breaking strain oor Kroaties

breaking strain

the amount of strain which can cause something to break, according to the force or weight placed on it. Many materials, such as lines and ropes, have a specified breaking strain.

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Sodium phosphates (E 339), used as an acidity regulator, has been proved to be suitable to improve the sliding properties of natural casings facilitating the sausage stuffing process and reducing the maximum force and breaking strain in casings.
Natrijevi fosfati (E 339) koji se upotrebljavaju kao regulator kiselosti dokazano su primjereni za poboljšanje kliznih svojstava prirodnih crijeva koja olakšavaju punjenje kobasice te smanjuju najveću silu i pritisak koji uzrokuje pucanje crijeva.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A man can torture himself just so long that it must end, or the mind will break under the strain.
Čovjek se može mučiti do određene granice. A onda mora stati ili će um doživjeti kolaps od napora.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But now, in this modern, complicated world, man breaks down under the strain, the bewilderment, disappointment and disillusionment.
Ali sada, u ovom modernom, kompliciranom svetu, čovek se slama pod pritiskom zbunjenosti, razočaranja i zabluda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some thread of patience, which Strike had not realised was strained to breaking point, snapped.
Neka nit strpljenja, za koju Strike dotad nije shvatio da je bila napeta do točke pucanja, sad je prasnula.Literature Literature
It pulsed from her body like a drumbeat, straining to break loose and run free and wild.
Pulsiralo je iz njezinoga tijela poput udarca bubnja, napinjalo se prolomiti i osloboditi neobuzdano.Literature Literature
The assassin screamed in unison with his daughter, straining to break the grip of the men that held him.
Ubojica vrisnu istodobno sa kćeri, napinjući da se istrgne iz stiska ljudi koji su ga držali.Literature Literature
The licorice lay on his palm again, and a bubble was pushing up its surface, straining to break through—
Sladić mu je ponovno bio na dlanu, i mjehur se gurao prema površini, napinjao se da se probije...Literature Literature
The coalition began to break apart under the strain, and factional struggles increasingly hampered Racan 's effectiveness as prime minister
Koalicija se pod pritiskom počela raspadati i frakcijske borbe sve su više remetile Račanovu učinkovitost kao premijeraSetimes Setimes
But there comes a day when at last the strain reaches its breaking point.
No tada je došao dan kada je napetost dosegla točku pucanja.Literature Literature
Families are broken up, the social fabric is strained to the breaking point, and violence becomes endemic.
Obitelji se raspadaju, društveni poredak podnosi krajnji pritisak, a nasilje postaje endemska pojava.jw2019 jw2019
" Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection. "
" Iako nas strast može zavesti, ne smije uništiti našu ljubav. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection. "
Razbuktale strasti ne smiju raskinuti veze naše ljubavi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why does a man strain all his life to break out of self-imposed chains?
Zašto se čovjek napinje cijelog života da bi slomio lance koje si je nametnuo?Literature Literature
He suddenly raised his head, face strained as though it would break apart along the seams of the bones.
Iznenada je podigao glavu, a lice mu se napelo kao da će puknuti po šavovima.Literature Literature
It strains my back, it breaks my heart... when I think of a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight.
Ovo mi napreže leđa i slama mi srce kada samo pomislim kako će djeca propustiti festival.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When this family put into practice the meaningful counsel that they had received, they were able to overcome the problems that had been straining their relationship to the breaking point.
Ta je obitelj uspjela prebroditi probleme koji su njihov odnos doveli do kritične točke kada je sprovela u praksu smislene savjete koje je primila.jw2019 jw2019
There was no sense of strain, for everything was poised and counterbalanced and nothing would break.
Nije bilo osjećaja napetosti, jer je sve bilo smireno i uravnoteženo i ništa se nije lomilo.Literature Literature
The ropes strained with his weight and the other three poles seemed ready to break.
Konopci su se napeli od njegove težine, a preostala tri stupa izgledala su kao da bi svakog trenutka mogla puknuti.Literature Literature
According to FAO, “supplying [city dwellers] with safe and affordable food will strain the food supply and distribution chain to the breaking point.”
Organizacija za prehranu i poljoprivredu navodi da će “opskrbljivanje [gradskog stanovništva] kvalitetnom hranom po povoljnim cijenama postati jako težak zadatak te da će na koncu doći do potpunog kolapsa u distribuciji hrane”.jw2019 jw2019
Strains between the two strongest parties in the ruling coalition may be reaching the breaking point
Napetost između dviju najjačih stranaka u vladajućoj koaliciji mogle bi dosegnuti vrhunacSetimes Setimes
18 If the strain on your marriage makes you feel that you have reached the breaking point, what can you do?
18 Što možete učiniti ako u vašem braku vlada tolika napetost da imate osjećaj kako to više ne možete izdržati?jw2019 jw2019
The results of investigation of tool wear and tool break sensors application based on the measurement of cutting forces by strain-gage technique are systematised and analysed .
Sistematizirani su i analizirani rezultati istraživanja primjene senzora za trošenje i lom alata na bazi mjerenja sila rezanja tenziometarskom tehnikom .hrenWaC hrenWaC
She strained her ears until her nerves were on the point of breaking; but she could not tell from whence the sound came.
Napela je uši, toliko da su joj živci stigli na rub sloma, ali nikako nije mogla da pogodi odakle dolazi zvuk.Literature Literature
(iii) break under a strain of 2.2 ± 0.4 kN.
(iii) mora puknuti pri djelovanju sile od 2,2 ± 0,4 kN.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
• To prevent eye strain, take frequent breaks while using the
• Za sprječavanje naprezanja očiju, češće radite pauze tijekom korištenjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
38 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.