cladistics oor Kroaties


/kləˈdɪstɪks/, /kləˈdɪs.tɪks/ naamwoord
(systematics): An approach to biological systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon synapomorphies (shared derived characteristics) only, and not upon symplesiomorphies (shared ancestral characteristics).

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Method of biological systematics in evolutionary biology

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The original methods used in cladistic analysis and the school of taxonomy derived from the work of the German entomologist Willi Hennig, who referred to it as phylogenetic systematics (also the title of his 1966 book); the terms "cladistics" and "clade" were popularized by other researchers.
Izvorne metode rabljene u kladističkoj analizi i škola taksonomije proistekla iz nje potječu iz rada njemačkog entomologa Willija Henniga, koji ju je nazvao filogenetska sistematika (ujedno naslov njegove knjige iz 1966.); uporabu termina "kladistika" i "klad" popularizirali su ostali istraživači.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That is maybe not a big surprise because if we map out, say, the evolution of armor, you can actually follow a sort of an evolutionary- type cladistic tree.
To možda i nije veliko iznenađenje jer ako mapiramo, recimo, evoluciju oklopa, zbilja možete pratiti neku vrstu evolucijskog grananja.QED QED
This was again contradicted by the results of a cladistic study by Brian Andres in 2010 showing that Dorygnathus was part of a monophyletic Rhamphorhynchinae.
S time su opet u kontradikciji rezultati kladističkog istraživanja koje je Brian Andres proveo 2010. godine, u kojem se pokazalo da je Dorygnathus pripadnik monofiletične potporodice Rhamphorhynchinae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That is maybe not a big surprise because if we map out, say, the evolution of armor, you can actually follow a sort of an evolutionary-type cladistic tree.
To možda i nije veliko iznenađenje jer ako mapiramo, recimo, evoluciju oklopa, zbilja možete pratiti neku vrstu evolucijskog grananja.ted2019 ted2019
With the advent of cladistics and phylogenetic nomenclature in the 1980s, and their development in the 1990s and 2000s, a clearer picture of theropod relationships began to emerge.
Sa pojavom kladističke i filogenetske nomenklature u 1980-im i njihovim razvojem 1990-ih i 2000-ih godina, počela se pojavljivati jasnija slika srodnosti teropoda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They differed not only in cladistic methodology but also in objective.
Oni se nisu razlikovali samo u metodologiji, nego i u cilju.Literature Literature
By the middle of the twentieth century that had become the accepted classification but in the early twenty-first century it became clear through cladistic analysis that hypsilophodontids formed an unnatural, paraphyletic group of successive off-shoots from throughout Neornithischia.
Do sredine dvadesetog stoljeća to je postala prihvaćena klasifikacija, ali u ranom razdoblju 21. stoljeća kroz kladističke analize postalo je jasno da su hipsilofodontidi formirali neprirodnu, parafiletičnu grupu s uspješnim ograncima grupe Euornithopoda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then they sort these remedies using a computer program that performs a cladistics analysis.
Potom sortira te lijekove pomoću računalnog programa koji vrši kladističku analizu.Literature Literature
Because Caudipteryx has clear and unambiguously pennaceous feathers, like modern birds, and because several cladistic analyses have consistently recovered it as a nonavian, oviraptorid, dinosaur, it provided, at the time of its description, the clearest and most succinct evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.
Budući da Caudipteryx ima jasno izraženo kompleksnije perje, kao ono kod današnjih ptica, a i budući da je u raznim analizama smatran kao oviraptorid (a ne ptica), u vrijeme svoga otkrića on je bio najjasniji i najprostiji dokaz da su ptice potekle od dinosaura.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the first analyses using cladistic methods found it to be linked with Anatosaurus (=Anatotitan) and Shantungosaurus in an informal "edmontosaur" clade, which was paired with the spike-crested "saurolophs" and more distantly related to the "brachylophosaurs" and arch-snouted "gryposaurs".
Jedna od prvih analiza u kojoj su se koristile kladističke metode pokazala je da je u srodstvu sa rodovima Anatotitan i Shantungosaurus u neformalnom kladusu "edmontosaura", koji je uparen sa "saurolofima" sa šiljatom krijestom na zadnjem dijelu glave i u daljem srodstvu s "brahilofosaurima" i "griposaurima".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Subsequent cladistic analyses differ in the position of Bambiraptor: it has been recovered in the Velociraptorinae, Microraptoria and most recently in the Saurornitholestinae.
Kasnije kladističke analize davale su drugačije pozicije za Bambiraptora: kao pripadnika Velociraptorinae, Microraptoria i najnedavnije pripadnika Saurornitholestinae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cladists agree that the baboons should be excluded from the group that contains humans, chimps, gorillas, etc.
Kladisti su suglasni da bi babuni trebali biti isključeni iz grupe koja obuh vaća ljude, šimpanze, gorile, i si.Literature Literature
However, other studies have attempted to refute this, noting that many pieces were found to be semi-articulated, all of the elements are the same color and preservation, and that Achillobator routinely comes out as a dromaeosaurid in cladistic analyses, even taking into account the differences.
Međutim, druga itraživanja pokušala su to opovrgnuti, naglasivši da su mnogi dijelovi fosila bili pronađeni polu-uzglobljeni, kao i to da se Achillobator u kladističkim analizama uvijek svrstava kao dromeosaurid, unatoč neobičnim osobinama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although his concept of a polyphyletic Dinosauria is no longer accepted by most paleontologists, Seeley's basic division of the two dinosaurian groups has stood the test of time, and has been supported by modern cladistic analysis of relationships among dinosaurs.
Iako ovaj koncept više ne prihvaća većina paleontologa, Seeleyjeva početna razdioba na dvije grupe dinosaura je opstala do danas i podržavaju je moderne kladističke analize srodnosti između dinosaura.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later exact cladistic analyses are not in agreement.
Kasnije precizne kladističke analize to nisu potvrdile.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cladists, for example, were (and are) strongly against any suggestion that a group could be scientifically described as 'advanced' and others as 'primitive.'
Kladisti su, primjerice, bili i jesu protiv ideje da jedna grupa može biti znanstveno opisana kao napredna, a druga grupa kao primitivna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Martin (1997) performed a cladistic analysis but Sereno criticized it strongly, finding it flawed by incorrect codings, use of only select data, and results that did not support his conclusions.
Martin (1997.) je proveo jednu kladističku analizu, ali ju je Sereno kritizirao zbog korištenja samo odabranih podataka, netočnog kodiranja i zbog toga što rezultati analize nisu podržavali Martinove zaključke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But cladists maintain that Reptilia is not a genuine taxonomic group at all, for it is not monophyletic.
Međutim, kladisti su čvrstog mišljenja da reptilia uopće nije istinska taksonomska grupa, jer nije monofiletička.Literature Literature
Other researchers however, such as Alexander Kellner and Lü Junchang, have produced cladistic analyses showing that Sordes was much more basal, and not a rhamphorhynchid.
Međutim, ostali istraživači, kao što su Alexander Kellner i Lü Junchang, napravili su kladističke analize koje pokazuju da je Sordes bio mnogo primitivniji i da nije spadao među ramforinkide.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1986, Jacques Gauthier redefined this and several other paleontological terms in a more rigorous fashion, based on cladistic methods.
Jacques Gauthier je 1986. godine redefinirao ovo i nekoliko drugih patoloških termina na rigorozniji način, na osnovu kladističkih metoda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because no species other than Homo sapiens has survived from the human line of that branching, both Pan species are the closest living relatives of humans and cladistically are equally close to humans.
Budući da osim Homo sapiensa nije preživjela niti jedna druga vrsta iz ljudske linije toga grananja, stoga su obje ove vrste čimpanza najbliži živući srodnici čovjeka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The output from a cladistics program is called a cladogram.
Rezultat kladističkoga programa zove se kladogram.Literature Literature
In 2009, the publication of a cladistic analysis and a study of comparative body measurements provided further support for the hypothesis that H. floresiensis and Homo sapiens are separate species.
Objava jedne kladističke analize i studija komparativnih tjelesnih mjera iz 2009. godine pružila je dodatnu podršku hipotezi da su H. floresiensis i Homo sapiens odvojene vrste.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cladistic analyses develop gradually, reflecting new discoveries and insights.
Progresivne istraživačke programe karakterizira rast i otkrivanje novih činjenica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oxnard and colleagues also criticise the cladistic analysis of Argue et al. (2009), stating that it is not logically possible for the analysis to conclude that the Liang Bua remains represent a separate species and not a pathology because the cladistics analysis assumes that they do not represent a pathology.
Oxnard i kolege također kritiziraju kladsističku analizu Arguea et al. (2009.), izjavivši da je logički nemoguće za analitičare zaključiti da ostaci iz Liang Buaa predstavljaju odvojenu vrstu umjesto oboljele osobe zato što kladistička analiza pretpostavlja da nije u pitanju ovo zadnje.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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