Techno-Industrial oor Kroaties


One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 51.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

Tehno-industrijska glazba

One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 51.

Geskatte vertalings

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I seek out techno-industrial sector where I can purchase two simlats of platinum paste.
Zahtijevam također tehnoidustrijski odjel gdje mogu kupiti dva tri simlata kreme od platine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Back in Moscow, and back to the beginning of the story loop, he visits his friends and while drinking tea, debates his dream of playing techno during the day and bringing the techno club industry more in line with a healthy lifestyle.
Dok ispija čaj, raspravlja o svome snu - o puštanju techno glazbe tijekom dana i težnji da približi način života u techno industriji, usklađujući ga sa zdravijim načinom života.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(i) discuss the economic and techno-economic factors affecting the elastomer industry, and its future development;
raspravljao o gospodarskim i gospodarsko tehničkim čimbenicima koji utječu na industriju elastomera i njezin budući razvoj;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It should be, like, some industrial shit, some fucking German techno.
To bi trebalo biti neko industrijsko sranje, neki jebeni njemački techno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to the label: "Braindance is the genre that encompasses the best elements of all genres, e.g. traditional, classical, electronic music, popular, modern, industrial, ambient, hip-hop, electro, house, techno, breakbeat, hardcore, ragga, garage, drum and bass, etc."
Prema riječima kuće: "Braindance je žanr koji obuhvaća najbolje elemente svih žanrova, primjerice tradicionalne glazbe, klasične glazbe, elektroničke glazbe, popularne glazbe, suvremene glazbe, industrijalne glazbe, ambijentalne glazbe, hip-hopa, electra, housea, techna, breakbeata, hardcorea, ragga, garagea, drum and bassa itd."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
–Research on best available techniques and environmental management practices, techno-economic analyses and life cycle assessment of industrial processes, waste management, water reuse, raw materials, critical raw materials and quality criteria for recovered materials, all supporting circular economy;
–istraživanja o najboljim raspoloživim tehnikama i praksama upravljanja okolišem, tehnološko-gospodarske analize i procjena životnog ciklusa industrijskih procesa, gospodarenje otpadom, ponovna uporaba vode, sirovine, kritične sirovine i kriteriji kvalitete za oporabljene materijale, sve kao potpora kružnom gospodarstvu,Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
– Research on best available techniques and environmental management practices, techno-economic analyses and life cycle assessment of industrial processes, chemicals management, waste management, water reuse, raw materials, critical raw materials and quality criteria for recovered materials, all supporting circular economy;
– istraživanja o najboljim raspoloživim tehnikama i praksama upravljanja okolišem, tehnološko-gospodarske analize i procjena životnog ciklusa industrijskih procesa, upravljanje kemikalijama, gospodarenje otpadom, ponovna uporaba vode, sirovine, kritične sirovine i kriteriji kvalitete za oporabljene materijale, sve kao potpora kružnom gospodarstvu,not-set not-set
He soon answers, in effect, his own disingenuous question (1985): “The general irreversibility of technological innovation overrides the indeterminacy of individual points of bifurcation and drives the processes of history in the observed direction from primitive tribes to modern techno-industrial states.”
Nedugo zatim ponudio je i odgovor na svoje nedomišljato pitanje: Opća nepovratnost tehnologijskog razvoja premošćuje raznosmjernost individualnih grananja, vodeći povijesne procese u jedinstvenom i očitom smjeru od primitivnih plemena prema modernim tehnoindustrijskim državama. Kakve li znanstvenosti!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Perhaps nuclear power is the one element of this civilized world where the senseless monstrosity of the techno-industrial system can be understood by anybody, but we have to realize that we are sacrificing all protection of our individual freedom and the chance to live a worthwhile life on the altar of technological development.
Nuklearna energija je možda element ovog civiliziranog svijeta putem kojeg besmislenost i monstruoznost tehno-industrijskog sistema može biti svakom jasan, ali trebamo biti svjesni da na oltaru tehnološkog razvoja žrtvujemo svaku zaštitu naše individualne slobode i mogućnosti da živimo život vrijedan života.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Although arguably a house variant from Detroit, techno music reached Amsterdam in the late 1980s, and it was the producers and DJs from Rotterdam in the early 1990s who evolved it, mixing it with industrial into a harder house variant which is today known as "gabber".
Iako je u kasnim 1980-ima house varijantu od Detroita prvi dosegao Amsterdam, to su bili producenti i DJ-i iz Rotterdama kojima je to preraslo u težu house varijantu kakvu mi danas poznajemo kao "Gabber" stil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2019 From October 29, 2011 to April 29, 2012, everything revolves around nutrition and its industrial development at the Mannheim Techno shop: from the invention of cans to microwaves and frozen pizza.
2019 Od 29. listopada 2011. do 29. travnja 2012. sve se vrti oko prehrane i njezinog industrijskog razvoja u trgovini Mannheim Techno: od izuma konzervi do mikrovalne pećnice i zamrznute pizze.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
11 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.