Simmental oor Kroaties


naamwoord, eienaam
One of a versatile breed of cattle originating in that valley.

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Simmental breed
Croatian Simmental
hrvatski simentalac


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There are many reasons for this , but the most important one is the not-knowing of the essential phenotypic and genetic characteristics of particular traits that determine the fattening ability , quality and meat composition of Simmental population in Croatia .
Razloga tome ima više a jedan karakteristika za pojedine osobine koje određuju tovnu sposobnost , količinu i sastav mesa simentalske populacije u Hrvatskoj .hrenWaC hrenWaC
‘The milk used to make “Munster” or “Munster-Géromé” must only come from cows belonging to the Vosges, Simmental, Prim’Holstein or Montbéliarde breeds or crosses with those breeds.
„Mlijeko koje se upotrebljava u proizvodnji sira ‚Munster’ ili ‚Munster-Géromé’ dobiva se samo od krava pasmine Vosgienne, Simmental, Prim’Holstein, Montbéliarde ili od krava nastalih križanjem s tim pasminama.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Dairy cows of the Simmental française and Aubrac breeds are particularly well adapted to the environmental conditions of the geographical area.
Mliječne krave francuske pasmine simmental i pasmine aubrac posebno su dobro prilagođene uvjetima okoliša zemljopisnog područja.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The milk used to produce Morbier cheese must come exclusively from cows of the Montbeliarde or French Simmental breeds.
Mlijeko koje se koristi za proizvodnju sira Morbier mora potjecati isključivo od krava pasmine Montbéliarde ili francuske Simmental pasmine.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The authorisation of products obtained by crossing the two breeds (Montbéliarde and Simmental française), which used to be implicit, is now explicit.
Odobrena upotreba krava nastalih križanjem dviju pasmina (pasmine „montbéliarde” i francuske pasmine „simmental”), koja se prethodno podrazumijevala, sad je izričito naznačena.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, provision is made that, for health reasons or for the Abondance, Aubrac, Brune, Ferrandaise, Simmental Française and Tarentaise breeds, which are present in low numbers in the geographical area, a derogation may be granted, giving full details and for a limited period of time, by the competent national authority.
Ipak je predviđeno da, zbog sanitarnih razloga ili za pasmine „abondance”, „aubrac”, „brune”, „ferrandaise”, „simmental française” i „tarentaise” prisutne u malom broju na zemljopisnom području, mogu postojati odstupanja koja podrobno i s vremenskim ograničenjem odobrava nadležno nacionalno tijelo.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Cows and heifers other than for slaughter of the following mountain breeds: grey, brown, yellow and mottled Simmental breeds and Pinzgau breed
Krave i junice sljedećih gorskih pasmina koje nisu za klanje: sive, smeđe, žute i šarene simentalske pasmine i pasmine PinzgauEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The cheese is produced solely from milk from cows of the Montbéliarde breed (breed type 46), or from cows of the French Simmental breed (breed type 35) or from crosses of these two breeds of certified descent.
Sir se proizvodi isključivo od kravljeg mlijeka koje potječe samo od krava pasmine „montbéliarde” (pasminski tip 46) ili od krava francuske pasmine „simmental” (pasminski tip 35) ili od krava nastalih križanjem tih dviju pasmina s rodovnicima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The history of the Fleckvieh, the most important breed in Bavarian beef and veal production, began when Max Obermaier and Johann Fischbacher from Gmund am Tegernsee brought some of the renowned Simmental cattle from Switzerland to their native Miesbach in 1837.
Povijest pasmine fleckvieh, glavne pasmine upotrijebljene za proizvodnju mesa u Bavarskoj, počinje s Maxom Obermaierom i Johannom Fischbacherom iz Gmünda (Tegernsee), koji su 1837. u svoj rodni grad Miesbach uvezli slavnu simentalsku pasminu iz Švicarske.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
- adjust the EC tariff rate quota (erga omnes) for "live bovine animals, heifers and cows (other than for slaughter) of the following mountain breeds: grey, brown, yellow, spotted Simmental and Pinzgau" to 710 heads (tariff item numbers 01029005, 01029029, 01029049, 01029059, 01029069), in-quota rate 6 %,
prilagoditi tarifnu kvotu EZ-a (erga omnes) za „žive životinje vrste goveda, bikovi, krave i junice (osim za klanje) sljedećih gorskih vrsta: siva, smeđa, žuta, točkasta simmental i pinzgau” do 710 grla (tarifne oznake 0102 90 05, 0102 90 29, 0102 90 49, 0102 90 59, 0102 90 69), tarifna stopa unutar kvote 6 %,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Today ‘Laguiole’ is still made from raw whole milk obtained from cows of the Simmental française and Aubrac breeds, which are adapted to the environmental conditions of the geographical area (mid-range mountains) and feed principally by grazing or on hay from the geographical area, without any wet-preserved fodder and with a limited amount of complementary feed.
Sir „Laguiole” i danas se proizvodi od sirovog i punomasnog mlijeka koje potječe od krava francuske pasmine simmental ili pasmine aubrac koje su prilagođene uvjetima okoliša na zemljopisnom području (srednje visoko gorje) te koje se uglavnom hrane vegetacijom s pašnjaka i sijenom proizvedenim na zemljopisnom području, bez siliranog krmiva i s ograničenim dodatcima ishrani.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Research goals : The Simmental bulls are , by their number dominant in Croatia ( above 75 % ) .
Ciljevi istraživanja : Simentalska pasmina goveda je najzastupljenija u Hrvatskoj ( oko 75 % ) .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Replacing the former name of the breed, ‘Pie-Rouge de l’Est’, with its new name, ‘Simmental française’, does not change the list of authorised traditional breeds.
Zamjenom starog naziva pasmine „Pie-Rouge de l’Est” njezinim novim nazivom „simentalska pasmina” ne mijenja se popis dopuštenih tradicionalnih pasmina.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The milk used to produce ‘Comté’ must come solely from a dairy herd of Montbéliarde cows of breed type 46, or from French Simmental cows of breed type 35, or from crosses of these two breeds of certified descent.
Mlijeko koje se upotrebljava za proizvodnju sira Comté mora potjecati samo od krava pasmine „montbéliarde” (pasminski tip 46) ili francuske pasmine „simmental” (pasminski tip 35) ili od krava nastalih križanjem tih dviju pasmina s rodovnicima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In other words, a derogation from the obligation for the dairy cows to be born and bred in the geographical area may be granted by the competent national authority for a specific period of time and for a well-justified reason, and only for certain breeds (Brune, Simmental Française, Abondance, Aubrac and Tarentaise), so that the producers in question are able to obtain animals of those breeds outside the geographical area if a sufficient number of animals are not available within the geographical area.
Zahtjev prema kojem se mliječne krave moraju oteliti i uzgajati na zemljopisnom području može dakle biti predmet obrazloženog odstupanja koje je vremenski ograničilo nadležno nacionalno tijelo, isključivo za određene pasmine (brune, simmental française, abondance, aubrac i tarentaise) kako bi se predmetnim proizvođačima omogućilo stjecanje životinja tih pasmina izvan zemljopisnog područja ako na njemu nema dovoljno dostupnih životinja.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Although the Vosges breed emerged in the massif as it adapted to the environment, other breeds were also introduced to make up herd numbers: Simmental from the Swiss border area, Montbéliarde and French Black-Pied Friesian, which was renamed as Prim’ Holstein.
Iako je taj masiv kolijevka pasmine Vosgienne koja je prilagođena okolini, uvedene su druge pasmine kako bi se nadoknadila desetkovana stada: Simmental iz obližnje Švicarske, Montbéliarde, Française Frisonne Pie Noire koja je preimenovana u Prim’Holstein.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Live bovine animals, heifers and cows (other than for slaughter) of the following mountain breeds: grey, brown, yellow, spotted Simmental and Pinzgau
Žive životinje vrste goveda, bikovi, krave i junice (osim za klanje) sljedećih gorskih vrsta: siva, smeđa, žuta točkasta simmental i pinzgauEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition to using cows of the Simmental française and Aubrac breeds, the possibility has been added to introduce into herds producing the milk used to make ‘Laguiole’ cows obtained from crossing these two breeds of certified descent.
Uz krave francuske pasmine simmental i pasmine aubrac dodaje se mogućnost uvođenja krava s rodovnicima, nastalih križanjem tih dviju pasmina, u stada koja proizvode mlijeko za izradu sira „Laguiole”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We sell Simmental cattle.
Prodajemo Simmental goveda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to the already mentioned , the goal of the researches is to define the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of the Simmental in Croatia .
U svezi s navedenim cilj istraživanja je utvrditi fenotipske i genetske karakteristike bitnih osobina simentalca u Hrvatskoj .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Furthermore, it has been added that ‘However, for health reasons or for the mountain breeds Brune, Simmental Française, Abondance, Aubrac and Tarentaise, only small numbers of which are kept in the geographical area and for which demand exceeds the supply authorised by the director of the National Institute of Origin and Quality, a derogation from the provisions in the three preceding paragraphs may be granted by the director of the Institute’.
Nadalje, dodaje se sljedeće: „Međutim, iz zdravstvenih razloga ili kako bi se uzele u obzir planinske pasmine brune, simmental française, abondance, aubrac i tareyer, koje su prisutne u malom broju na zemljopisnom području na kojem je, prema podacima Nacionalnog instituta za podrijetlo i kvalitetu, potražnja za životinjama veća od ponude, Nacionalni institut za podrijetlo i kvalitetu može odobriti odstupanje od odredaba triju prethodnih odlomaka.”.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
In this region, where meadows alternate with woods and combes, the extremely wide variety of perfumed flora gives the milk of cows of the Montbéliarde and French Simmental breed, which are particularly well adapted to the geographical area, a specific taste, preserved by using the milk raw.
U tom području, gdje se izmjenjuju travnjaci, šume i doline, izuzetno raznolika i mirisna flora mlijeku krava pasmina „montbéliarde” i francuske „simmental” pasmine, koje su posebno prilagođene tom zemljopisnom području, daje poseban okus očuvan uporabom sirova mlijeka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The milk used to make ‘Laguiole’ must come exclusively from dairy herds consisting of cows of the Simmental française (breed code 35) or Aubrac (breed code 14) breeds or of cows obtained from crossing these two breeds of certified descent.
Mlijeko koje se upotrebljava za proizvodnju sira „Laguiole” mora potjecati samo od mliječnih stada koja čine krave francuske pasmine simmental (pasminski tip 35) ili pasmine aubrac (pasminski tip 14) ili krave s rodovnicima nastale križanjem tih dviju pasmina.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
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