amanuensis oor Kroaties


One employed to take dictation, or copy manuscripts

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


I'll be your amanuensis.
Ja ću biti vaš prepisivač.


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Are you an amanuensis or an apologist?
Jesi li pisar ili pokajnik?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'll be your amanuensis.
Ja ću biti vaš prepisivač.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘I have my own picture of it,’ said the poet to his amanuensis, without raising his eyes from the ground.
"„Mogu zamisliti kako izgleda"", rekao je maestro tajniku, ne podižući pogled."Literature Literature
The least I can do is act as Stuart Barlow’s amanuensis, since I refused all the more glamorous roles available.
Najmanje što mogu učiniti jest poslužiti kao Stuartov pisar budući da sam već odbio sve moguće glamuroznije uloge.Literature Literature
No one knew whether I was an amanuensis or a counselor.
Nitko nije znao jesam li ja tajnik ili savjetnik.Literature Literature
Scott Feinberg wrote in The Hollywood Reporter about a September 22 article in The New York Times that "dredged up and highlighted a 1985 essay by another scholar, James Olney, that questioned the 'literal truth' of specific incidents in Northup's account and suggested that David Wilson, the white amanuensis to whom Northup had dictated his story, had taken the liberty of sprucing it up to make it even more effective at rallying public opinion against slavery."
U časopisu The Hollywood Reporter Scott Feinberg se u svom tekstu osvrnuo na članak iz New York Timesa od 22. rujna koji je "iskopao i naglasio esej iz 1985. godine još jednog znanstvenika, Jamesa Olneyja, koji je u tom eseju doveo u pitanje doslovnu istinu određenih incidenata koje Northup opisuje te naveo Davida Wilsona - bijelog prepisivača kojemu je Northup diktirao svoju priču - koji je uzeo slobodu i 'ulickao' priču kako bi ista još efikasnije djelovala na javno mišljenje o robovlasništvu."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So you know, I am the amanuensis the secretary at the institution which has benefitted from your gift.
Znate, ja sam zastupnik tajnik institucije koju ste velikodušno darivali.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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