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rastuće prijateljstvo


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Turkey 's burgeoning population and economy are posing an increasing threat to its vast ecological wealth
Rastuća populacija i gospodarstvo Turske predstavlja rastuću prijetnju njezinu velikom ekološkom bogatstvuSetimes Setimes
Once Charles hears of Milan's defection and the burgeoning strength of the Holy League, he will race back to Rome.
Kad Šarl čuje da ga je Milan napustio, a Sveta liga jača pojuriće u Rim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Their polemics and harangues, their inaccurate and more often than not biased reporting has brought choices to audiences and, thus, established the notion of pluralism and diversity of opinions, an important notion in burgeoning democracies
Njihove polemike i harange, kao i njihovo netočno i najčešće pristrano izvještavanje ipak je publici donijelo mogućnost izbora, što je poticalo pluralizam i raznolikost stavova kao vrlo važne odrednice demokracija u nastajanjuSetimes Setimes
The two of us have kind of had this will they / won't they, burgeoning office romance going.
Među nama se razvija, onako, hoće li / neće li, uredska romansa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At the same time, they urged the country to deal with the burgeoning inefficiencies in its labour market
Istovremeno su potakli zemlju da se pozabavi velikom neučinkovitošću svojeg tržišta radaSetimes Setimes
The black market exploded with such violence that public opinion turned and Roosevelt ended alcohol prohibition, crushing the burgeoning industry.
Crno je tržište eksplodiralo s takvim nasiljem da se javno mjenje preokrene i Roosevelt je završio zabranu alkohola, slamajući rastuću industriju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, she's confused and surprised by her burgeoning sexuality, like the virgin Mary.
Pa, zbunjena je i iznenađena svojoj pupajućoj seksualnosti, poput djevice Marije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pooling and optimisation of power generation on the one hand, and burgeoning consumer power and flexibility on the other, all bring us back to an essential purpose of the electricity transmission and distribution network, namely regional solidarity.
Udruživanje i optimizacija proizvodnje s jedne strane te širenje i fleksibilnost potrošnje s druge strane vode najvažnijem cilju prijenosne i distribucijske mreže električne energije: teritorijalnoj solidarnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Representatives of Albania 's burgeoning tourist industry held a special event intended to showcase the country 's potential as a holiday destination
Predstavnici albanske turističke privrede koja je u procvatu, održali su posebnu manifestaciju s nakanom prikazivanja potencijala zemlje kao odredišta za odmorSetimes Setimes
Moral pollution also includes sexual immorality, which can be the cause of broken families, divorce, abortions, as well as burgeoning epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, including the sinister scourge of AIDS.
Moralna zagađenost također uključuje i spolni nemoral, što može biti uzrokom raspada obitelji, razvoda, abortusa, kao i bujanju epidemija spolnih bolesti, uključujući i zloslutni bič AIDS-a.jw2019 jw2019
Rocking was the only way he could soothe himself—and his burgeoning guilt.
Ljuljanje je bio jedini način na koji je mogao smiriti samog sebe — kao i rastući osjećaj krivnje u sebi.Literature Literature
In this environment of wasteful boom, the partners switched from foodstuffs to oil, building an oil refinery in 1863 in "The Flats", then Cleveland's burgeoning industrial area.
Nakon veleprodaje prehrambenih proizvoda, partneri su 1863. godine izgradili rafineriju nafte u "Ther flatsu", zatim u rastućoj Clevelandskoj industrijskoj zoni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Franz relished being with McCand less, but their burgeoning friendship also reminded him how lonely he’d been.
Franz je uživao biti s McCandlessom, ali to sve čvršće prijateljstvo ukazalo mu je na to koliko je zapravo usamljen.Literature Literature
A burgeoning middle class in neighbouring Turkey and the proximity of Greece 's numerous eastern Aegean islands have created a lucrative market for Greek tourism operators, with Thessaloniki and Athens also figuring into the picture
Sve brojnija srednja klasa u susjednoj Turskoj i blizina brojnih grčkih otoka u istočnom Egeju stvorili su unosno tržište za grčke turističke operatere, a Solun i Atena također se uklapaju u tu slikuSetimes Setimes
The dwindling numbers of churchgoers is no doubt in part a reflection of disgust at that burgeoning homosexual ministry.
Sve manji broj vjernika u crkvama nesumnjivo se jednim dijelom može pripisati odbojnosti koju ljudi osjećaju prema procvatu homoseksualnosti među svećenstvom.jw2019 jw2019
However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swell to over five members.
Ali, postoji brzorastuća Facebook kampanja koja se proširila na 5 članova.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her troops will occupy Kowloon, the island and all of the burgeoning New Territories.
Njezine će trupe zauzeti Kowloon, otok i sve sada bujajuće ≫Nove teritorije≪.Literature Literature
Lake had been hired to help the clinic overcome that hurdle and to stand out among the burgeoning number of competitors.
Lake su angažirali kako bi pomogla klinici prebroditi taj problem i istaknutije između sve više suparnika.Literature Literature
But as more and more anomalies accumulate, a burgeoning sense of crisis envelops the scientific community.
Međutim, kako se broj anomalija povećava, osjećaj nadolazeće krize obavija naučnu zajednicu.Literature Literature
Many crops, of course, are watered by rain, but in recent times irrigation has become the key to feeding the world’s burgeoning population.
Naravno, mnoge poljoprivredne kulture potrebnu vodu dobivaju u obliku kiše, no da bi se prehranilo sve brojnije svjetsko stanovništvo, u novije je vrijeme navodnjavanje postalo neophodno.jw2019 jw2019
Indeed, whether because of aggressive marking, a better-prepared season or burgeoning interest in alternative holiday spots, Montenegro was a destination of choice both for domestic and foreign vacationers
Doista, bilo da je riječ o agresivnijem marketingu, bolje pripremljenoj sezoni ili znatnom porastu interesa za alternativna odredišta za odmor, Crna Gora pokazala se odabirom domaćih i stranih turistaSetimes Setimes
To organize the burgeoning trade with America, Spanish King Philip II erected an impressive market hall alongside the Guadalquivir River, where wealthy merchants could do business.
Nastojeći bolje organizirati trgovinu s Amerikom koja je sve više uzimala maha, španjolski kralj Filip II izgradio je na obali rijeke Guadalquivir impresivnu zgradu burze u kojoj su bogati trgovci mogli obavljati svoje poslove.jw2019 jw2019
Ass and the burgeoning art scene.
Zbog guzica i umjetničke scene.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swelled to over five members
Ali, postoji brzorastuća Facebook kampanja koja se proširila na # članovaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Uh, it says their strength burgeons the more you fight them, as they feed off the energy of the battle.
Kaže da njihova snaga raste što se više boriš s njima, kao da se hrane energijom iz borbe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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