Roman Catholic Pope oor Kroaties

Roman Catholic Pope

the head of the Roman Catholic Church

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Martin Luther, German Reformation leader, labeled Roman Catholic popes as antichrists.
Martin Luther, njemački vjerski reformator, nazvao je poglavare Rimokatoličke crkve antikristima.jw2019 jw2019
After 1,006 years, the Holy Roman Empire—founded by Leo III, a Roman Catholic pope, and Charlemagne, a Frankish king—came to an end.
Nakon 1 006 godina Sveto Rimsko Carstvo — koje su osnovali Leon III, rimokatolički papa, i Karlo Veliki, franački kralj — došlo je svom kraju.jw2019 jw2019
The Roman Catholic pope, as well as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, professes such beliefs, yet their church memberships are exclusive of each other.
I rimokatolički papa i anglikanski nadbiskup od Canterburyja ispovjedaju takva vjerovanja, premda članstvu u njihovim crkvama isključuje jedno drugo.jw2019 jw2019
As early as the 1450’s, the edicts of Roman Catholic popes sanctioned the subjugation and enslavement of “pagans” and “infidels” so that their “souls” might be saved for “God’s Kingdom.”
Već 1450-ih, ediktima rimokatoličkih papa odobreno je podjarmljivanje i porobljavanje “pogana” i “nevjernika” kako bi njihove “duše” mogle biti spašene za “Božje Kraljevstvo”.jw2019 jw2019
Then, in 1054, the Greek Orthodox patriarch and the Roman Catholic pope excommunicated each other over theological differences, causing a rift between the Orthodox and Catholic churches that has not healed to this day.
A onda su 1054. grčki pravoslavni patrijarh i rimokatolički papa ekskomunicirali jedan drugoga zbog razlika u teološkim gledištima, što je dovelo do raskola između Pravoslavne i Katoličke crkve, jaza koji nije premošten do današnjeg dana.jw2019 jw2019
In the first few centuries of Christianity, Africa produced many figures who had a major influence outside the continent, including St Augustine of Hippo, St Maurice, Origen, Tertullian, and three Roman Catholic popes (Victor I, Miltiades and Gelasius I), as well as the Biblical characters Simon of Cyrene and the Ethiopian eunuch baptised by Philip the Evangelist.
U prvim stoljećima kršćanstva, Afrika je dala nekoliko osoba koje su imale značajan utjecaj na kršćanstvo izvan Afrike uključujući svetog Augustina, svetog Mauricijusa, Origena, Tertulijana, trojicu papa (Viktora I., Miltijada i Gelazija I.), kao i osobe spomenute u bibliji Šimuna Cirenca i etiopskog eunuha kojeg je krstio Filip Evanđelista.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(See also Peter [Apostle]; Popes; Roman Catholic Church)
(Vidi i Pape; Petar [apostol]; Rimokatolička crkva)jw2019 jw2019
(See also Archbishops; Bishops; Cardinals [Catholic]; Constantine [Emperor]; Councils; Crusades; Inquisition; Jesuits [Roman Catholic Order]; Nuns; Popes; Priests; Reformation; Saints [Man-Made]; Vatican; lands by name)
(Vidi i Biskupi; Inkvizicija; Isusovci; Kardinali; Koncili; Konstantin [car]; Križarski ratovi; Nadbiskupi; Opatice; Pape; Reformacija; Sveci [koje su proglasili ljudi]; Svećenici; Vatikan; pojedina učenja i običaje; pojedine zemlje)jw2019 jw2019
There is in Orthodoxy no one with an equivalent position to the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church.
U pravoslavlju ne postoji nitko tko bi imao položaj ekvivalentan položaju pape u Rimokatoličkoj crkvi.Literature Literature
His pagan title, “Pontifex Maximus,” was later transferred to the popes of the Roman Catholic Church.
Njegova je poganska titula “Pontifex Maximus”, kasnije prenesena na pape katoličke crkve.jw2019 jw2019
For example, a number of Roman Catholics feel uneasy when their pope asks forgiveness for slavery or rehabilitates “heretics” like Hus and Calvin.
Naprimjer, izvjesnom je broju rimokatolika nelagodno kada njihov papa traži oprost zbog ropstva ili kada ponovno prima “heretike” poput Husa i Calvina.jw2019 jw2019
Meeting at the Vatican for the first time since the pope 's death, the world 's Roman Catholic cardinals also decided that the pope will be buried in St. Peter 's Basilica
Sastajući se u Vatikanu po prvi puta od papine smrti, rimokatolički kardinali iz cijelog svijeta također su odlučili kako će papa biti pokopan u bazilici Svetog PetraSetimes Setimes
I mean, it's like how they used to pick the next Catholic Pope, back in the Holy Roman Empire.
Mislim, to je kao kako su birali Papu u Sveto Rimsko Carstvo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church - and the Vatican State on a yet another visit - welcomed by an oppressive heat.
Papa, poglavar Rimo-katoličke crkve - i države Vatikan je u još jednom posjetu - dočekan od strane najviših dužnosnika.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Approximately every three years, the World Youth Day has been organized by the Roman Catholic Church, during which the Pope summons youths from all over the world to a chosen city.
Svjetski dan mladih događaj je u organizaciji Katoličke Crkve, koja okuplja mlade ljude iz cijelog svijeta na susretu s papom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The system, the monarchical, hierarchical governmental system that the people in charge of the Roman Catholic Church from the Pope on down firmly believe was willed by almighty God is the reason why Roger Mahony is believed to be
Sistem, monarhija, hijerarhijski sustav upravljanja za koji ljudi koji upravljaju Crkvom, od Pape pa nadalje, vjeruju da je nastao voljom svemoguceg Boga je razlog zbog kojeg se za Rogera Mahonya vjeruje da je znatno vazniji i boljiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why do respected historical works on the Roman Catholic Church offer such severe comments about a pope and his family?
Zašto priznata djela o povijesti Rimokatoličke crkve tako negativno pišu o ovom papi i njegovoj obitelji?jw2019 jw2019
What might God think of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church of which this Ratzinger is sovereign pope?
Što Bog misli o Rimskoj katoličkoj apostolskoj crkvi i o Ratzingeru papi?Literature Literature
"What happens to the Roman Catholic Church (and who comes next) if anything happens to Pope Benedict.".
Što se događa s Rimokatoličkom Crkvom (i tko dolazi sljedeći), ako se nešto dogodi papi Benediktu..WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their organizational structure has no equivalent of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, or the leaders of other churches and sects of Christendom.
U njihovoj organizacijskoj strukturi nema ničeg usporedivog s papinstvom Katoličke crkve, s patrijarsima istočne ortodoksne crkve ili s vođama ostalih crkava i sekti kršćanstva.jw2019 jw2019
As the Roman Catholic Church considers him the first pope and bishop of Rome, the keys were adopted as a papal emblem; they first appear with papal arms in the 13th century.
Samim time što je sveti Petar prvi biskup Rima i papa, ključevi su usvojeni kao jedni od elemenata na grbu; prvi put se pojavljuju na papinskim grbovima u 13. stoljeću.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also noted that while the pope of the Roman Catholic Church is said to be a peaceful man, “his followers have been known to shed a few million gallons of blood when their tempers are up.”
Također je naveo, da se za papu Rimokatoličke crkve tvrdi da je miroljubiv čovjek, dok “se za njegove sljedbenike zna, da proliju nekoliko milijuna litara krvi kada im se poveća neraspoloženje”.jw2019 jw2019
24 In the western wing of the Roman Empire arose the Catholic bishop of Rome, notably Pope Leo I, who was renowned for asserting papal authority in the fifth century C.E.
24 Na zapadnom krilu Rimskog Carstva pojavio se rimokatolički biskup, značajni papa Leon I, koji je poznat po tome što je u petom stoljeću n. e. učvrstio papinski autoritet.jw2019 jw2019
However, he was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1935, and in the year 2000, Pope John Paul II honored More as the patron saint of politicians.
Međutim 1935. Rimokatolička crkva proglasila ga je svecem, a 2000. papa Ivan Pavao II. proglasio ga je svecem zaštitnikom političara.jw2019 jw2019
Further, a Roman Catholic journalist wrote: “If the pope really has such a fearsome idea of Church history, it is hard to understand how he can now present this selfsame Church as the paladin of ‘human rights,’ the ‘mother and teacher’ that can alone guide humanity toward a truly bright third millennium.”
Nadalje, jedan je rimokatolički novinar napisao: “Ako papa zaista ima tako užasno mišljenje o povijesti Crkve, teško je razumjeti kako sada može baš tu istu Crkvu predstavljati kao viteza za ‘ljudska prava’, ‘majku i učitelja’ koja je jedina u stanju voditi čovječanstvo prema uistinu svijetlom trećem mileniju.”jw2019 jw2019
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