achieved oor Kroaties


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of achieve.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


I'm afraid that you will get lost trying to achieve it.
Bojim se da ćeš se izgubiti nastojeći ju steći.


This interest is reinforced by the fact that Polish participants have earned significant achievements in these tournaments.
Tom interesu doprinosi činjenica da su poljski sportaši na tim turnirima ostvarili velike uspjehe.


The same result can be achieved by creating specialised segments on the respective national regulated markets.
Isti se rezultat može postići stvaranjem specijaliziranih segmenata na pojedinim nacionalnim uređenim tržištima.

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

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school achievement
školski uspjeh
evaluation of educational achievement
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impressive achievements in spaceflight
impresivna postignuća u svemirskim letovima
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Turkey beat its own inflation target for # by achieving # per cent rather than the projected # per cent
Turska je nadvladala vlastitu projekciju inflacije za # godinu sa # posto, umjesto predviđenihSetimes Setimes
The Commission will continue to engage with Bulgaria, Romania and Canada, to ensure that the 1 December 2017 deadline for achieving full visa reciprocity will also be met.
Komisija će nastaviti surađivati s Bugarskom, Rumunjskom i Kanadom kako bi se osiguralo da i potpuni vizni reciprocitet bude postignut do roka, 1. prosinca 2017.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Each of those authorities must provide the ‘public services they have to perform’ (29) ‘with a view to achieving objectives they have in common’.
Svaki od njih „javne usluge koje oni trebaju pružati”(29) pruža „s ciljem ostvarivanja njihovih zajedničkih ciljeva”.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Trust is a precondition for successful cooperation and can only be achieved if all stakeholders make genuine commitments and if there is access to high-quality experience, capacity-building and the highest quality of execution.
Preduvjet uspješne suradnje je povjerenje koje se može postići samo ako se svi dionici iskreno angažiraju te ako se osigura dostupnost visokokvalitetnih iskustava, mogućnosti izgradnje kapaciteta i visokokvalitetne proizvodnje.not-set not-set
EU actions generally delivered the expected outputs but weaknesses in the monitoring tools hindered the assessment of the results achieved 32 We examined whether actions were implemented as planned and outputs were delivered as intended.
Mjerama EU-a, općenito gledajući, postigla su se očekivana ostvarenja, no nedostatci u alatima za praćenje otežali su procjenu postignutih rezultata 32 Ispitali smo jesu li se mjere provodile u skladu s planom i jesu li ostvarenja postignuta kako je planirano.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
The review of the benchmarking results showed that there is still considerable room for improvement both with regard to having diversity policies in place and achieving greater diversity of the management bodies of institutions.
Pregledom rezultata vrednovanja pokazalo se da su moguća znatna poboljšanja u pogledu uvođenja politika raznolikosti i postizanja veće raznolikosti upravljačkih tijela institucija.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
By way of derogation from the first paragraph of this point, if the Union target has been achieved for at least two consecutive calendar years in the whole Member State, sampling at the holding may be extended to take place every three weeks, at the discretion of the competent authority.
Iznimno od prvog stavka ove točke, ako je cilj Unije postignut tijekom barem dviju uzastopnih kalendarskih godina u cijeloj državi članici, nadležno tijelo može produljiti učestalost uzorkovanja na gospodarstvu na svaka tri tjedna.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Although, from 1 May 2018, the amendment of the law has enabled a better execution of the judgment of the Court of Justice, the fact remains that in disputes concerning consumer contracts concluded prior to 1 May 2018, the [Slovak] courts have also reacted in practice by, inter alia, seeking, by means of an interpretation ‘in conformity with EU law’ to achieve in essence the same result as that pursued by the legislature.
Iako je točno da su [slovački] sudovi u praksi, među ostalim, od 1. svibnja 2018. zbog izmjene zakona temeljitije primjenjivali presudu Suda, ipak, u sporovima o ugovorima o potrošačkim kreditima sklopljenima do 1. svibnja 2018., trebaju, tumačenjem koje je u skladu s pravom Unije, nastojati postići u biti isti rezultat koji je htio postići zakonodavac.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
With the general objectives in mind, in the broader context of the reviewed Cybersecurity Strategy, the instrument, by delineating the scope and mandate of ENISA and establishing European certification framework for ICT products and services, intends to achieve the following specific objectives:
Imajući na umu opće ciljeve, u širem kontekstu revidirane strategije za kibersigurnost, instrumentom se, određivanjem djelokruga i mandata ENISA-e i uspostavom europskog okvira za certifikaciju IKT proizvoda i usluga, nastoje ostvariti sljedeći posebni ciljevi:eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It shall be determined by and conditional on the achievement of Senegalese sectoral fisheries policy objectives in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Protocol to this Agreement following annual and multiannual implementation programming.
Određen je i uvjetovan provođenjem ciljeva senegalske sektorske ribarstvene politike na temelju pravila predviđenih Protokolom ovog Sporazuma te nakon godišnjih i višegodišnjih programa provedbe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In line with the Union's commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, this Programme will contribute to mainstreaming climate action and sustainable development in the Union's policies and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the Union budget expenditure supporting climate objectives over the period covered by the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, and an annual target of 30 % to be introduced as quickly as possible, and at the latest in 2027.
U skladu s obvezama Unije u pogledu provedbe Pariškog sporazuma i kako bi se postigli ciljevi održivog razvoja Ujedinjenih naroda, ovim će se fondom pridonijeti uključivanju klimatske politike i održivog razvoja u politike Unije i postizanju općeg cilja da se 25 % rashoda proračuna EU-a namijeni klimatskim ciljevima tijekom VFO-a u razdoblju 2021. – 2027. te godišnjeg cilja od 30 % koji je potrebno ostvariti što prije, a najkasnije do 2027.not-set not-set
Where a reasoned request is made by the requesting body, the requested body shall perform special supervision or checks with a view to achieving the aims pursued, or shall take the necessary steps to ensure that such supervision or checks are performed.
Ako tijelo koje podnosi zahtjev podnese utemeljen zahtjev, tijelo kojem je zahtjev upućen dužno je izvršiti poseban nadzor ili provjere kako bi se postavljeni cilj ostvario odnosno poduzeti potrebne mjere kako bi osiguralo da se taj nadzor ili provjere izvrše.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely laying down rules for substances and establishing a European Chemicals Agency, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Budući da države članice ne mogu u potrebnoj mjeri ostvariti ciljeve ove Uredbe u pogledu utvrđivanja propisa za tvari i uspostave Europske agencije za kemikalije i budući da se ti ciljevi mogu bolje ostvariti na razini Zajednice, Zajednica može donijeti mjere u skladu s načelom supsidijarnosti utvrđenim u članku 5.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Passive solar cooling is much easier to achieve in new construction than by adapting existing buildings.
Mnogo je lakše postići hlađenje ovim izvedbama pri gradnji novih građevina nego prilagodbom starijih građevina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(iii) the savings expected to be achieved;
iii. uštedi za koju se očekuje da će biti ostvarena;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Welcomes the 33rd EU-China Dialogue on Human Rights of 8 and 9 December 2014; notes that the dialogue, together with pressure from other international partners, has contributed to some concrete actions; stresses that the EU has made it clear on several occasions that it wanted the dialogue to achieve more tangible improvements in the human rights situation on the ground;
pozdravlja 33. krug dijaloga između EU-a i Kine o ljudskim pravima održan 8. i 9. prosinca 2014.; primjećuje da je dijalog, zajedno s pritiskom drugih međunarodnih partnera, pridonio nekim konkretnim mjerama; naglašava da je EU u nekoliko navrata dao do znanja da želi da se dijalogom postignu opipljivija poboljšanja u pogledu stanja ljudskih prava na terenu;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I would like to thank this House for your invaluable contribution in helping to achieve this in the necessary timeframe.
Želio bih zahvaliti ovoj instituciji za vaš neprocjenjiv doprinos u postizanju toga u potrebnom vremenskom okviru.Consilium EU Consilium EU
Measures at Union level will constitute an important part of the measures needed to achieve the objective.
Mjere na razini Unije činit će važan dio mjera potrebnih za postizanje tog cilja.not-set not-set
84 In the present case, the Commission proposes to take into consideration, for the purposes of the calculation of the amount of the penalty payment, the progress achieved in the implementation of the judgment of 10 September 2009 in Commission v Greece (C‐286/08, not published, EU:C:2009:543), in relation to the three heads of claim put forward, namely approval of the management plan, the establishment of appropriate infrastructure for the treatment of hazardous waste and the sound management of historical waste stored provisionally in sites which are not designed for that purpose.
84 U predmetnom slučaju Komisija predlaže da se za izračun iznosa novčane kazne uzme u obzir napredak ostvaren u izvršenju presude od 10. rujna 2009., Komisija/Grčka (C-286/08, neobjavljena, EU:C:2009:543) u odnosu na tri istaknuta prigovora, odnosno odobrenje plana gospodarenja, ustanovljenje odgovarajućih infrastruktura i dobro gospodarenje otpadom iz prošlih razdoblja koji je privremeno uskladišten na lokacijama koje nisu predviđene za tu svrhu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
By contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, the Union and Member States will foster a stronger, more sustainable, inclusive, secure and prosperous Europe.
Doprinošenjem ostvarenju Programa održivog razvoja do 2030. Unija i njezine države članice poticat će snažniju, održiviju, uključiviju, sigurniju i prosperitetniju Europu.not-set not-set
Performance audits generate a variety of benefits: (i) they draw the attention of the bodies being audited to possible sources of revenue and savings, quantitative and qualitative improvements, avoidable shortcomings and achievable benefits; (ii) by means of well-prepared facts and convincing recommendations, they provide Parliament and the Committee on Budgetary Control with a valuable basis for decision making and alternative courses of action for the collection and optimal use of funds; (iii) they provide the public with transparent information on the collection and use of public funds.
Revizije učinkovitosti otkrivaju višestruku korist: (i) službama pod revizijom skreće se pozornost na moguće prihode i uštede, kvantitativna i kvalitativna poboljšanja te na nedostatke koji se mogu izbjeći ili prednosti koje se mogu ostvariti, (ii) Parlament i Odbor za proračunski nadzor putem dobro obrađenih podataka i uvjerljivih preporuka dobivaju dragocjene osnove za odluku i alternativne mjere za prikupljanje i optimalnu upotrebu javnih sredstava, (iii) javnost dobiva transparentne informacije o prikupljanju i korištenju javnih sredstava.not-set not-set
The objective of this Directive is to reduce the compliance burden of small enterprises, which cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Union level.
Cilj je ove Direktive smanjenje opterećenja za mala poduzeća uzrokovanog usklađivanjem koje nije moguće u dovoljnoj mjeri ostvariti na razini država članica te se stoga može bolje ostvariti na razini Unije.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Where Parliament's consent is required for a proposed legislative act or an envisaged international agreement, the committee responsible may decide, in the interests of achieving a positive outcome of the procedure, to present an interim report on the proposal to Parliament including a motion for a resolution containing recommendations for modification or implementation of the proposed act.
Ako se od Parlamenta traži suglasnost za predloženi zakonodavni akt ili predviđeni međunarodni sporazum, nadležni odbor može , radi postizanja pozitivnog ishoda postupka, podnijeti Parlamentu privremeno izvješće o prijedlogu zajedno s prijedlogom rezolucije koji sadrži preporuke za promjenu ili provedbu predloženog akta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Copernicus should be considered as a European contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Copernicus bi se trebao smatrati europskim doprinosom Globalnom sustavu sustava za promatranje Zemlje (GEOSS), Odboru za satelite za promatranje Zemlje (CEOS), Konferenciji stranaka (COP) Okvirne konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime (UNFCCC) iz 1992., ostvarenju UN-ovih ciljeva održivog razvoja i Okviru iz Sendaija za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa.not-set not-set
In order to achieve that purpose, Member States need at least to ensure that the planning process or processes result in a comprehensive planning identifying the different uses of maritime space and taking into consideration long-term changes due to climate change.
Kako bi se to postiglo, države članice trebaju osigurati barem da rezultat jednog procesa planiranja ili više njih bude sveobuhvatno planiranje u okviru kojeg će se utvrditi različiti načini korištenja morskog prostora i vodeći računa o dugoročnim promjenama izazvanima klimatskim promjenama.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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