blink time oor Kroaties

blink time

The elapsed time, in milliseconds, required to invert the caret display. This value is half of the flash time.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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The elapsed time, in milliseconds, required to invert the caret display. This value is half of the flash time.

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She blinked several times, then held her eyes open wide, then blinked some more .
Nekoliko je puta trepnula, zatim raširila oči, zatim ponovno trepnula.Literature Literature
Jason blinked several times and shook his head as if to shake the sudden mists away.
Jason je trepnuo nekoliko puta i zatresao glavom kao da se želio otresti izmaglica koje su se opet stuštile na nj.Literature Literature
She blinked several times as if staring into sunlight.
Trepnula je nekoliko puta kao da gleda u sunce.Literature Literature
He blinked several times and sight returned to one eye.
Nekoliko je puta trepnuo i vid mu se vratio u jedno oko.Literature Literature
He blinked several times and said, “There must be some mistake.”
"Nekoliko je puta trepnuo i rekao: ""To mora biti neka greška."""Literature Literature
Alice blinked several times when the hood was finally pulled back from her face.
Alice je nekoliko puta trepnula kad joj je kapuljača napokon maknuta s lica.Literature Literature
You just blinked 8 times in 2.3 seconds.
Trepnula si osam puta u 2,3 sekunde.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Swan blinked several times and then dragged his eyes away from Edison.
Swan je nekoliko puta trepnuo, a zatim je skrenuo pogled s Edisona.Literature Literature
Kai Robole kept blinking as though hoping something would go away if he blinked enough times.
Kai Robole nastavio je treptati kao da se nada da će nešto nestati trepne li dovoljan broj puta.Literature Literature
Catherine Baker Martin blinked several times and kept going.
Catherine Baker Martin trepne nekoliko puta i nastavi dalje.Literature Literature
Donna Lucrezia blinked several times, the way my father would if roused too suddenly from his afternoon nap.
Donna Lucrezia trepnula je nekoliko puta, kao moj otac kada bismo ga prenaglo probudili iz poslijepodnevnog drijemeža.Literature Literature
Lavinia blinked several times to get rid of the moisture that was blurring her vision.
Lavinia je nekoliko puta trepnula kako bi se riješila vlage koja joj je zamagljivala vid.Literature Literature
La Ponte, watching Corso count, blinked five times, once for each finger.
La Ponte je pozorno pratio Corsove prste dok je brojio, trepnuvši pet puta za redom, po jednom za svaki prst.Literature Literature
I blink several times as certain images of Dan Rusk pass before my eyes.
Trepnem očima nekoliko puta dok mi neke slike Dana Ruska prolaze pred očima.Literature Literature
She blinked several times, as if trying to focus, but apparently without success.
Ona trepne dva-tri puta kao da želi izoštriti pogled, ali očigledno bez uspjeha.Literature Literature
I tried to not blink this time.
Ovaj put sam pokušala ne trepnuti.Literature Literature
Nothing made by man or nature resisted the catastrophic force longer than an eye blink in time.
Ništa što je stvorio čovjek ili priroda nije moglo izdržati katastrofalnu silu dulje od treptaja oka.Literature Literature
She blinked several times, trying desperately to get rid of them.
Trepnula je nekoliko puta, očajnički ih se nastojeći riješiti.Literature Literature
He blinked several times, as though testing his vision.
Nekoliko je puta trepnuo kao da testira vid.Literature Literature
Cassy forced herself to blink several times.
Cassy se prisilila da nekoliko puta trepne.Literature Literature
The yellow point of light blinked two times, three times, then went out.
Žuta točka svjetlosti zatreptala je dvaput, triput, pa nestala.Literature Literature
Miss Stowe blinked several times, looking confused.
Gospođica Stowe je nekoliko puta trepnula, doimajući se zbunjeno.Literature Literature
O’Brien blinked several times.
O'Brien je zažmirio nekoliko puta.Literature Literature
He blinked several times and said, There must be some mistake.
"Nekoliko je puta trepnuo i rekao: ""To mora biti neka greška."""Literature Literature
He blinked several times and gracefully massaged the bridge of his patrician nose.
Žmirnuo je nekoliko puta pa graciozno promasirao hrbat svog patricijskog nosa.Literature Literature
167 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.