apothecary oor Kroaties


/əˈpɑθəˌkɛəɻi/, /əˈpɒθəkəɹi/ naamwoord
A person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Honoria Fell came by the apothecary yesterday with a case of this elixir.
Počasna Fell je jučer došla u ljekarnu sa bočicom ovog eliksira.


Partook of a measure of Apothecary Schweppes's magical bubble potion.
Sudjeovali ste u procjeni čarobnog mjehuričastog napitka Apoteke Schweppes.
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And do you not think his friend would make a smashing apothecary?
Zar ne bi njegov prijatelj bio sjajan apotekar?
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apothecary's shop
apoteka · ljekarna


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During one of these, the Wrannaman regained his wits enough to play apothecary for himself.
Tijekom jednog od njih Wranjanin je dovoljno povratio razum da sam sebi odigra ljekarnika.Literature Literature
I know in London there are women apothecaries.
Znam da u Londonu postoje ljekarnice.Literature Literature
I must to the apothecary, Before I am overdue.
Moram do ljekarne, prije nego zakasnim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And you became an apothecarys assistant.
A vi ste postali ljekarnikova pomoćnica.Literature Literature
The apothecary wanted the yew tree very badly.
Apotekar je žarko želio drvo tise.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The last one was an apothecary in London.”
Posljednji je bio jedan ljekarnik u Londonu.Literature Literature
The apothecary prepared this liniment, my lord.
Apotekar je spravio ovu mast, lorde.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The apothecary.
Apotekar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Justin,” shouted the apothecary, “bring us the sulfuric acid.”
Justin – viknu apotekar – donesi nam sumporne kiseline.Literature Literature
Samuel Munson's apothecary is gone and, with it, his leeches.
Nema ljekarne S. Munsona. Nema pijavica.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But the apothecary blushingly confessed that he was too sensitive to be present at such an operation.
No, apotekar crveneći priznade kako je preosjetljiv da bi prisustvovao takvoj operaciji.Literature Literature
You are an apothecary?
Vi ste ljekarnik?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Right then, we can pop in at the Apothecary and Eeylops on the way to Fred and George’s—stick close, now . . .”
Dobro, u ljekarnu i kod Eeylopsa možemo navratiti na putu do Freda i Georgea - držite se na okupu...""Literature Literature
There was a risk that you would eventually find your way to the apothecary.
Postojao je rizik da ćete na kraju pronaći apotekarku.Literature Literature
I believe panetti has availed himself of the apothecary's services.
Vjerujem da se Panetti poslužio Apotekarevim uslugama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's an apothecary's box.
Kutija za lijekove.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since almost no one can afford doctors, apothecaries are our healers.
Kako si gotovo nitko ne može priuštiti liječnika, ljekarnici su naši iscjelitelji.Literature Literature
APOTHECARY Such mortal drugs I have; but Mantua's law Is death to any he that utters them.
Apoteka Takav smrtni droge sam, ali Mantovi zakon je smrt na bilo koji onaj koji ih izriče.QED QED
I want to be a farmer as well as an apothecary, and I want land to leave to my children.
Pored toga što sam ljekarnik, htio bih biti i farmer i imati zemlju koju bih mogao ostaviti djeci.Literature Literature
He's saying his girl is sick and he's taking her to a relative who has an apothecary.
On kaže da je djevojčica bolesna i da je vodi kod rođaka koji ima apoteku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the time they turned onto the cobblestoned street behind the apothecary shop, Jack was whistling.
Kad su skrenuli na kaldrmom popločanu ulicu iza ljekarne, Jack je zviždao.Literature Literature
O true apothecary!
O pravu apoteka!QED QED
So-called "dragon bones" (fossil bones and teeth) from Chinese apothecary shops were known, but it was not until the early 20th century that German paleontologist, Max Schlosser, first described a single human tooth from Beijing.
Znalo se za takozvane "zmajske kosti" (fosilizirane kosti i zubi) iz kineskih apoteka, ali tek je u ranom 20. stoljeću njemački paleontolog Max Schlosser opisao jedan fosilizirani ljudski zub iz Pekinga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
George took me to his apothecary.
George me odveo svom ljekarniku.Literature Literature
There went the apothecary in his coracle—Ulf said he had a lady friend near Seven Acres.
Prošao je ljekarnik u svome čamčiću od kože - Ulf je rekao da ima priležnicu u blizini Seven Acresa.Literature Literature
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