cheaply oor Kroaties


In a cheap manner; without expending much money.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


And I am aware that this gift will not be given cheaply.
I svjestan sam da ga nećete jeftino dati.





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to get off cheaply
proći jeftino


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Some who had followed up on the apostle Paul’s foundation-laying were building cheaply, not erecting strong, enduring structures.
Onaj tko je slijedio nakon Pavlovog polaganja temelja gradio je slabo, ne podižući snažna, otporna zdanja.jw2019 jw2019
They must know I'm too strong for them to hold me so cheaply.
Zacijelo znaju da sam prejak kako bi me podcjenjivali.Literature Literature
The cycle has become completely disrupted, because we have started to produce meat as cheaply and intensively as possible.
Ciklus je postao potpuno izopačen, jer smo počeli proizvoditi meso na što jeftiniji i intenzivniji mogući način.QED QED
It ought to be buzzing with plans to reduce the temperature, and with plans to live at the higher temperature -- and not at all costs, but efficiently and cheaply.
Trebao bi brujati od planova kako smanjiti temperaturu, i od planova kako živjeti na višoj temperaturi -- i ne po svaku cijenu, već učinkovito i jeftino.QED QED
HOW to transport goods and people overland cheaply and speedily is an ever-present challenge.
KAKO jeftino i brzo prevoziti robu i ljude s jednog kraja zemlje na drugi jedan je od vječno prisutnih izazova.jw2019 jw2019
Hoods can be made cheaply from sheet metal or even from bricks and mud.
Njena izrada nije skupa, a ona se može napraviti od lima ili čak cigle i blata.jw2019 jw2019
whereas Thailand, Brazil and Ukraine, accounting altogether for 90 % of the imports from third countries, have all been subjected to audits by the Commission’s DG SANTE, which have highlighted significant deficiencies in the production process and in respect for EU legislation; whereas EU farmers, as well as NGOs, have expressed concerns over the economic, social and environmental impacts of imports of cheaply produced chicken meat and misleading labelling of chicken meat processed in the European Union, but originating from third countries;
budući da 90 % pilećeg mesa uvezenog iz trećih zemalja dolazi iz Tajlanda, Brazila i Ukrajine i da je Komisijina Glavna uprava za zdravlje i sigurnost hrane (DG SANTE) u tim zemljama provela revizije koje su pokazale znatne nedostatke u proizvodnom procesu i nedostatke u pogledu sukladnosti sa zakonodavstvom EU-a; budući da su uzgajivači iz EU-a i nevladine organizacije izrazili zabrinutost zbog gospodarskih, socijalnih i okolišnih posljedica uvoza jeftino proizvedenog pilećeg mesa i zavaravajućih oznaka na pilećem mesu koje se prerađuje u Europskoj uniji, a potječe iz trećih zemalja;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Thanks to me... you buy very cheaply.
Zahvaljujući meni... kupujete po najboljoj cijeni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Clemence, if you make the fireworks cheaply...
Proizvodite li pirotehniku jeftino...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Through this special mechanism the CDB is able to finance itself cheaply and subsequently is able to offer loans at preferential conditions to selected industries (70).
S pomoću tog posebnog mehanizma Kineska razvojna banka sposobna je financirati se jeftino i potom nuditi zajmove odabranim industrijama po povlaštenim uvjetima (70).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'll let the Lady Millicent off cheaply, as she's a charming girl.
Ledi M illicent proci ce jeft ino jer je tako draga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Indeed, it might make sense to wait for a hundred years until the machines could be made in space, perhaps more cheaply.
Doista, možda je bolje pričekati stotinu godina kad će se slični strojevi, možda jeftinije, moći načiniti u svemiru.Literature Literature
Points out that the complexities in the rail sector make it difficult for lenders to understand risk and hence to lend cheaply; asks the Commission to develop a Rail Supply Industry Finance Forum with the aim of increasing engagement and knowledge-sharing by the RSI with the financial sector, thus improving banks’ understanding of the sector and thereby their comprehension of risk and of reducing the cost of finance;
ističe da zajmodavci zbog složenosti željezničkog sektora imaju poteškoća u razumijevanju rizika i stoga ne daju zajmove po povoljnim cijenama; traži od Komisije da osnuje forum o financiranju industrije opskrbe željeznica, kako bi se ta industrija povezala s financijskim sektorom i pružila mu informacije, čime bi se povećalo razumijevanje banaka u pogledu tog sektora i rizika povezanih s njim te kako bi smanjile cijenu financiranja;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Warmer relations between the East and the West and its capitalistic democracy do not come cheaply.
Prisniji odnosi između Istoka i Zapada i njegove kapitalističke demokracije nisu pojeftinili.jw2019 jw2019
Also, those who had invented it and were making it available sold it too cheaply for effective competition.
Također, oni koji su je izmislili i činili je dostupnom prodavali su je prejeftino za učinkovitu konkurenciju.Literature Literature
" The current situation is terrible, with the government aiming to sell the most developed enterprises in Kosovo quickly and cheaply
" Sadašnje stanje je katastrofalno, vlada kani prodati najrazvijenija poduzeća na Kosovu brzo i jeftinoSetimes Setimes
EU membership wo n't come cheaply for Croatia
Članstvo u EU neće biti jeftino za HrvatskuSetimes Setimes
And I am aware that this gift will not be given cheaply.
I svjestan sam da ga nećete jeftino dati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since designer drugs can be manufactured cheaply almost anywhere, police forces are practically powerless to control them.
Budući da se dizajnerske droge s malo novca mogu proizvesti skoro na svakom mjestu, policija ih gotovo nikako ne može suzbiti.jw2019 jw2019
Also, everything considered, I felt I was buying my happiness cheaply.
Također, kad se sve uzme u obzir, tu sam sreću kupovao odista jeftino.Literature Literature
As a result of locally available financial support for manufacturers in China, and the priority given to the sector by the current Chinese 5-year plan (2011-2015), these companies are able to survive and grow by selling their output cheaply on markets abroad.
Na temelju dostupne lokalne financijske potpore proizvođačima u Kini i prednosti danoj sektoru u okviru aktualnog kineskog petogodišnjeg plana (2011. – 2015.) ova društva imaju mogućnost opstati i rasti prodajući svoje proizvode jeftino na stranim tržištima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This woman wants to look at something that she could see far more cheaply in her mirror at home.
Ova žena dolazi vidjeti nešto što bi kod kuće, u zrcalu, mogla gledati besplatno.Literature Literature
For example, a study of the European Commission’s Joint Research Institute concluded as early as 2014 that 80 % of Europe’s population could potentially produce their electricity — using PV systems — more cheaply than the cost of drawing it from the grid.
Na primjer, rezultati studije Komisijina Zajedničkog istraživačkog centra pokazali su već 2014. godine da bi 80 % stanovništva Europe moglo s pomoću malih fotonaponskih sustava samo proizvoditi jeftiniju energiju od energije koju dobivaju iz mreže.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
If your car had had, let's say, an accident, and had been mended cheaply on the front left corner...
Ako su ti kola bila, recimo, slupana, i onda loše sklepana na prednjem levom delu...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All it really wants is to bring passengers from point A to point B as quickly, safely and cheaply as possible.
Jedino što mu zapravo treba je da putnike što brže, što sigurnije i što jeftinije preveze od točke A do točke B.Literature Literature
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