Socialist Youth oor Kroaties

Socialist Youth

Socialist Youth (Norway)

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Socijalistička omladina Hrvatske

Socialist Youth (Croatia)

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A socialist youth member, acting as if we were in the Dark Ages.
Kao da smo u Srednjem vijeku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I have retained many ideas and ideals from my socialist youth in my old age.
Iz svoje socijalističke mladosti sačuvao sam u starosti mnoge ideje i ideale.Literature Literature
As socialist youth chairman, he became popular and gained the support of President Tito, which helped him to become the first re-elected youth leader.
Postao je popularan i stekao je potporu predsjednika Tita, što mu je omogućilo postati prvim vođom omladinske organizacije koji je ponovno izabran na čelo organizacije, 1977. godine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ever since you told us you wanted to become a singer... and you joined the Trotsk... the socialistic youth... we knew you would go your own way
Još otkad si nam rekla da želiš postati pjevačica... i priključila se mladim socijalistima... znali smo da ćeš ići svojim putemopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A combination of school administrator and zealous Nazi, he issued decrees, often bizarre, at every level of the German educational system to immerse German youth in the National Socialist philosophy.
Izdao je dekrete, često bizarne, na različitim razinama njemačkog obrazovnog sustava, da bi Njemačku mladež obrazovao u nacional-socijalističkoj filozofiji.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rank of Scharführer was also used by other Nazi Party organizations; among them the National Socialist Flyers Corps (NSFK), National Socialist Motorist Corps (NSKK) and the Hitler Youth (HJ).
Čin Scharführera rabile su i neke manje nacističke organizacije; među njima je i Nacionalsocijalistički leteći odred (NSFK), Nacionalsocijalistički motociklistički odred (NSKK) i Hitlerova mladež (HJ).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There were 16 display boards presenting stories and pictures from the time when Palić belonged to the working class and socialist youth.
Šesnaest panela pokazuju isti broj ilustriranih priča iz vremena kada je Palić pripadao radničkoj klasi i socijalističkoj omladini.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The real fight was between an independent socialist, Charlie White, who had Common Wealth support, and the youthful conservative Lord Hartington, who had official Labour backing.
Charliea Whitea kojeg je podržavao Common Wealth i mlađahnog konzervativca lorda Hartingtona sa službenom potporom laburista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I became a member of the Free German Youth, a State-sponsored socialist youth organization, and served as secretary, a responsible position among local members.
Trudio sam se biti što više zaposlen, pa sam se učlanio u neke udruge. Postao sam član Slobodne njemačke omladine, socijalističkog udruženja mladih.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The major Nazi Party paramilitary groups were as follows: Schutzstaffel (SS): "Protection Squadron" (both Allgemeine SS and Waffen-SS) Sturmabteilung (SA): "Storm Division" Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK): "National Socialist Flyers Corps" Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK): "National Socialist Motor Corps" The Hitler Youth was a paramilitary group divided into an adult leadership corps and a general membership open to boys aged fourteen to eighteen.
Veće nacističke paravojne skupine bile su: Schutzstaffel (SS): "Zaštitni odred" Sturmabteilung (SA): "Jurišni odred" Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK): "Nacionalsocijalistički leteći korpus" Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK): "Nacionalsocijalistički motociklistički korpus" Hitlerova mladež također je bila paravojna skupina koju su vodili punoljetni nacisti, a u nju su se učlanjivali mladi od 14 do 18 godina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Romano Bolkovic, son of an officer of former Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) from Pula, and Vinko Grubisic, from Herzegovina whose parents moved from Posuski Gradac to Zagreb Dubrava, became the best of friends in the end of the eighties when socialist youth founded their own television station - OTV - in the capital.
Romano Bolković, sin oficira JNA iz Pule, i Vinko Grubišić, hercegovačko dijete čiji su roditelji iz Posuškoga Graca doselili u zagrebačku Dubravu, postali su najbolji prijatelji koncem osamdesetih godina kad je metropolitanska socijalistička mladež pokrenula Omladinsku televiziju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The centers of political power at that time were within the League of Communists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which also influenced the social-political organizations of that time, including the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Trade Union Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Union of the Socialist Youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were democratized under public pressure.
Dotadašnja središta političke moći koja su se nalazila u Savezu komunista Bosne i Hercegovine, i pod njegovim utjecajem u tadašnjim društveno-političkim organizacijama: Socijalističkom savezu radnog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine, Savezu sindikata Bosne i Hercegovine i Savezu socijalističke omladine Bosne i Hercegovine, također su se pred pritiskom javnosti demokratizirali.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Before the session, there will be vote by the items of the previous one, among which are the law on salaries in institutions of BiH and the law on drugs, and the conclusion that the Council of Ministers is to establish the property of the former Communist Party of BiH, the Union of the Socialist Youth and other similar organizations and take it away from the present owners, who unlawfully earn Links About Reform
Prije sjednice glasat će se po tačkama s prethodne, među kojima su zakon o plaćama u institucijama BiH i zakon o lijekovima te zaključak da Vijeće ministara utvrdi imovinu bivšeg Saveza komunista BiH, Saveza socijalističke omladine i drugih sličnih organizacija i oduzme je sadašnjim vlasnicima, koji nezakonito zarađuju na Javne nabave Nabave Ureda Nabave Fonda RJUParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Before the session, there will be vote by the items of the previous one, among which are the law on salaries in institutions of BiH and the law on drugs, and the conclusion that the Council of Ministers is to establish the property of the former Communist Party of BiH, the Union of the Socialist Youth and other similar organizations and take it away from the present owners, who unlawfully earn on renting buildings and business spaces.
Prije sjednice glasat će se po tačkama s prethodne, među kojima su zakon o plaćama u institucijama BiH i zakon o lijekovima te zaključak da Vijeće ministara utvrdi imovinu bivšeg Saveza komunista BiH, Saveza socijalističke omladine i drugih sličnih organizacija i oduzme je sadašnjim vlasnicima, koji nezakonito zarađuju na Javne nabave Nabave Ureda Nabave Fonda RJUParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Among the most significant ones are the 1982 research by the Zagreb Social Studies Institute , the results of which have been published under the title " Social Position of Roma in the Socialist Republic of Croatia " ; the 1998 research by the Social Sciences Institute Ivo Pilar entitled " Social and Developmental Position of Roma in Croatia ; and the 2002 research by the State Institute for the Family , Maternity and Youth entitled " Structure of Roma families and their perception of parenting " .
Među najznačajnijima su : istraživanje Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu , iz 1982 . , čiji su rezultati objavljeni pod naslovom " Društveni položaj Roma u SR Hrvatskoj " ; istraživanje Instituta društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar , iz 1998 . godine , pod naslovom " Društveni i razvojni položaj Roma u Hrvatskoj " , te Državnog zavoda za obitelj , materinstvo i mladež , iz 2002 . , pod naslovom " Struktura romskih obitelji i poimanje sadržaja roditeljstva u njima " .hrenWaC hrenWaC
(1) The Day of Youth was a commemorative festivity from the era of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which commemorated the birthday of the lifetime president Josip Broz Tito (1892 – 1980).
(1) Dan mladosti je komemorativna svečanost iz doba Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije kojom se obilježavao rođendan doživotnog predsjednika Josipa Broza Tita (1892. – 1980.).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Acting in the unorthodox socialist environment, one that was increasingly open towards Western influence, the youth press rejected its original propagandistic tasks, turning into a relevant media, that transmitted fresh and subversive political and cultural messages.
Djelujući u specifičnom socijalističkom okružju, sve propusnijem spram zapadnih utjecaja, jugoslavenski omladinski tisak odbacuje zacrtanu transmisijsku zadaću postupno se pretvarajući u relevantni medij koji s margine odašilje svježe i dijelom subverzivne političke i kulturne poruke.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The building of the former headquarters of the central committees of the Union of Communists of Croatia and the Union of Youth of Croatia and the Main Committee of the Socialist Union of the Working People of Croatia, and one of the most monumental examples of Croatian high modernism.
Kockicom, zgradom bivšeg sjedišta centralnih komiteta Saveza komunista Hrvatske i Saveza omladine Hrvatske te Glavnog odbora Socijalističkog saveza radnog naroda Hrvatske i jednim od najmonumentalnijih primjera hrvatskog visokog modernizma.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Macedonia is one of the few Balkan, if not European, countries where youth organisation is next to non-existent, while the forms in which it does exist do not differ greatly from those in the socialist era.
Makedonija je jedna od rijetkih zemalja na Balkanu, ako ne i u Europi, u kojoj udruge mladih gotovo ne postoje, dok se oblici u kojima postoje ne razlikuju bitno od onih iz razdoblja socijalizma.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The concept of the “socialist man” will include a variety of groups: children as pupils and pioneers; youth as participants of labour actions; workers as shock-workers, but also as self-managers, recipients and creators of cultural practices; workers in the triangle formed by mining, shipbuilding and tourism, but also the so called cultural, pedagogical and sport workers; working-class intellectual life, as well as their pastimes; socialist citizens as participants in popular culture, leisure and consumer culture; socialist citizens enjoying their standard of living, but sometimes also troubled by the economic situation; socialist citizens united in a multi-ethnic federation and obliged to obey the idea of brotherhood and unity, but also ready to discuss their political and national rights, whether in the education system, world of labour, media, scholar production or sport system.
Koncept „socijalističkoga čovjeka“ uključuje razne skupine: djecu kao učenike i pionire; mlade kao sudionike radnih akcija; radnike kao udarnike, ali i samoupravljače te primatelje i stvaratelje kulturnih praksi; radnike u trokutu između rudarenja, brodogradnje i turizma, ali i takozvane kulturne, pedagoške i sportske radnike; intelektualni život radničke klase, ali i slobodno vrijeme radnika; sudjelovanje socijalističkih građana u popularnoj kulturi, dokolici i potrošačkoj kulturi; uživanje u životnom standardu, ali i nevolje izazvane gospodarskim stanjem; socijalističke građane ujedinjene u višenacionalnu federaciju i dužne slijediti ideju bratstva i jedinstva, ali i spremne na raspravu o svojim političkim i nacionalnim pravima, bilo u obrazovnom sustavu, svijetu rada, medijima, znanosti ili sportu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My whole youth cannot be reinvented into a pure fantasy - any eventual alteration of the SFRY state of birth of the person ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA, and any eventual alteration of the SFRY citizenship of the person ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA during the duration of the SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA, as well as in the period immediately after the Yugoslavia's destruction, any eventual reincarnation of the person ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA inside any kind of society by attaching him some new citizenship, either purposely or through the criminal mistake, is a falsification of real facts..
Čitava mi se mladost nikako ne može izrežirati u običnu sanjariju - svako eventualno prekrajanje države rođenja osobe ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA u bilo što osim SFRJ, te za vrijeme trajanja SOCIJALISTIČKE FEDERATIVNE REPUBLIKE JUGOSLAVIJE svako eventualno prišivanje osobi ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA bilo kojeg drugačijeg državljanstva od onog SFRJ, isto kao i u periodu neposredno nakon razaranja Jugoslavije svaka eventualna reinkarnacija osobe ĐURIĆ ALJOŠA u bilo kakvom društvu kalemljenjem joj novog državljanstva, namjerno ili kriminalnom greškom krivotvorenje je istinitog činjeničnog stanja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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