assertive oor Kroaties


boldly self-assured; aggressively confident; cocky

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Hey, your honest, assertive nature is what I love about you and what makes us a great team.
Tvoja iskrena, uporna narav je ono što volim kod tebe i to nas čini odličnom ekipom.


It's assertive and formidable.
Deklarativan je i prikladan.



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However, the applicants establish convincingly that, contrary to Nedri’s unsubstantiated assertion, Austria Draht’s representative cannot have been present in Düsseldorf in order to attend that meeting, since he was in Salzburg (Austria) on that date (Annex A.7 to the application, p. 46 and pp. 815 and 816).
Međutim, pokazuje se da tužitelji uvjerljivo dokazuju da, suprotno onome što je tvrdilo društvo Nedri bez dokaza kojim bi se mogla poduprijeti ta tvrdnja, predstavnik društva Austria Draht nije mogao biti u Düsseldorfu kako bi prisustvovao tom sastanku s obzirom na to da je taj dan bio u Salzburgu (Austrija) (Prilog A.7 tužbi, str. 46. i str. 815. i 816.).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Both then are presented as unsupported assertion.
Obje se onda prikazuju kao nepoduprte tvrdnje.Literature Literature
The Court also found that in the public version of the contested decision the recitals to which the applicant referred in order to substantiate its assertions concerning the information in question contained an indication that certain information had been suppressed on the ground that it was confidential.
Opći sud je osim toga utvrdio da su uvodne izjave iz javne verzije pobijane odluke, na koje je upućivao tužitelj kako bi obrazložio svoje tvrdnje u pogledu predmetnih podataka, sadržavale naznaku da su određeni podaci izbrisani zbog njihove povjerljivosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this respect, the Icelandic authorities have asserted that the amendments introduced to the Scheme by the Supplementary Regulation relate only to one special investment agreement: an agreement made with Becromal prior to the conclusion of the Becromal Investment Agreement on 30 December 2010.
U tom su pogledu islandske vlasti ustanovile da se izmjene Programa uvedene Dopunskom uredbom odnose samo na jedan poseban sporazum o ulaganju: sporazum s trgovačkim društvom Becromal prije sklapanja Sporazuma o ulaganju s trgovačkim društvom Becromal 30. prosinca 2010.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(q) ‘mark of conformity’ means the assertion of conformity to a particular set of standards or other normative documents in the form of a mark;
(q) „oznaka sukladnosti” znači dokaz sukladnosti s određenim nizom standarda ili drugih normativnih dokumenata, u obliku oznake;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The licence agreement stipulates that Breiding is to assert, in its own name, rights arising from the infringement of the trade mark.
Ugovorom o licenciji određeno je da Breiding u vlastito ime pokreće postupak zbog povrede tog žiga.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Authorities assert that they dedicate serious attention to specific recommendations of UN bodies, OSCE, the Council of Europe and international human rights organisations in implementing anti-discrimination policies, protecting persons belonging to minorities and combating hate crimes, as many of these areas are sensitive and present serious difficulties due to their complexity.
Tijela tvrde da posvećuju ozbiljnu pažnju posebnim preporukama tijela UN-a, OSCE-a, Vijeća Europe i međunarodnih organizacija za ljudska prava u provedbi politika protiv diskriminacije, zaštiti pripadnika manjina i borbi sa zločinima iz mržnje, s obzirom na to da su mnoga od tih područja osjetljiva, a njihova složenost predstavlja ozbiljne poteškoće.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It had been an assertion of dominance and a chance to draw blood.
Bilo je to nadmetanje za dominaciju i prilika da se prolije krv.Literature Literature
Why else would I assert my claim?
Zašto bih ju inače i tražio?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Crime costs British industry more than $9,000,000,000 a year, asserts John Banham, director general of the Confederation of British Industry.
Prema podacima Johna Banhama, generalnog direktora Saveza britanske industrije, kriminal košta britansku industriju preko 9 000 000 000 dolara godišnje.jw2019 jw2019
From his experiments with garden peas, Mendel discovered what he called “discrete hereditary elements” hidden in sex cells, and he asserted that these were responsible for the passing on of traits.
Mendel je na temelju svojih pokusa s vrtnim graškom otkrio nešto što je nazvao “zasebnim nasljednim elementima”, koji su bili skriveni u spolnim stanicama, a tvrdio je da su oni odgovorni za prenošenje karakternih osobina.jw2019 jw2019
Assertive use of key bilateral meetings: Association Committee meeting (Tunisia), dialogue in the bilateral Trade Sub-Committees (Tunisia, Egypt), series of technical meetings (Egypt, Saudi Arabia), study trips to the EU (UAE);
odlučno korištenje ključnih bilateralnih sastanaka: sastanak Odbora za pridruživanje (Tunis), dijalog u okviru bilateralnih pododbora za trgovinu (Tunis, Egipat), niz tehničkih sastanaka (Egipat, Saudijska Arabija), studijska putovanja u EU (UAE),EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
What links them is a need to assert themselves.
Ono što ih povezuje je potreba za dokazivanjem.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The French authorities strongly contest that it is possible to propose interpretations as unfounded as these in order to draw legal conclusions and in particular to assert that there exists any guarantee granted by the State to France Télécom’.
Francuska nadležna tijela oštro opovrgavaju da je moguće ponuditi neutemeljena tumačenja kao što su ova u svrhu donošenja pravnih zaključaka, a osobito kako bi se tvrdilo da je država dala jamstvo društvu France Télécom”.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
In those circumstances, given the link between the decision to suspend the exemption and the text of Regulation No 539/2001 created by the footnote, it does not seems possible to me to affirm, as the Commission asserts, that the alteration made to Annex II to the regulation by the insertion of the footnote does not affect legislative elements of the regulation.
U tim okolnostima, s obzirom na to da bilješka služi kao poveznica između odluke o suspenziji i teksta Uredbe br. 539/2001, ne čini mi se da je moguće tvrditi, kao što to čini Komisija, da izmjena Priloga II. toj uredbi dodatkom te bilješke ne utječe na njezine normativne elemente.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Third, it asserts that no decision to maintain the inclusion of HDSL on those lists had been adopted either when the applicant was relisted on them and therefore that the applicant’s inclusion, justified on the ground that it was claimed to provide essential services to HDSL, has no legal basis.
Kao treće, naglašava da odluka o zadržavanju HDSL-a na spornim popisima još nije bila donesena kada je njegova tvrtka ponovno uvrštena na te iste popise i da stoga potonje uvrštenje, opravdano činjenicom da tužitelj pruža ključne usluge HDSL-u, nema pravnu osnovu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
86 In order to substantiate that assertion, the Commission first of all rejected Austria Draht’s argument that Mr G., its agent in Italy, did not represent it at cartel meetings.
86 Kako bi dokazala tu tvrdnju, Komisija je najprije odbila argumentaciju društva Austria Draht, prema kojoj ju G., njezin zastupnik u Italiji, nije zastupao na sastancima zabranjenog sporazuma.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
She made Merthin think of a pigeon, but an aggressive one, because of her jutting chin and assertive manner.
Merthina je podsjetila na golubicu, ali agresivnu golubicu, upravo zbog te izbočene donje vilice i energična držanja.Literature Literature
In the absence of any evidence, the Commission cannot accept the assertion that the passive interest and royalty income exemption is justified by reasons of administrative manageability.
Zbog nedostatka dokaza Komisija ne može prihvatiti tvrdnju da je oslobođenje prihoda od pasivne kamate i naknade za licenciju opravdano zbog mogućnosti administrativnog upravljanja.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It is clear from that paragraph that, in the General Court’s view, the reasoning underlying the assertion that it is ‘common knowledge’ that market-economy countries also give tax incentives to undertakings in the form of tax emptions is to be found in the reference, in the same paragraph, to the judgments of the Court of Justice on State aid.
Naime, iz te točke jasno proizlazi, prema mišljenju Općeg suda, da je općepoznata narav činjenice da i zemlje tržišnog gospodarstva također dodjeljuju porezne olakšice poduzetnicima u obliku oslobođenja od poreza obrazložena upućivanjem u istoj točki na presude Suda u području državnih potpora.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In its application, the Commission asserts that the travel agent must invoice a global, VAT-inclusive amount, and no VAT may be deducted by customers.
Komisija u tužbi tvrdi da je putnički agent dužan fakturirati ukupnu cijenu uključujući PDV te da klijent nikakav iznos PDV-a ne može odbiti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
116 – The explanation which follows that assertion at paragraph 96 is merely a statement of the principle that a restriction which is ancillary to a main operation cannot be regarded as objectively necessary when there is a less restrictive alternative.
116 – Pojašnjenje koje prati tu tvrdnju u točki 96. samo je utvrđenje načela prema kojem se akcesorno ograničenje glavnog poduhvata ne može smatrati objektivno neophodnim ako postoji manje restriktivna alternativa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does Article 8 of Directive 2008/94/EC also have direct effect, such that it can be asserted before the national court by an individual employee if, although he receives at least half of the benefits arising out of his accrued pension rights, his losses suffered as a result of the insolvency of the employer are nevertheless to be regarded as disproportionate?
Ima li članak 8. Direktive 2008/94/EZ izravan učinak, na način da se na njega može pozvati zaposlenik pred nacionalnim sudom i onda kada zaposlenik, iako prima barem polovicu davanja koja proizlaze iz njegovih ostvarenih mirovinskih prava, ima međutim gubitke nastale zbog stečaja poslodavca koje treba smatrati neproporcionalnima?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
According to the Applicants, the EFTA Surveillance Authority has relied on Article 43 of the EEA Agreement to support the assertion that Iceland was, and continues to be, allowed to derogate from its obligation to comply with the fundamental freedoms set out in the EEA Agreement.
Prema tužiteljima, Nadzorno tijelo EFTA-e utemeljilo je tvrdnju da je Islandu bilo te da mu je i dalje dopušteno izuzeće od obveze poštovanja temeljnih sloboda utvrđenih u Sporazumu o EGP-u na članku 43. Sporazuma o EGP-u.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The applicant asserts that the Commission did not dispute that it would have been possible to change the land planning classification of plot B-32 in order to enable that plot to be transferred.
Tužitelj tvrdi da Komisija nije osporila da je bilo moguće promijeniti namjenu zemljišne čestice B-32 kako bi ona postala prenosiva.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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