catchment oor Kroaties


/ˈkætʃ.mənt/ adjektief, naamwoord
Any structure or land feature which catches and holds water.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


The entire leisure market in the Uttoxeter catchment area goes to the winner.
Cijelo tržište Uttoxetera pa do razvođa ide pobjedniku.









Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

catchment area
UTJECAJNI SLIV · slijev · slivnik
Kupa catchment area
Danube catchment area
Dunavski forum
catchment basin


Advanced filtering
The exemption shall be reviewed by the competent authority every three years or when any new pollution hazard is detected in the catchment area, and updated where necessary.
Nadležno tijelo preispituje izuzeće svake tri godine ili kada se u slivnom području otkriju nove opasnosti od onečišćenja te ga po potrebi ažurira.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Some stations do not have sufficient numbers of passengers in their immediate catchment areas, and are located too close to each other.
Neke postaje nemaju dovoljan broj putnika u svojem neposrednom gravitacijskom području i smještene su preblizu jedna drugoj.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
The Contracting Parties pursuant to the provisions of this Convention shall cooperate on fundamental water management issues and take all appropriate legal, administrative and technical measures, to at least maintain and improve the current environmental and water quality conditions of the river Danube and of the waters in its catchment area and to prevent and reduce as far as possible adverse impacts and changes occurring or likely to be caused.
Ugovorne stranke, sukladno odredbama ove Konvencije, surađivat će u temeljnim pitanjima vodnoga gospodarstva i poduzimati odgovarajuće zakonske, administrativne i tehničke mjere da bi se barem održalo ili poboljšalo stanje okoliša i kakvoća vode Dunava i ostalih voda u slivu, i spriječile i po mogućnosti smanjile nepoželjne posljedice i promjene koje se javljaju ili koje bi se mogle pojaviti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) inspections of the catchment area, water abstraction, treatment, storage and distribution infrastructure.
(b) inspekcijskih pregleda infrastrukture sliva, zahvaćanja, pročišćavanja, skladištenja i distribucije vode.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- The water catchment area of the Chiese river from the source to the dam of Condino, except the Adanà and Palvico torrents basins
Porječje rijeke Chiese od izvora do brane Condino, osim porječja bujica Adanà i PalvicoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Catchment (km2)
Područje sliva (km2)eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Where an airport is located in the same catchment area as another airport with spare capacity, the business plan, based on sound passenger and freight traffic forecasts, must identify the likely effect on the traffic of the other airports located in that catchment area.
Ako je zračna luka smještena u istom prihvatnom području kao i neka druga zračna luka s viškom kapaciteta, u poslovnom planu utemeljenom na razumnim predviđanjima putničkog i teretnog prometa mora se identificirati vjerojatan učinak drugih zračnih luka u istom prihvatnom području na promet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
2.1.5. In the case of aid schemes: Please (a) indicate the location and the catchment areas of eligible airports in the area of territorial applicability of the scheme; (b) the travelling distance and time between eligible airports and airports in the same catchment area; (c) the method and criteria the national authorities will use to define the size and shape of catchment areas and the capacity utilisation of airports in the same catchment area:
2.1.5 U slučaju programa potpora: navedite: (a) lokaciju i prihvatna područja prihvatljivih zračnih luka u teritorijalnom području primjene programa; (b) udaljenost i vrijeme putovanja između prihvatljivih zračnih luka i zračnih luka u istom prihvatnom području; (c) metodu i kriterije koje će upotrebljavati nacionalna nadležna tijela za definiranje veličine i oblika prihvatnih područja i iskorištenost kapaciteta zračnih luka u istom prihvatnom području.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
even where the comparator airports face competition from public airports in the same catchment area, there are reasons to believe that their behaviour is in line with the MEIP (for example, where the private sector holds a large stake or where the airport is privately operated),
čak i kad su zračne luke suočene s konkurencijom javnih zračnih luka u istom prihvatnom području, ima razloga vjerovati da je njihovo ponašanje u skladu s načelom ulagača u tržišnom gospodarstvu (na primjer, ako je privatni sektor imao veliki tržišni udjel ili ako je zračnom lukom upravljao privatni subjekt),EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this respect, the Commission underlines that notably with respect to low-cost carriers and charter operators, airports that are not located in the same catchment areas and in different Member States may also be in competition with each other to attract those airlines.
Komisija ističe da se zračne luke koje se ne nalaze u istom prihvatnom području i pa čak u različitim državama članicama također mogu natjecati u cilju privlačenja niskobudžetnih zračnih i čarter prijevoznika.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(ii) more than one water catchment;
ii. više od jednog vodenog sliva;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
►M6 Whole territory, except the coastal compartment in Ii, Kuivaniemi, and the following water catchment areas: 14.72 Virmasvesi, 14.73 Nilakka, 4.74 Saarijärvi area and 4.41 Pielinen area ◄
►M6 Cijelo državno područje, osim obalnog prostora u području Ii, Kuivaniemi i sljedećih područja vodenih slivova: 14.72 Virmasvesi, 14.73 Nilakka, 4.74 područje Saarijärvi i 4.41 područje Pielinen ◄Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Stricter phosphorus application ceilings shall be applied in certain catchments having a phosphorus vulnerable aquatic environment.
Strože gornje granične vrijednosti za primjenu fosfora primjenjuju se u slivnim područjima vodenog okoliša osjetljivog na fosfor.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
As stated in point (i), Gdynia airport is only about 25 km away from the existing Gdańsk airport, and the two airports have the same catchment area and a similar business model.
Kako je navedeno u točki i., zračna luka Gdynia udaljena je samo oko 25 km od postojeće zračne luke u Gdańsku i te dvije zračne luke imaju isto područje obuhvata i sličan poslovni model.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, where a compartment covers less than 75 % of the territory of a Member State and the water catchment supplying the compartment is not shared with another Member State or third country, disease-free status may be achieved in accordance with Article 83.
Odstupajući od stavka 1., ako kompartment obuhvaća manje od 75 % državnog područja države članice i ne dijeli vodoopskrbni vodeni sliv s drugom državom članicom ili trećom zemljom, status „slobodno od bolesti” može dobiti u skladu s člankom 83.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The proximity of the Lake Como catchment area to the south-west has a significant mitigating effect.
Blizina jezera Como na jugozapadu znatno utječe na blagost klime.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It wasn’t just me: the main catchment areas were Brixton and Peckham, so a lot of kids were in the same boat.
Nisam bio jedini: školi su pripadali okruži Brixton i Pek-ham, pa je mnogo klinaca bilo u istom položaju kao i ja.Literature Literature
By way of derogation from the requirements to obtain approval by the Commission for disease-free status, laid down in Articles 36(4) and 37(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, for aquatic animal diseases of zones or compartments, such approval for zones or compartments which cover less than 75 % of the territory of a Member State, and where the water catchment supplying the zone or compartment is not shared with another Member State or third country, shall be gained in accordance with the following procedure:
Odstupajući od zahtjeva, utvrđenih u članku 36. stavku 4. i članku 37. stavku 4. Uredbe (EU) 2016/429, za dobivanje odobrenja koje Komisija dodjeljuje zonama ili kompartmentima za status „slobodno od bolesti” za bolesti akvatičnih životinja, ako zone ili kompartmenti obuhvaćaju manje od 75 % državnog područja države članice i ne dijele vodoopskrbni vodeni sliv s drugom državom članicom ili trećom zemljom, takvo odobrenje dobiva se u skladu sa sljedećim postupkom:EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(b) part of a water catchment area from the source(s) to a natural or artificial barrier that prevents the upward migration of aquatic animals from lower stretches of the water catchment area;
(b) dio područja vodenog sliva od izvora do prirodne ili umjetne prepreke koja sprečava uzvodnu migraciju akvatičnih životinja iz donjih dijelova područja vodenog sliva;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
part of a water catchment area from the source(s) to a natural or artificial barrier that prevents the upward migration of aquatic animals from lower stretches of the water catchment area;
dio područja vodenog sliva od izvora do prirodne ili umjetne prepreke koja sprečava uzvodnu migraciju akvatičnih životinja iz donjih dijelova područja vodenog sliva;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
an entire water catchment from the source of a waterway to the estuary or lake;
ukupnost sliva od izvora plovnog puta do ušća ili jezera;not-set not-set
At the same time, the 2014 Aviation Guidelines allow to deviate from the standard definition of the catchment area of a given airport in order to take into account the specificities of each particular airport.
Istodobno se Smjernicama za zračni prijevoz iz 2014. omogućuje odstupanje od standardne definicije prihvatnog područja određene zračne luke kako bi se uzele u obzir posebne značajke svake zračne luke.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Taking into account that the catchment area of Gdynia airport is currently efficiently served by Gdansk airport that is located in close proximity (around 25 kilometres), the Commission has doubts as to whether the investment at stake meets a clearly defined objective of common interest, is necessary and proportional and has satisfactory medium-term prospects for use.
Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da obližnja zračna luka u Gdansku (na udaljenosti od oko 25 kilometara) trenutačno učinkovito poslužuje područje obuhvata zračne luke Gdynia, Komisija sumnja da dotično ulaganje ispunjuje jasno utvrđeni cilj zajedničkog interesa, da je nužno i razmjerno te da ima zadovoljavajuću srednjoročnu perspektivu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
When the cidery closed in 2008, the fruit producers that had been supplying fruit to it naturally found themselves in the catchment area of other cider producers located in the geographical area for ‘Cidre de Bretagne’.
S prestankom rada 2008. drugi proizvođači sa zemljopisnog područja jabukovača „Cidre de Bretagne” iskazali su interes za njegove opskrbljivače.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The monitoring shall be carried out at farm field scale in the agricultural catchment national monitoring programme.
Praćenje se provodi na zemljištu poljoprivrednoga gospodarstva u okviru nacionalnog programa praćenja poljoprivrednog slivnog područja.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
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