black risotto oor Kroaties

black risotto

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rižoto crni


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During your stay in this area with a rich fishing tradition discover the delights of homemade dishes - crab salad , black risotto or brodetto .
Ovdje , u kraju s ribarskom tradicijom , otkrijte užitke domaće kuhinje - salatu od rakovica , crni rižoto ili pak brodet .hrenWaC hrenWaC
One of the specialties in Pula is tasty brodetto , or just as popular black cuttlefish risotto .
U Puli će vas rado ponuditi i izvrsnim brodetima , a svakako bi trebalo probati i crni rižoto od sipa .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Is that black truffle risotto?
Je li to rižoto od crnih tartufa?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Specialities: Raw scampi - Black risotto - Linguine (pasta) with lobster
Specijaliteti: Sirovi škampi - Crni rižoto - Linguine s jastogomParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Specialities: Lamb prepared under a baking lid - Grilled fish - Black risotto
Specijaliteti: Janjetina pod pekom - Riba na žaru - Crni rižotoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Connoisseurs say that black risotto has to be strong in flavour, but light when eaten.
Poznavatelji kažu da crni rižot mora biti jak po teku, ali lagan kad ga se pojede.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Black risotto or risotto is a typical Dalmatian dish that in the past was food for the poor.
Crni rižoto ili rižot je tipično dalmatinsko jelo koje je u prošlosti bila hrana siromaha.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One shouldn't hurry on and miss Zaton Mali and it's famous black risotto.
Jedan ne treba žuriti na i propustiti Zaton Mali, a to je poznati crni rižoto.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Black risotto is made with cuttlefish and its ink gives this unique black color to the rice.
Crni rižoto radi se od sipe, a njena crna boja daje jedinstvenu crnu boju riži.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The signature dish of the Dalmatian coast is black risotto, flavoured with squid ink and often served with calamari, mussels or other seafood.
Glavno jelo dalmatinske obale je crni rižoto, sa okusom tinte od lignje i često se služi sa lignjama, školjkama ili drugom morskom hranom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Black risotto is served while it is still warm because it loses the creamy texture as the cooked rice absorbs the remaining liquid.
Crni rižoto poslužite dok je još topao jer gubi kremastu teksturu kako skuhana riža upija preostalu tekućinu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During your stay in Medulin, area with a rich fishing tradition discover the delights of homemade dishes – crab salad, black risotto or brodetto.
U Medulinu, kraju s ribarskom tradicijom, otkrijte užitke domaće kuhinje – salatu od rakovica, crni rižoto ili pak brodet.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The simplest and most popular dish made with cuttlefish is the black risotto, which will make you like rice in a completely different way.
Najjednostavnije i najpoznatije jelo od sipe je crni rižoto zbog kojeg ćete rižu zavoljeti na posve drugačiji način.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Black risotto, pasta with seafood, shrimp, seafood gnocchi, prawns ... The choice is not simple, but whatever you choose from our menu – you won’t make a mistake.
Crni rižot, tjestenina s morskim plodovima, škampi, pohane mušule, brodet, jakobske kapice... Izbor nije lagan, ali što god izabrali s našeg menija– nećete pogriješiti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One thing Dubrovnik is pretty famous for is the Black Risotto (which contains a bunch of different seafood like Octopus, Clams and Shrimp) which Ian absolutely loved.
Jedna stvar po kojoj je Dubrovnik poznat je crni rižoto (koji sadrži mnoštvo morskih plodova kao što su hobotnica, školjke i škampi) koji je oduševio Iana.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It has a beautiful terrace overlooking the sea, and a large number of fans that this restaurant visited by all year round.It is known for its delicious seafood and black risotto.
Ima predivnu terasu sa pogledom na more, i veliki broj obožavatelja koji ovaj restoran posjećuju tijekom cijele godine. Poznat po ukusnim platama od plodova mora i crnom rižotu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An especially attractive variant of this dish is black risotto of cuttlefish, which apart from the excellent taste attracts attention with its unusual colour obtained from the addition of cuttlefish ink.
Posebno je atraktivna varijanta ovog jela crni rižoto od sipe, koji osim odličnim okusom pažnju privlači i svojom neobičnom bojom dobivenom dodavanjem sipina crnila.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The caught cuttlefish was consumed as a main dish, while the squid ink was guarded to prepare the black risotto in the days when in the house was no other ingredients except rice.
Nekada davno ulovljena sipa konzumirala se kao samostalno jelo, dok se crnilo od sipe čuvalo za pripremu rižota u dane kada u kući nije bilo drugih sastojaka osim riže.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mokosica and its surroundings has a diverse offer: oysters, black risotto from Sipe, creamy soup of oysters, chopped odresci of octopus, knock down fish, cheese, ham, lamb, and very high quality Dalmatian wines.
Mokošica i njegova okolica imaju raznoliku ponudu: kamenice, crni rižot od sipe, krem juha od kamenica, sjeckani odresci od hobotnice, oborita riba, sir, pršut, janjetina, te vrlo kvalitetna dalmatinska vina.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Black cuttlefish risotto is one of the dishes that you'll certainly like most on the island of Rab.
Crni rižoto od sipe je jedno od jela koje ćete najviše zavoljeti na otoku Rabu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The island's numerous restaurants and konoba taverns offer specialities such as brodet fish stew, black risotto, grilled fish, and octopus ispod peke (under a baking lid), but also meat dishes such as lamb or tingul (chicken goulash).
Brojni restorani i konobe na otoku nude specijalitete poput brodeta, crnog rižota, ribe na žaru i hobotnice ispod peke, kao i mesna jela poput janjetine ili tingula (gulaša) od domaće kokoši.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We had black risotto several times during our trips to Croatia, so this time we decided to try something a little different – black pasta with buzara sauce, made with tomatoes and spices, from Restaurant Magellan in Dubrovnik.
Crni rižoto smo nekoliko puta jeli za vrijeme našeg putovanja u Hrvatsku, tako da ovaj put smo odlučili da pokušamo nešto malo drugačije – crna pasta sa buzara sosom, napravljenim sa paradajzom i začinima, u Restoranu Magellan u Dubrovniku.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is the region with a rich fishing tradition, cords and local cuisine such as salad of edible crab, black risotto or brodetto. There is Istrian ham, pasta- fuzi, zgvacet with veal and aromatic specialties with the famous truffles.
To je kraj s bogatom ribarskom tradicijom, i užicima domaće kuhinje kao što je salata od rakovica, crni rižoto ili brodet, istarski pršut, fuži uz teleći žgvacet, i aromatični specijaliteti s čuvenim tartufima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
From our selection of choices we can offer grilled lamb, Dalmatian Stew with Njoke, Fresh fish grilled with olive oil from our own first-class production, Scampi on buzaro, black risotto, octopus salad and numerous seafood and other delicacies.
Iz ponude možemo izdvojiti janjetinu sa ražnja, dalmatinsku pašticadu i njoke, dnevno svježu ribu sa žara začinjenu prvoklasnim maslinovim uljem vlastite proizvodnje, škampe na buzaru, crni rižot, salatu od hobotnice te brojne morske i druge delicije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But probably the most interesting to visitors is to explore tiny streets full of souvenir shops and sit in restaurant after a long day of sightseeing and order some of the best traditional Croatian dishes, such as black risotto with cuttlefish or Dalmatian pasticada.
No, vjerojatno je najzanimljivije posjetiteljima istražiti uske uličice pune suvenirnica i sjesti u restoran nakon dugog dana razgledavanja i naručiti neka od najboljih tradicionalnih hrvatskih jela poput crnog rižota s sipom ili dalmatinsku pašticadu.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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