Die gewildste vrae in die woordeboek.

Dit is 'n lys van die 27701 - 27800 navrae in die English - Croatian woordeboek.

Dit word maandeliks bygewerk.

27701: incorrigible
27702: vacillation
27703: mistakenly
27706: as many as
27707: ground-floor
27708: revocable
27709: blessings
27710: issuing bank
27711: applause
27712: air duct
27713: effrontery
27714: compressor
27715: misquote
27716: rotary valve
27717: unethical
27718: twerp
27719: take a note
27720: wavered
27721: lighten
27722: disloyalty
27723: in total
27724: disgraced
27726: en suite
27727: public works
27728: name plate
27729: wheel rim
27730: robot
27731: robes
27732: pigeonhole
27734: waterlogged
27735: ground wire
27736: shackles
27737: walker
27738: to retain
27739: spawned
27740: shoplifter
27741: invading
27742: in operation
27743: Subsequently
27744: roman
27745: cavities
27746: man eater
27747: it works
27748: bombard
27749: fire safety
27750: seared
27751: centrifuge
27752: announcer
27754: engorge
27756: death row
27758: convincingly
27759: hides
27760: the major
27761: crowds
27762: sleepover
27763: undue delay
27764: emerges
27765: snowdrift
27766: Zurich
27767: dish out
27769: stops
27770: stony
27772: depending on
27773: cylindrical
27774: willfully
27775: on fire
27776: fibrosis
27777: end cap
27778: ducking
27779: groping
27780: loomed
27781: aluminum
27782: troglodyte
27783: remonstrance
27784: heads up
27785: scribbling
27788: herbicide
27789: fanny
27791: i love you
27792: aesthetics
27793: limiting
27794: debauch
27795: sultana
27796: fireball
27797: cognizance
27798: schedules
27799: fostered
27800: spirulina