Passion Sunday oor Kroaties

Passion Sunday

The fifth Sunday in Lent, the second Sunday before Easter, the first day in Passiontide.

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O'Brien suffered from heart problems and was fitted with a pacemaker after complaining of dizzy spells and fainting prior to Passion Sunday Mass in March 2008.
O'Brien je dugo patio zbog srčanih problema pa mu je ugrađen pacemaker nakon što se požalio na omaglice i vrtoglavice te nesvjestice prije mise na Cvjetnicu u ožujku 2008. godine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this Sunday's Gospel, for the second time Jesus proclaims his passion, death and Resurrection to the disciples (cf.
U Evanđelju ove nedjelje Isus drugi put naviješta učenicima svoju muku, smrt i uskrsnuće (
Passion HD Sunday Afternoon Romantic Love Making ⚇ User: Passion-HD ⇱ Size: 640 x 480
Strast-HD u nedjelju nakon ručka romantična ljubav čini ⚇ Korisnik: Passion-HD ⇱ Veličina: 640 x 480ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We began this Week with Palm Sunday — the heart of the whole Liturgical Year — in which we accompany Jesus in his Passion, death and Resurrection.
S Cvjetnicom smo započeli taj tjedan – središte cijele liturgijske godine – u kojem pratimo Isusa u njegovoj muci, smrti i uskrsnuć
With celebration of Palm Sunday or the Sunday of Passion of Our Lord, Church entered Holy Week, highlight of preparation for Feast of Resurrection of Our Lord.
Cvjetnicom ili Nedjeljom Muke Gospodnje započinje Veliki tjedan, vrhunac priprave za svetkovinu Uskrsnuća Gospodinova.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is only a week until the Easter holiday, which wears the name Passionate, and it begins immediately after Palm Sunday.
Postoji samo tjedan dana do uskrsnih blagdana, koji nosi ime Strastveni, a počinje odmah nakon Cvjetne nedjelje.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the afternoon of the Palm Sunday in the village streets you will also be able to see the re-enactment of the Passion of Christ and in the morning hours you will simply want to participate in the traditional coloring of Easter eggs at the nearby “Tri Mudraca” tourist-houshold.
U prijepodnevnim satima svi će moći sudjelovati na radionici izrade uskrsnih pisanica, odnosno „farbanja“ jaja na obližnjem OPG-u Tri Mudraca.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
After the outer space adventure and launching the first eight-year-old to the orbit, the next four days of the Festival, closing on Sunday, 18 February, the big screen will host around 30 short and feature films that focus on children’s curiosity and passion for explorations in different ways.
Nakon svemirske avanture i lansiranja prve osmogodišnjakinje u orbitu, u idućih četiri dana trajanja Festivala, sve do nedjelje 18. veljače, na velikom platnu izmjenjivat će se tridesetak filmova dugog i kratkog metra koji na različite načine tematiziraju dječju znatiželju i njihovu istraživačku strast.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The 1st International Music Festivities “Spring on Sundays at Lužnica A.D. 2010” are a music fairy tale immersed into the natural and spiritual heritage that hosted superb international and domestic musicians connected with the same passion and need for deep communication with the audience through artistic performance.
Prve Međunarodne glazbene svetkovine „Pramaljeće nedjeljom u Lužnici A.D.2010.“, glazbena su bajka uronjena u prirodnu i duhovnu baštinu koja je ugostila vrhunske inozemne i domaće glazbenike povezane zajedničkom strašću i potrebom za uspostavljanjem duboke komunikacije s publikom kroz umjetničku izvedbu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This day, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, called “Good Shepherd Sunday”, invites us each year to rediscover, with ever new astonishment, how Jesus defined himself, reading it again in the light of his passion, death and resurrection. “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Jn 10:11): these words are wholly fulfilled when Christ, freely obeying the will of the Father, is immolated on the Cross.
Četvrta vazmena nedjelja, dakle ova, koja se zove "Nedjelja Dobrog Pastira", svake nas godine poziva iznova otkriti, uvijek s novim čuđenjem, tu definiciju koju je Isus dao o sebi, ponovno je iščitavajući u svijetlu njegove muke, smrti i uskrsnuća: "Pastir dobri život svoj polaže za ovce" (Iv 10, 11).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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