aptness oor Kroaties


Fitness; suitableness; appropriateness; as, the aptness of things to their end.

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“They’re also at risk of attracting the attention of older boys who are more apt to be sexually experienced,” says the book A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years.
Osim toga, “one bi mogle zapeti za oko starijim dečkima, koji su možda već imali seksualna iskustva”, kaže dr. Susan Panzarine, koja se već godinama bavi problemima u odgoju tinejdžera.jw2019 jw2019
In addition to the general aim of protecting plant genetic resources, the particular interest of preserving these varieties lies in the fact that they are apt to be grown under particular climatic, pedological or agro-technical conditions (such as manual care, repeated harvesting).
Pored toga uz opći cilj zaštite biljnih genetskih izvora, poseban interes u očuvanja tih sorti nalazi se u činjenici da ih je moguće uzgajati pri određenim klimatskim, pedološkim ili agro-tehničkim uvjetima (kao što su ručna obrada, višekratna žetva).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For instance, in the December book it said, " December people are apt to keep their own secrets.
Na primjer, u prosincu knjizi je rekao, " Prosinac ljudi su skloni da svoju tajne.QED QED
Addressing the tension between an international Internet and national jurisdictions should also take into account the diversity of cases that can be subject to these conflicts, which are not apt to be addressed by one single mechanism.
Pri pokušaju rješavanja napetosti između međunarodne internetske i nacionalnih nadležnosti potrebno je uzeti u obzir i raznolikost slučajeva koji mogu biti podloži ovim sporovima, koji nisu prikladni za rješavanje putem jednog jedinstvenog mehanizma.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission concludes that the restructuring measures consisting of the first, second and third recapitalisations and the transfer of impaired assets to the BAMC are apt to enable NLB to restore its long-term viability, sufficient in respect to burden-sharing and appropriate and proportional to offset the market-distorting effects of the aid measures in question.
Komisija zaključuje da se mjerama restrukturiranja koje čine prva, druga i treća dokapitalizacija te prijenos imovine umanjene vrijednosti BAMC-u može NLB-u omogućiti povrat njegove dugoročne održivosti, da su one dostatne u pogledu raspodjele tereta te primjerene i razmjerne kako bi se neutralizirali učinci narušavanja tržišta predmetnih mjera potpore.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
How apt.
Prikladno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The rapporteur would point out that scientific assessments and recommendations are apt to change and considers this to be a further reason for steering clear of quota systems.
Izvjestiteljica želi istaknuti da se znanstvene procjene i preporuke mogu mijenjati i smatra da je to dodatni razlog za izbjegavanje sustava kvota.not-set not-set
Clearly, such addition does not affect the qualification of such foods as normal food that is part of the normal diet and apt to modify it.
Jasno je da dodavanje tih tvari ne utječe na razvrstavanje takve hrane kao uobičajene hrane koja je dio uobičajene prehrane i može je izmijeniti.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It's apt to be that way for quite a while yet.
Mora. Barem još neko vrijeme.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In order to produce tungsten welding electrodes, the key input is ammonium paratungstate (‘APT’).
Amonijev paravolframat („APT”) glavni je input u proizvodnji elektroda od volframa za zavarivanje.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Remember, though, that if you stay here, you're very apt to stay here.
Mogli biste ostati i zauvijek.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, there's apt to be if those outlaws are still around and they find out how we're getting the payroll across the Ponderosa.
Bit će ih ako odmetnici saznaju kako ovo radimo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Manhattan, a legally parked work van would be more apt to draw suspicion than one that was double-parked.
Na Manhattanu propisno parkiran kombi prije bi pobudio sumnju nego neki ovako parkiran.Literature Literature
They're mighty apt to get discouraged with their husbands and sons away.
Posebno ženama koje brinu za svoje muževe i sinove.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Today, many Greeks are still apt to regard Kosovo independence as the first phase of a " Greater Albania " project-- the subject of much discussion among Greek bloggers, as well in the more sensational media outlets
Danas, mnogi su Grci još uvijek skloni tumačiti neovisnost Kosova kao prvu fazu projekta „ Velika Albanija “ – predmet je to mnogih rasprava među blogerima Grčke, kao i u senzacionalističkim medijimaSetimes Setimes
I thought if I waited till around eleven for that, people would be more apt to go for the pastries.
Mislim da bi trebalo pričekati jedanaest sati, ljudi će sada više htjeti peciva.Literature Literature
We are in general far too apt to think of incomes within a given trade or profession as more or less uniform.
Općenito, mi smo navikli o dohotku u sklopu određenog posla i zanimanja misliti kao o manje-više jednakom.Literature Literature
Poirot said with dignity: ‘My remarks are, as always, apt, sound, and to the point.’
"Poirot reče dostojanstveno: ""Moje primjedbe su, kao i uvijek, primjenjive, dobre i idu u srž problema."""Literature Literature
At the very most, a passing adult was apt to say something like “Why don’t you quit that?
Najviše što bi neka odrasla osoba u prolazu rekla bilo bi nešto kao: „A da prekineš s tim?Literature Literature
In order to ensure continuity and the smooth functioning of the expert panels, persons on the list of eligible and apt candidates who are not appointed to an expert panel may be included in a central list of available experts.
Kako bi se osigurao kontinuitet i nesmetano funkcioniranje stručnih skupina, osobe na popisu prihvatljivih i kvalificiranih kandidata koje nisu imenovane u stručnu skupinu mogu se uvrstiti na središnji popis dostupnih stručnjaka.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
We' re apt to come up with an empty sack
A mi ćemo ostati praznih rukuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Wouldn't " benefactor " be more apt?
Ne bi li " dobrotvor " više odgovaralo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Address: (a) Afghanistan/Pakistan border region (previous address), (b) A2, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Now, Kabul, Afghanistan (previous address), (c) Microrayan 3rd, Apt. 45, block 21, Kabul, Afghanistan (previous address).
Adresa: (a) područje uz afganistansko-pakistansku granicu (prethodna adresa), (b) A2, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Now, Kabul, Afganistan (prethodna adresa), (c) Microrayan 3rd, Apt. 45, block 21, Kabul, Afganistan (prethodna adresa).Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
None of the arguments raised by the three companies in question were apt to alter the decision taken at the provisional stage.
Nijedan od argumenata koje su navela tri dotična trgovačka društva nije mogao promijeniti odluku donesenu u privremenoj fazi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Willie Lopez, # Prospect Place, apt
Willie Lopez, # Prospect Place, stan #Dopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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