benediction oor Kroaties


A short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually after a church worship service.

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That's one of the most moving benedictions I ever heard.
Ovo je najljepši blagoslov koji sam ikada čuo.
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Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold
Benedict of Nursia
Sveti Benedikt
Order of Saint Benedict
Pope Benedict IX
Benedikt IX.
Pope Benedict XV
Benedikt XV.
Pope Benedict XI
Benedikt XI.
Benedict XV
Benedikt XV.


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They've got good eggs benedict 24 hours a day.
Imaju dobra jaja " Benedict " 24 sata dnevno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You want me to get up there with eggs benedict all over my face?
Hoćeš da se pojavim tamo kao da su me gađali jajima u lice?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is proper to add here that Cousin Benedict was, meanwhile, neither idle nor unoccupied.
Ovdje treba dodati, da stric Benedikt nije bio ni besposličar ni nezaposlen.Literature Literature
Gwen and the kids would leave church after the benediction around three, and drive to the jail.
Gwen i djeca bi oko tri, nakon blagoslova, napustili crkvu i odvezli se do zatvora.Literature Literature
The plane should arrive in Benedict around 1:30.
Zrakoplov bi trebao sletjeti u Benedict oko pola dva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Benedict, I have no idea what you' re talking about
Benedict, nemam pojma o čemu pričašopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Pope Paul VI proclaimed St Benedict the Patron of Europe on 24 October 1964, recognizing the marvellous work he did for the formation of the European civilization.
Papa Pavao VI. proglasio je 24. listopada 1964. svetog Benedikta zaštitnikom Europe, priznavši mu izvanredno djelo oblikovanja europske
Pope Benedict # held a private audience Wednesday (January # th) with Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader
Papa Benedict # održao je u srijedu ( # siječanj) privatnu audijenciju s hrvatskim premijerom Ivom SanaderomSetimes Setimes
But the Stregazza would, and Benedicte is still second in line to the throne of Terre d’Ange.""
Ali Stregazze bi, a Benedicte je i dalje drugi po redu za prijestolje Terre d'Ange.”Literature Literature
Pope Benedict XII, however, refuted his predecessor.
Međutim, papa Benedikt XII pobijao je svog prethodnika.jw2019 jw2019
Abbot, save your benedictions.
Štedi dah, opate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
May your lives, after the example of St Benedict, be lived in humility, prayer, obedience to God and faithful service to your neighbour.
Svojim ivotom budite navjestitelji radosne vijesti Gospodinova uskrsnuć
On 25 January 2012, Pope Benedict XVI gave it responsibility for regulating Catholic seminaries, which until then was the responsibility of the Congregation for Catholic Education.
Dana 25. siječnja 2012. godine, papa Benedikt XVI. je dao Kongregaciji na odgovornost brigu o katoličkim sjemeništima, koja je do tada bila u nadležnosti Kongregacije za katolički odgoj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You going to let him live, Mr. Benedict?
Pustit ćete ga da živi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This the dual signature edition, both Hatch and Benedict?
Ovajdual potpis izdanje, i Hatch i Benedikt?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do you swear, under the guidance of the Gospels, to seek God, to strive for repentance, and to lead your life according to St. Benedict's rules?
Zavjetujete li se da ćete vođeni Evanđeljem, istinski tražiti Boga, nastojati se pokajati za svoje grijehe i živjeti prema pravilima našeg oca, sv. Benedikta?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mr.President, as per your request, we are unfreezing Benedict Arnold so you can punch him in the stomach.
Gospodine Predsjednice, na vaš zahtjev, odmrzavamo izdajicu Benedict Arnolda kako biste ga opalili u trbuh.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Turkish officials welcomed these comments, saying they signaled a change from Benedict 's earlier stance
Turski dužnosnici pozdravili su ove izjave ističući kako one navješćuju promjenu ranijeg Benedictova stajalištaSetimes Setimes
Let us invoke her intercession, together with St Benedict's, so that in our time too the Lord will multiply men and women who, through witnessing to an enlightened faith in their lives, may be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in this new millennium.
Zazivamo njezin zagovor, skupa sa zagovorom svetoga Benedikta, kako bi Gospodin i u naše vrijeme umnoio muškarce i ene koji će prosvijetljenom vjerom, ivotom osvjedočenom, u ovom novom tisućljeću biti sol zemlje i svjetlo
Dr Benedict writes about all the medicine she practices.
Dr Benedict piše o svim medicinama kojima se bavi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“That is why he wanted Benedict and his guard for escort,” she said.
"""Zato je i želio Benedicta u pratnji,"" reče."Literature Literature
Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic (left) met with Pope Benedict # at the Vatican on # anuary. [ AFP ]
Predsjednik Crne Gore Filip Vujanović (lijevo) sastao se # siječnja s papom Benedictom # u Vatikanu. [ AFP ]Setimes Setimes
Benedict had seen us fed and had furnished us with the map and the letter he had promised.
Benedict se bio pobrinuo da nas nahrane, a onda mi je dao zemljovid i pismo za domara.Literature Literature
Yet Benedict's spirituality was not an interiority removed from reality.
Ali Benediktova duhovnost nije bila neka duhovnost bez doticaja sa stvarnošć
I wonder what St Benedict would have said to that?
Pitam se što bi na to rekao sv.Literature Literature
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