assertion failure oor Kroaties

assertion failure

The inability of a condition to hold true at some particular point in a program. When a condition does not hold true, execution of the program is interrupted, and a dialog box or message may appear.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

pogreška u pridruživanju

The inability of a condition to hold true at some particular point in a program. When a condition does not hold true, execution of the program is interrupted, and a dialog box or message may appear.

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Gilmour claimed that this relative commercial failure supported his assertion that much of the material was weak.
Gilmour je izjavio da ovaj relativni komercijalni neuspjeh podržava njegovu tvrdnju da je većina materijala na albumu bila slaba.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
108 The Commission contends that there is no ground for the assertion that its failure to act forced Broncho-Air Medizintechnik to cease distribution of the Inhaler device in 1997.
108 Komisija ističe da se ne može zaključiti da je njezino nedjelovanje obvezalo Broncho-Air Medizintechnik da zaustavi distribuciju proizvoda Inhaler tijekom 1997.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
One asserted: “The only likelihood of failure lies in a half-hearted attitude on the part of the stammerer.”
Jedan od njih je rekao: Jedina šansa za neuspjeh leži u malodušnom stavu osobe koja muca.”jw2019 jw2019
Since he offers no argument in favour of his assertion, we may begin by suspecting a failure of his imagination.
Budući da on ne nudi nikakav dokaz u prilog svojoj tvrdnji, možemo početi pretpostavljati daje riječ o nemaštovitosti.Literature Literature
In their appeal, the appellants do not challenge the General Court’s statement concerning their failure to challenge the Council’s assertion in the action at first instance.
Međutim, žalitelji u svojoj žalbi ne osporavaju tu tvrdnju Općeg suda o njihovu neosporavanju tvrdnji Vijeća u okviru tužbe.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
failure to specify the grounds for the assertion that the average German consumer is not familiar with the meaning of the word ‘Lubeca’.
nisu navedene okolnosti na kojima se temelji tvrdnja da prosječnom njemačkom potrošaču nije poznato značenje riječi „Lubeca”.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Contrary to the Commission’s assertions, deviation from conformity is not always accompanied by a failure of the quality control system’s verification.
Suprotno onomu što tvrdi Komisija, postojanje nesukladnosti ne uzrokuje automatski povredu provjere sustava za nadzor kvalitete.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
It asserted that God could be with the ummah even in times of failure and conflict.
Naime, sunije su smatrale da je Bog prisutan u ummi čak i u vremenima kada njome vladaju izopačenost i ratni sukobi.Literature Literature
In the first part, the Commission alleges failure to state reasons with regard to certain assertions made in the judgment under appeal.
U prvom dijelu Komisija ističe nedostatak u obrazloženju u pogledu određenih tvrdnji iz pobijane presude.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
59 As regards, in the second place, the applicant’s assertion of a failure to provide a statement of reasons in the judgment under appeal, suffice it to state that, in the light of the case-law referred to in paragraph 34 of the present judgment, the judgment under appeal satisfied the requirements of providing a statement of reasons by which the General Court is bound, since in paragraphs 117 to 119 of that judgment it set out the reasons why it considered that the sale of assets en bloc covered solely the assets.
59 Kad je riječ, kao drugo, o nedostatku u obrazloženju pobijane presude koji navodi žalitelj, valja utvrditi da, s obzirom na sudsku praksu navedenu u točki 34. ove presude, pobijana presuda zadovoljava obvezu obrazlaganja koju ima Opći sud jer je potonji u točkama 117. do 119. te presude izložio razloge zbog kojih je smatrao da se prodaja imovine u paketu mora odnositi samo na imovinu.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
He asserts that fear of a worldwide computer failure in the year 2000 “has turned thoroughly secular individuals into unlikely millenarians” who fear the advent of disasters like “mass panic, government paralysis, food riots, planes crashing into skyscrapers.”
On tvrdi da je strah od sveopćeg kvara na kompjuterima do kojeg bi moglo doći 2000. “preobratio zagrižene sekulariste u nevjerojatne milenariste” koji strahuju u očekivanju katastrofa poput “masovne panike, sloma vlada, nemira uzrokovanih pomanjkanjem hrane, udaranja aviona u nebodere”.jw2019 jw2019
As regards, in particular, a failure to adjudicate within a reasonable time, an appellant which considers that such a failure prejudices its interests is not required to assert that prejudice immediately.
Kad je riječ o prekoračenju razumnog roka za suđenje od strane Općeg suda, tužitelj koji smatra da to prekoračenje pred Općim sudom šteti njegovim interesima nije dužan odmah istaknuti tu povredu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
144 Nor is it clear from the first applicant’s arguments directed against the ... decision [at issue] specifically which statistically significant differences the Commission ought to have taken into account and which, in the first applicant’s view, are relevant to substantiate its assertion that there is “a” manifest failure vitiating the comparative analysis approach.
144. Nadalje, iz argumenata prvog tužitelja koje ističe protiv [...] [sporne] odluke jasno ne proizlazi koje su statistički značajne razlike koje je Komisija posebno trebala uzeti u obzir ili koje su, prema mišljenju prvog tužitelja, relevantne za potkrjepljivanje njegove tvrdnje o postojanju ‚neke’ očite povrede koja zahvaća metodologiju komparativne analize.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In order to support its proposition that it had already raised such a plea before the General Court, FLSmidth refers in its appeal to paragraphs 93, 109, 121 and 122 of its application at first instance and asserts that in those paragraphs it pleaded a failure to state reasons in the decision at issue.
Kako bi podupro svoju tezu prema kojoj je pred Općim sudom već iznio takav razlog, FLSmidth u svojoj žalbi upućuje na točke 93., 109., 121. i 122. svoje tužbe u prvom stupnju i tvrdi da se u tim točkama pozvao na nedostatak obrazloženja navedene odluke.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Error of law consisting in the failure to state reasons for the assertion that the draft report of audit 11-INFS-025 ‘already showed the existence of certain ineligible personnel costs as well as the infringement of certain contractual provisions, which was confirmed in the final version of the audit report’ (paragraph 99 of the judgment under appeal).
Pogreška koja se tiče prava, koja se sastoji u nedostatku obrazloženja za tvrdnju da je već nacrt izvješća o reviziji 11-INFS-025 ukazao na postojanje određenih troškova osoblja za koje nije moguće dodijeliti bespovratna sredstva te na povredu određenih ugovornih odredbi, što je potvrđeno u konačnoj verziji tog izvješća“ (točka 99. pobijane presude)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article 7 of Directive 2000/43 requires Member States to provide for judicial or administrative procedures in order that persons who consider themselves wronged by failure to apply the principle of equal treatment to them may assert their rights under that directive.
Člankom 7. Direktive 2000/43 državama članicama nalaže se da predvide sudske ili upravne postupke kako bi osobe koje smatraju da su oštećene zbog nepoštovanja načela jednakog postupanja mogle ostvarivati prava koja imaju na temelju te direktive.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
As regards, in particular, a failure by the General Court to adjudicate within a reasonable time, an appellant which considers that such a failure before the General Court prejudices its interests is not required to assert that prejudice immediately.
Kada je riječ o prekoračenju razumnog roka za suđenje od strane Općeg suda, tužitelj koji smatra da to prekoračenje pred Općim sudom šteti njegovim interesima nije dužan odmah istaknuti tu povredu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Court has already had occasion to note, as regards a failure by the General Court to adjudicate within a reasonable time, an appellant which considers that such a failure before the General Court prejudices its interests is not required to assert that prejudice immediately.
Naime, kao što je Sud već imao priliku utvrditi, što se tiče prekoračenja razumnog roka za suđenje od strane Općeg suda, tužitelj koji smatra da to prekoračenje pred Općim sudom šteti njegovim interesima nije dužan odmah istaknuti tu povredu.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Except where otherwise provided by law, such an action is admissible only if the applicant asserts that his rights have been impaired by the administrative measure at issue or by the refusal or failure to act.’
Osim gdje zakon propisuje drukčije, pravno sredstvo je dopušteno samo u slučaju da podnositelj pravnog sredstva navede da su njegova prava povrijeđena predmetnim upravnim aktom, odbijanjem usvajanja navedenog akta ili šutnjom uprave.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Except where otherwise provided by law, such an action is admissible only if the applicant asserts that his rights have been impaired by the administrative measure at issue or by the refusal or failure to act.’
Osim gdje zakon propisuje drukčije, pravno sredstvo je dopušteno samo u slučaju da podnositelj pravnog sredstva navede da su njegova prava povrijeđena predmetnim upravnim aktom, odbijanjem usvajanja navedenog akta ili šutnjom uprave.“EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) asserts the protection of his rights or legally protected interests, which he considers to have been infringed by the activity or failure to act ... of a body of public administration,
(a) zahtijeva zaštitu svojih pravno zaštićenih prava ili interesa za koje smatra da su povrijeđeni radnjom ili propustom [...] tijela javne uprave,eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The "too big to fail" theory asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system, and that they therefore must be supported by government when they face potential failure.
Relevantnost za sustav ili anglicizam too big to fail ("preveliko na propast") teorija je koja tvrdi da su određene financijske institucije tako velike međusobno toliko povezane da bi njihov stečaj ili propast bila pogubna za gospodarstvo, te ih se stoga mora podržavati od strane vlasti, kada se nalaze gospodarskim poteškoćama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(1) asserts that a decision within the meaning of the first sentence of Paragraph 1(1) or a failure to adopt such a decision contravenes legislative provisions which seek to protect the environment and which may be relevant to the decision;
1) istakne da je odluka iz prve rečenice stavka 1. članka 1. ili šutnja uprave suprotna pravnim odredbama o zaštiti okoliša i koje mogu biti relevantne za donošenje odluke,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
asserts that a decision within the meaning of the first sentence of Paragraph 1(1) or a failure to adopt such a decision contravenes legislative provisions which seek to protect the environment and which may be relevant to the decision;
istakne da je odluka iz prve rečenice stavka 1. članka 1. ili šutnja uprave suprotna pravnim odredbama o zaštiti okoliša i koje mogu biti relevantne za donošenje odluke,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Second, she asserts that the protection of the anonymity of witnesses for the purpose of that same requirement of confidentiality also does not justify the failure to disclose the records of the witness hearings.
Kao drugo, zaštita anonimnosti svjedoka, u ime tog istog zahtjeva povjerljivosti, također ne može opravdati izostanak dostave zapisnika o saslušanju.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
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