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The mathematical formula used to calculate the CC is therefore: PPP (provided by Eurostat) divided by TX = CC.
Matematička formula upotrebljena za izračun CC-a stoga je: PKM (koji dostavlja Eurostat) podijeljen s TX-om = CC.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
for whiting (Merlangius merlangus), up to a maximum of 6 % of the total annual catches of that species by vessels obliged to land whiting and using bottom trawls and seines of not less than 100 mm (OTB, SSC, OTT, PTB, SDN, SPR, TBN, TBS, TB, SX, SV OT, PT and TX) and pelagic trawls (OTM, PTM) to catch whiting in ICES divisions VIIb-VIIj;
za pišmolja (Merlangius merlangus), do najviše 6 % ukupnog godišnjeg ulova te vrste plovilima koja imaju obvezu iskrcavanja pišmolja i koriste se pridnenim povlačnim mrežama i mrežama potegačama veličine oka mrežnog tega od najmanje100 mm (OTB, SSC, OTT, PTB, SDN, SPR, TBN, TBS, TB, SX, SV, OT, PT i TX) te pelagijskim povlačnim mrežama (OTM, PTM) za ribolov pišmolja u zonama ICES-a VII.b – VII.j;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The three new joint recommendations further propose extending the application of the de minimis exemption, as provided for in Article 15(4)(c) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 to hake (Merluccius merluccius) and mullets (Mullus spp.), up to 6 % in 2019 and 2020 and up to 5 % in 2021 of the total annual catches of those species made by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT and TX), and up to 1 % in 2019, 2020 and 2021 of the total annual catches of those species made by vessels using gillnets and trammel nets (GNS, GN, GND, GNC, GTN, GTR, GEN), in the Western Mediterranean Sea, in the Adriatic Sea and in the South-eastern Mediterranean Sea.
U trima novim zajedničkim preporukama nadalje se predlaže proširenje primjene izuzeća de minimis, kako je predviđeno u članku 15. stavku 4. točki (c) Uredbe (EU) br. 1380/2013, na oslića (Merluccius merluccius) i trlje (Mullus spp.), do 6 % (za 2019. i 2020.) odnosno 5 % (za 2021.) ukupnih godišnjih ulova tih vrsta ostvarenih plovilima koja se koriste pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT i TX) te do 1 % (za 2019., 2020. i 2021.) ukupnih godišnjih ulova tih vrsta ostvarenih plovilima koja se koriste jednostrukim i trostrukim mrežama stajaćicama (GNS, GN, GND, GNC, GTN, GTR, GEN) u zapadnom Sredozemnome moru, Jadranskome moru i jugoistočnom Sredozemnome moru.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) caught with all bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) in the Western Mediterranean Sea, in the Adriatic Sea and in the South-eastern Mediterranean Sea;
škampa (Nephrops norvegicus) ulovljenog svim pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) u zapadnom Sredozemnome moru, Jadranskome moru i jugoistočnom Sredozemnome moru;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(a) Substances and preparations classified according to Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances ( 7 ) with amendments and Council Directive 88/379/EEC of 7 June 1988 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations ( 8 ) as toxic (T), very toxic (Tx), corrosive (C) or explosive (E);
(a) Tvari i pripravci razvrstani prema Direktivi Vijeća 67/548/EEZ od 27. lipnja 1967. o usklađivanju zakona i drugih propisa u odnosu na razvrstavanje, pakiranje i označivanje opasnih tvari ( 7 ) s izmjenama i Direktivi Vijeća 88/379/EEZ od 7. lipnja 1988. o usklađivanju zakona i drugih propisa država članica u odnosu na razvrstavanje, pakiranje i označivanje opasnih pripravaka ( 8 ) kao otrovnih (T) vrlo otrovnih (Tx), nagrizajućih (C) ili eksplozivnih (E);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(22) Other dates (Tx) may be specified depending on the TSI and the specific case.
(22) Mogu se odrediti drugi datumi (Tx), ovisno o TSI-ju i posebnom slučaju.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Note: When the dual channel operation is suspended by Tx/Rx mode command 1 or 2, the resulting reporting interval is twice the interval given in above table.
Napomena: Kada naredba 1 ili 2 u načinu rada Tx/Rx zaustavlja rad dvojnog kanala, interval izvješćivanja je dvostruko duži od intervala navedenog u gornjoj tablici.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
for hake (Merluccius merluccius), up to a maximum of 7 % in 2016 and 2017 and up to 6 % in 2018 of the total annual catches of this species by vessels using trawls (gear codes: OTT, OTB, PTB, OT, PT, TBN, TBS, TX, SSC, SPR, TB, SDN, SX and SV) targeting this species in ICES subareas VIII and IX.
za oslić (Merluccius merluccius) do najviše 7 % u 2016. i 2017. i do 6 % u 2018. ukupnog godišnjeg ulova te vrste plovilima koja se koriste povlačnim mrežama (šifre ribolovnog alata: OTT, OTB, PTB, OT, PT, TBN, TBS, TX, SSC, SPR, TB, SDN, SX i SV) za ribolov te vrste na potpodručjima ICES-a VIII. i IX.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The new joint recommendation for the Adriatic Sea suggests extending the application of the de minimis exemption to hake (Merluccius merluccius) and mullets (Mullus spp.), up to 1 % in 2019, 2020 and 2021 of the total annual catches of those species made by vessels using the ‘rapido’ gear (TBB) and to common sole (Solea solea) up to 3 % in 2019, 2020 and 2021 of the total annual catches of that species made by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT and TX) in the Adriatic Sea.
U novoj zajedničkoj preporuci za Jadransko more predlaže se proširenje primjene izuzeća de minimis na oslića (Merluccius merluccius) i trlje (Mullus spp.), do 1 % ukupnih godišnjih ulova tih vrsta ostvarenih 2019., 2020. i 2021. plovilima koja se koriste alatom „rapido” (TBB) i na lista (Solea solea), do 3 % ukupnih godišnjih ulova te vrste ostvarenih 2019., 2020. i 2021. plovilima koja se koriste pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT i TX) u Jadranskome moru.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The figure provided in the first column (PPP) is the product of multiplying the exchange rate (TX) by the weighting (CC).
Iznos naveden u prvom stupcu (PKM) proizvod je množenja deviznog tečaja (TX) s ponderom (CC).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The amounts due to staff are calculated by applying the invariable PPP established by this table — not by multiplying each time the CC by the TX of the date of the transaction, since this TX is variable and will produce a different (wrong) PPP.
Iznosi koje treba isplatiti osoblju izračunavaju se primjenom stalnog PKM-a ustanovljenog ovom tablicom — a ne množenjem, svaki put, CC-a s TX-om na dan transakcije, s obzirom na to da je ovaj TX promjenjiv i proizvest će različit (pogrešan) PKM.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The TX-14 gas was working perfectly, till you sabotaged it.
TX-14 je radio perfektno, dok ga ti nisi sjebo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
for common sole (Solea solea), up to a maximum of 5 % of the total annual catches of that species by vessels using beam trawl and bottom trawls (gear codes: OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TBB, OT, PT and TX) in ICES divisions 8a and 8b;
za lista (Solea solea) do najviše 5 % ukupnih godišnjih ulova te vrste plovilima koja se koriste povlačnim mrežama s gredom i pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) (oznake alata: OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TBB, OT, PT i TX) u zonama ICES-a 8a i 8b;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(a) for hake (Merluccius merluccius), up to a maximum of 6 % in 2018 of the total annual catches of this species by vessels using trawls and seins (gear codes: OTT, OTB, PTB, OT, PT, TBN, TBS, TX, SSC, SPR, TB, SDN, SX and SV) to catch hake in ICES subareas VIII and IX;
(a) za oslić (Merluccius merluccius), do najviše 6 % u 2018. ukupnog godišnjeg ulova te vrste plovilima koja se koriste povlačnim mrežama i mrežama potegačama (oznake alata: OTT, OTB, PTB, OT, PT, TBN, TBS, TX, SSC, SPR, TB, SDN, SX i SV) za ulov oslića u potpodručjima ICES-a VIII. i IX. ;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Case C-688/18: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 13 February 2020 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Spetsializiran nakazatelen sad — Bulgaria) — Criminal proceedings against TX, UW (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in criminal matters — Directive (EU) 2016/343 — Presumption of innocence and right to be present at the trial in criminal proceedings — Article 8(1) and (2) — Conditions laid down by national law in order to hold a trial in absentia — Non-appearance of accused persons at certain hearings for reasons either within or beyond their control — Right to fair legal process)
Predmet C-688/18: Presuda Suda (šesto vijeće) od 13. veljače 2020. (zahtjev za prethodnu odluku koji je uputio Specializiran nakazatelen sad – Bugarska) – kazneni postupak protiv TX, UW (Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku – Pravosudna suradnja u kaznenim stvarima – Direktiva (EU) 2016/343 – Pretpostavka nedužnosti i pravo sudjelovati na raspravi u kaznenom postupku – Članak 8. stavci 1. i 2. – Uvjeti zahtijevani nacionalnim propisom za održavanje suđenja u odsutnosti – Nedolazak optuženika na neke rasprave zbog razloga koji ovise ili ne ovise o njihovoj volji – Pravo na pošteno suđenje)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
for sole (Solea spp.), up to a maximum of 7 % in 2019 of the total annual catches of that species by vessels using beam trawl, bottom trawls and seines (gear codes: OTB, OTT, PTB, TB, TBN, TBS, OT, PT, TX, SSC, SPR, SDN, SX, SV) in ICES division 9a.
za listove (Solea spp.) do najviše 7 % ukupnih godišnjih ulova te vrste 2019. plovilima koja se koriste povlačnim mrežama s gredom, pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) i potegačama (oznake alata: OTB, OTT, PTB, TB, TBN, TBS, OT, PT, TX, SSC, SPR, SDN, SX i SV) u zoni ICES-a 9a.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Substances and preparations classified according to Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (2) with amendments and Council Directive 88/379/EEC of 7 June 1988 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations (3) as toxic (T), very toxic (Tx), corrosive (C) or explosive (E);
Tvari i pripravci razvrstani prema Direktivi Vijeća 67/548/EEZ od 27. lipnja 1967. o usklađivanju zakona i drugih propisa u odnosu na razvrstavanje, pakiranje i označivanje opasnih tvari (2) s izmjenama i Direktivi Vijeća 88/379/EEZ od 7. lipnja 1988. o usklađivanju zakona i drugih propisa država članica u odnosu na razvrstavanje, pakiranje i označivanje opasnih pripravaka (3) kao otrovnih (T) vrlo otrovnih (Tx), nagrizajućih (C) ili eksplozivnih (E);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The new joint recommendations for the Adriatic Sea and the South-eastern Mediterranean Sea propose applying the survivability exemption to Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) caught with bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) in the Adriatic Sea and in the South-eastern Mediterranean Sea.
U novim zajedničkim preporukama za Jadransko more i za jugoistočno Sredozemno more predlaže se primjena izuzeća na temelju stope preživljavanja za škampa (Nephrops norvegicus) ulovljenog pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) u Jadranskome moru i jugoistočnom Sredozemnome moru.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(e) Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) caught with all bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) in the Western Mediterranean Sea.
(e) škamp (Nephrops norvegicus) ulovljen svim pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TB, OT, PT, TX) u zapadnom Sredozemnome moru.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In ICES division 7d, within six nautical miles of the coast but outside identified nursery areas, the survivability exemption provided for in Article 15(4)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall apply to catches of common sole (Solea solea) below the minimum conservation reference size made using otter trawl gears (gear codes: OTT, OTB, TBS, TBN, TB, PTB, OT, PT, TX) with a cod end mesh size of 80-99 mm, by vessels:
Izuzeće na temelju stope preživljavanja iz članka 15. stavka 4. točke (b) Uredbe (EU) br. 1380/2013 primjenjuje se u zoni ICES-a 7d unutar šest nautičkih milja od obale i izvan potvrđenih rastilišta na ulove lista (Solea solea) ispod minimalne referentne veličine za očuvanje ostvarene povlačnim mrežama sa širilicama (oznake alata: OTT, OTB, TBS, TBN, TB, PTB, OT, PT i TX) sa sakom veličine oka mrežnog tega 80–99 mm plovilima:Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
for horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.), up to a maximum of 7 % in 2019 of the total annual catches of that species by vessels using beam trawl, bottom trawls and seines (gear codes: OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TBB, OT, PT, TX, SSC, SPR, SDN, SX, SV) in ICES subareas 8 and 9;
za šaruna (Trachurus spp.) do najviše 7 % ukupnih godišnjih ulova te vrste 2019. plovilima koja se koriste povlačnim mrežama s gredom, pridnenim povlačnim mrežama (koćama) i potegačama (oznake alata: OTB, OTT, PTB, TBN, TBS, TBB, OT, PT, TX, SSC, SPR, SDN, SX i SV) na potpodručjima ICES-a 8 i 9;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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