning, laden with memories and prophesy for those who look at history through the eyes of faith.
Jučer navečer sam se vratio s hodočašća u Fatimu – pozdravimo Gospu Fatimsku! – te naša današnja marijanska molitva dobiva posebno značenje, bremenito spomenom i proroštvom za one koji povijest promatraju očima vjere.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the introduction, he writes about the arrival of news regarding the Fatima events to the Croatian territory, the start of the pilgrimage of believers in Fatima and the beginning and delving devotion to Our Lady of Fatima among Croatian Catholics. This is evident through the construction of churches, chapels and small chapels in Her honour.
U uvodnom dijelu prikazuje dolazak vijesti o fatimskim zbivanjima na hrvatska područja, početak hodočašćenja hrvatskih vjernika u Fatimu te nastanak i ukorjenjivanje pobožnosti Gospi Fatimskoj među hrvatskim katolicima, što se očitovalo i u gradnji crkava, kapela i kapelica njoj u čast.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I then went to Fatima, a small city characterized by an atmosphere of real mysticism, in which one senses the almost palpable presence of Our Lady.
Otišao sam potom u Fatimu, gradić kojeg karakterizira ozračje stvarnog misticizma i u kojem se zamjećuje gotovo na opipljiv način Gospina prisutnost.vatican.va vatican.va
“While we accompany Pope Francis on his trip, let us address our Mother with the words Pope Francis used to consecrate the world to our Lady of Fatima in October 2013: 'Guard our life with your embrace: bless and strengthen every desire for good; give new life and nourishment to our faith; sustain and enlighten our hope; awaken and animate our charity; guide us all on the path to holiness'” (Pope Francis, Act of Consecration to our Lady of Fatima, 13 October 2013).
„Dok pratimo papu Franju na njegovu putu, obratimo se našoj Majci riječima pape Franje korištenim u posveti svijeta našoj Gospi Fatimskoj u Listopadu 2013: „Čuvaj naš život svojim zagrljajem: blagoslovi i ojačaj svaku želju za dobro; podaj novi život i hranu našoj vjeri; održi i prosvijetli našu nadu; probudi i potakni našu ljubav; sve nas vodi na putu svetosti“ (papa Franjo, čin posvećenja našoj Gospi Fatimskoj, 13. listopada 2013.).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I have always been very strongly attached to the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima ever since I was a little boy.
Od ranog djetinjstva sam čvrsto vezan uz Gospina ukazanja u Fatimi.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And I think that it fits in very well to the seventieth anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions in Fatima, in this Marian year.
A ono mi se dobro uklapa u sedamdesetu obljetnicu fatimskih ukazanja i u ovu Marijansku godinu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The members of the Croatian national team will take the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje to their pilgrimage to Fatima, and they will connect through prayer these two Marian shrines. The statue of Our Lady was blessed and offered by Fr. Branko Rados, pastor of Medjugorje, and Fr.
Hrvatska izabrana vrsta s Gospinim kipom iz Meðugorja hodoèastit æe u Fatimu i u molitvi povezati ta dva marijanska svetišta. Gospin kip blagoslovili su i sportašima uruèili fra Branko Radoš, župnik, i fra Mario Knezoviæ, ravnatelj Informativnoga centra «Mir»Meðugorje.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Another principal part of the Message of Fatima is devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, which is terribly outraged and offended by the sins of humanity, and we are lovingly urged to console Her by making reparation.
Drugi glavni dio poruke Fatime je posvećenost našoj Gospi od Bezgrješnog srca, koja je strašno uvrijeđena i povrijeđena grijesima čovječanstva i od nas s ljubavlju traži da je utješimo okajanjima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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