Safe Harbor Principles oor Kroaties

Safe Harbor Principles

Seven principles agreed to by the United States and the European Union for the transfer of PII from the European Union to the United States, which a company must adhere to if it registers for Safe Harbor. The seven principles are categorized into the following subjects: (1) Notice; (2) Choice; (3) Access; (4) Onward Transfer; (5) Security; (6) Data Integrity; and (7) Enforcement.

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Načela sigurne pohrane

Seven principles agreed to by the United States and the European Union for the transfer of PII from the European Union to the United States, which a company must adhere to if it registers for Safe Harbor. The seven principles are categorized into the following subjects: (1) Notice; (2) Choice; (3) Access; (4) Onward Transfer; (5) Security; (6) Data Integrity; and (7) Enforcement.

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Advanced filtering
Such information should include notice about the mechanism's privacy practices, in conformity with the Safe Harbor Principles(2).
Takve informacije trebaju obuhvatiti obavijest o odnosu mehanizma prema praksama u vezi s privatnosti, u skladu s načelima„sigurne luke”, (3).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Safe Harbor Principles are relevant only when individually identified records are transferred or accessed.
Načela „sigurne luke” bitna su samo kada se prenose datoteke koje se mogu pojedinačno identificirati ili se istima pristupa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Safe Harbor Principles apply to the data once they have been transferred to the United States.
Načela „sigurne luke” primjenjuju se na podatke tek kad budu prenijeti u Sjedinjene Američke Države.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The exception would not extend to where FCRA requirements merely do not meet the safe harbor principles(16).
Iznimka se ne bi proširivala na područje u kojem zahtjevi FCRA-a jednostavno ne zadovoljavaju načela „sigurne luke” (16).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
WP 32: Opinion 4/2000 on the level of protection provided by the "Safe Harbor Principles".
RS 32: Mišljenje 4/2000 o razini zaštite koju pružaju „načela sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Industry representatives have discussed the proposed safe harbor principles and their possible application to air carriers.
Predstavnici ove grane su razgovarali o predloženim načelima zaštite i njihovoj mogućoj primjeni na zračne prijevoznike.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Under the safe Harbor Principles, the right of access is fundamental to privacy protection.
Ne. Prema načelima „sigurne luke”, pravo pristupa je neophodno za zaštitu privatnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition, the exception would apply only if the explicit authorization conflicts with adherence to the safe harbor principles.
Osim toga, iznimka se primjenjuje samo kad bi izričito ovlaštenje bilo proturječno s pridržavanjem načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Similarly, the FTC will give priority to referrals of non-compliance with safe harbor principles from EU Member States.
Slično, FTC će dati prednost obavijestima o nepridržavanju načela „sigurne luke” od država članica EU-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is no conflict between use of consumer reports for this purpose and the safe harbor principles per se.
Nema proturječja između korištenja izvješća o potrošačima za ovu svrhu i načela zaštite privatnosti samih po sebi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unless otherwise stated, all provisions of the Safe Harbor Principles and Frequently asked Questions apply where they are relevant.
Osim ako nije drukčije navedeno, sve odredbe načela „sigurna luka” i često postavljana pitanja primjenjuju se tamo gdje su relevantni.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This "authorization" would not justify a credit reporting agency ignoring its commitments to adhere to the safe harbor principles.
Ovo „dopuštenje” ne bi opravdalo kreditni registar što zanemaruje svoje obveze poštivanja načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(13) As a point of clarification, the relevant legal authority will not have to specifically reference the safe harbor principles.
(13) Samo radi objašnjenja, određeno zakonsko tijelo ne mora se izričito pozivati se na načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This commitment can also be found in the safe harbor principles under the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ 11) on enforcement.
Ova obaveza može se pronaći i u načelima zaštite pod često postavljanim pitanjem (često postavljana pitanja 11) o provedbi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Failure to comply with the safe harbor principles could give rise to a number of private claims depending on the relevant circumstances.
Nepoštovanje načela „sigurne luke” može dovesti do brojnih privatnih tužbi ovisno o danim okolnostima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, the exception applies only when what is explicitly authorized by U.S. law conflicts with the requirements of the safe harbor principles.
Nadalje, iznimka se primjenjuje samo kada je ono što je izričito dopušteno prema zakonu SAD-a proturječno zahtjevima načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
By its terms, the exception applies only where the relevant law explicitly authorizes conduct that would be inconsistent with the safe harbor principles.
Prema vlastitim odredbama, iznimka se primjenjuje samo ako određeni zakon izričito odobrava ponašanje koje bi bilo u suprotnosti načelima „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The permissive uses explicitly authorized by the proposed regulations are generally consistent with the safe harbor principles or are otherwise allowed by another exception.
Dozvoljeni oblici uporabe, koje izričito omogućavaju predloženi propisi, općenito su u skladu s načelima zaštite ili su dopušteni nekom drugom iznimkom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The limited exception from strict adherence to the safe harbor principles seeks to strike a balance to accommodate the legitimate interests on each side.
Ograničeno odstupanje od strogog pridržavanja načela „sigurne luke” usmjereno je na postizanje ravnoteže da bi se zadovoljili zakonski interesi obiju strana.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the context of the safe harbor, the relevant representation is the organization's public declaration that it will adhere to the safe harbor principles.
U smislu „sigurne luke”, pravno relevantan prikazivanje je javna izjava organizacije da će se pridržavati načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where it acts in accordance with written instructions by the consumer, the consumer reporting agency would be fully in compliance with the safe harbor principles.
Ako postupa u skladu s pismenim napucima potrošača, agencija za izvješćivanje o potrošačima u potpunosti bi poštivala načela zaštite privatnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- In almost all cases, the authorized uses are either fully consistent with the safe harbor principles or fall into one of the other allowed exceptions.
U gotovo svim slučajevima ovlaštene upotrebe su ili potpuno u skladu s načelima zaštite privatnosti ili pripadaju jednoj od ostalih mogućih iznimaka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We have done so in the past, and we can and will do so in the context of the safe harbor principles when circumstances warrant.
To smo činili u prošlosti, a možemo i činit ćemo to i u kontekstu načela zaštite kada to okolnosti dozvoljavaju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Use of personal information in a manner inconsistent with the safe harbor principles can give rise to legal liability under a number of different legal theories.
Korištenje osobnih podataka koje nije u skladu s načelima „sigurne luke” može biti razlogom pravne odgovornosti prema nizu različitih pravnih teorija.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
All organizations that self-certify for the safe harbor must also state in their relevant published privacy policy statements that they adhere to the Safe Harbor Principles.
Sve organizacije koje daju vlastitu potvrdu za u vezi sa„sigurnom lukom” moraju također navesti u svojim relevantnim objavljenim izjavama o politici privatnosti da poštuju načela „sigurne luke”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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