Wahhabism oor Kroaties


eienaam, naamwoord
(Islam) a branch of Sunni Islam practised by those who follow the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab

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branch of Sunni Islam

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whereas KSA has taken strong and decisive action and enforced severe measures to combat terrorism and financial activities linked to terrorism; whereas, at the same time, KSA plays a leading role in disseminating and promoting worldwide a particularly rigorous Salafi/Wahhabi interpretation of Islam; whereas the most extreme manifestations of Salafism/Wahhabism have inspired terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaeda and pose a global security threat, including for KSA itself; whereas KSA has developed a system to control financial transactions to ensure that no funds are being channelled into terrorist organisations, which must be further reinforced;
budući da je KSA poduzela snažne i odlučne korake i provela stroge mjere u borbi protiv terorizma i financijskih aktivnosti povezanih s terorizmom; budući da KSA istodobno ima vodeću ulogu u širenju i promicanju posebno strogoga selefističkog/vehabističkog tumačenja islama diljem svijeta; budući da su najekstremnija očitovanja selefizma/vehabizma dovela do nastanka terorističkih organizacija poput Al Qaide te predstavljaju svjetsku sigurnosnu prijetnju, uključujući i za samu KSA-u; budući da je KSA razvila sustav kontrole financijskih transakcija kako bi onemogućila uplatu sredstava terorističkim organizacijama, koji se mora dodatno ojačati;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Yet through it all, the marriage between the followers of Wahhab and the House of Saud had endured.
A ipak, brak između Vahabovih sljedbenika i dinastije al-Sauda uspio se održati.Literature Literature
whereas Daesh, al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist organisations are inspired by the extreme version of Salafism/Wahhabism; whereas, despite the military and territorial defeat of Daesh, the threat of this ideology still needs to be tackled through improved governance, education, provision of services, de-radicalisation efforts and full inclusion of the Sunni community in the Iraqi political process;
budući da se Daiš, al-Kaida i slične terorističke organizacije nadahnjuju ekstremnim oblicima salafizma/vehabizma; budući da je, unatoč vojnom i teritorijalnom porazu Daiša, još uvijek potrebno ukloniti prijetnju koju predstavlja njegova ideologija i to poboljšanjem upravljanja, obrazovanja, pružanja usluga, deradikalizacijom i potpunim uključenjem sunitske zajednice u političke procese u Iraku;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Before the emergence of Wahhabism there was a very limited history of Islamic education in the area.
Nakon hidžre nastupa krucijalno razdoblje u povijesti islama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The other woman, who recently converted to Islam, created the second website, promoting Wahhabism-- an ideology of modern terrorism and the ideological foundations of the al-Qaeda network
Druga žena, koja je nedavno prešla na Islam, napravila je drugu internet stranicu, kojom se promiče vahabizam-- ideologija modernog terorizma i ideološki temelj mreže al- QaedaSetimes Setimes
And the ideas that the madrassas taught were very close to Saudi Wahhabism.
A ideje koje su se učile u madrasama bile su bliske saudijskom vahabizmu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Both ruthlessly simplified the world and both, although they were completely contradictory, were rooted in Wahhabism, the intolerant fundamentalism that came from Saudi Arabia.
Obje okrutno pojednostavljuju stanje u svijetu i obje, iako potpuno kontradiktorne, su imale korijene u Vehabizmu netolerantnom fundamentalizmu poteklom iz Saudijske Arabije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wahhabism was part of a wider movement in Islam that had risen up in reaction to the European empires.
Vehabizam je dio većeg pokreta unutar Islama koji je razvijen kao reakcija na uspon europskih carstava.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" The arrival of Wahhabism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Raska/Sandzak region, Kosovo and Macedonia, however, poses new challenges to the region: one that is of great concern to many Western European countries, " Ninkovic said
" Pojava vehabizma u Bosni i Hercegovini, u regiji Raške/Sandžaka, na Kosovu i u Makedoniji, međutim, predstavlja nove izazove za regiju: što izaziva veliku zabrinutost u mnogim zemljama zapadne Europe ", rekao je NinkovićSetimes Setimes
The Saudi faith was called Wahhabism.
Saudijska vjera je VehabizamOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wahhabism is becoming a concern but does not represent a security threat, Macedonian Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and visiting Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic agreed during talks at the weekend
Vehabizam postaje zabrinutost, ali ne predstavlja sigurnosnu prijetnju, složili su se u razgovoru tijekom vikenda makedonska ministrica unutarnjih poslova Gordana Jankulovska i njezin srbijanski kolega Ivica Dačić, koji je boravio u posjetu MakedonijiSetimes Setimes
A fundamentalist movement originating during the # th century in present-day Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism regards other branches of Islam as illegitimate, opposes foreign influence, and bars numerous activities-- including listening to music-- as contrary to Islam
Fundamentalistički pokret nastao tijekom # stoljeća u današnjoj Saudijskoj Arabiji, vehabizam tretira druge ogranke Islama kao nelegitimne, protivi se inozemnom utjecaju i zabranjuje brojne djelatnosti-- uključujući slušanje glazbe-- kao suprotno IslamuSetimes Setimes
What re-emerged was the fierce, intolerant vision of Wahhabism that had survived from the 1920s.
Ponovno se pojavila krvoločna i netolerantna vizija vehabizma, koja je preživjela od 1920-ih.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In fact, there’s a mud hut in his hometown where Wahhab himself is said to have stayed once.
Zapravo, u njegovu rodnom gradu postoji koliba od blata, govori se da je u njoj jednom odsjeo Vahab osobno.Literature Literature
In 2012, Cardinal Puljić warned about the spreading Wahhabism in the Southeastern Europe, especially in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, stating that the state authorities are not capable to prevent it.
Godine 2012. kardinal Puljić upozorio je na širenje vehabizma u jugoistočnoj Europi, posebno u Bosni i Hercegovini, navodeći da državne vlasti nisu u stanju to spriječiti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each had a common ancestor—Muhammad Abdul Wahhab.
Imaju zajedničkog pretka - Muhameda Abdela Vahaba.Literature Literature
And the deal made that day on the Great Bitter Lake meant that America would get its oil but it would also be protecting Wahhabism - a force that had its own global ambitions.
Sporazum je postignut tog dana na Velikom gorkom jezeru. Dogovoreno je da će Amerika dobiti naftu, ali će i štititi Vehabizam - silu koja je imala vlastite globalne ambicije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At most, Saudi Arabia represents the insular and static canon of Wahhabism. But further investigation of its domestic and global manoeuvering even renders that position obsolete, revealing that the regime is fundamentally driven by the all-costs ambition of one crown prince and the shadowy figures backing his rise to power.
No, dalje istraživanje saudijskih domaćih i stranih manevara čak ukazuje kako je ta pozicija zastarjela i otkriva kako režim u biti vodi ambicija prijestolonasljednika i figura u sjeni koje podržavaju njegov dolazak na vlast „po svaku cijenu“.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The extremist ideology is wahhabism, a major force behind terrorist groups like al-Qaida, a group that according to the F-B-I, is the number one terrorist threat to the United States today," he said.
Ta ekstremistička ideologija zove se vahabizam i predstavlja snažnu pokretačku silu iza terorističkih skupina poput al-Qaide, koja, po procjeni FBIa, danas predstavlja najveću terorističku opasnost po Sjedinjene Države."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Print U.S. lawmakers are calling on Saudi Arabia to stop funding organizations that promote wahhabism, an extreme form of Islam that has been linked to terrorism.
Pošaljite e-mailom Print Američki je Kongres pozvao Saudijce da prestanu financirati organizacije koje promiču vahabizam – radikalni oblik islama, koji se dovodi u vezu s terorizmom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
N. whereas KSA has taken strong and decisive action and enforced severe measures to combat terrorism and financial activities linked to terrorism; whereas, at the same time, KSA plays a leading role in disseminating and promoting worldwide a particularly rigorous Salafi/Wahhabi interpretation of Islam; whereas the most extreme manifestations of Salafism/Wahhabism have inspired terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaeda and pose a global security threat, including for KSA itself; whereas KSA has developed a system to control financial transactions to ensure that no funds are being channelled into terrorist organisations, which must be further reinforced;
N. budući da je KSA poduzela snažne i odlučne korake i provela stroge mjere u borbi protiv terorizma i financijskih aktivnosti povezanih s terorizmom; budući da KSA istodobno ima vodeću ulogu u širenju i promicanju posebno strogoga selefističkog/vehabističkog tumačenja islama diljem svijeta; budući da su najekstremnija očitovanja selefizma/vehabizma dovela do nastanka terorističkih organizacija poput Al Qaide te predstavljaju svjetsku sigurnosnu prijetnju, uključujući i za samu KSA-u; budući da je KSA razvila sustav kontrole financijskih transakcija kako bi onemogućila uplatu sredstava terorističkim organizacijama, koji se mora dodatno ojačati;ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Here it is important to be aware that Islam is generally a peaceful religion and that radical militant Islamism was born in the 18th century as Wahhabism and was a joint British/Saudi creation:
Važno da budete svjesni da je Islam generalno religija mira i da je radikalni islamizam postao militantan u 18. stoljeću kao Vehabizam koji je britansko-saudijska kreacija:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Looked at from the perspective of Bosniak Muslims, the range of social, political, and cultural phenomena which might be so designated embraces differences of all sorts, from the radical behaviour of Saudi Wahhabism to true mysticism from the tradition of enlightened intellectuality.
Gledajući sa strane Bošnjaka/Muslimana, spektar društvenih, političkih i kulturnih pojava, koje je moguće tako imenovati, obuhvata različitosti svih vrsta, od radikalnih ponašanja saudijskog vehabizma do istinskog misticizma s prosvijetljenom tradicijskom intelektualnošću.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Based in Saudi Arabia, wahhabism spread rapidly beginning in the 1970's, when Saudi charities started funding wahhabi schools or madrassas and mosques from Pakistan to the United States.
Početkom sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća, vahabizam se vrlo brzo proširio iz Saudijske Arabije, kada su saudijska dobrotvorna društva počela financirati vahabističke škole – odnosno medrese i džamije od Pakistana pa sve do Sjedienjenih Država.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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