coda oor Kroaties


/ˈkəʊ.də/, /ˈkoʊ.də/ naamwoord
(music) A passage which brings a movement or piece to a conclusion through prolongation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Okay, you want me to cut the coda?
Hoćete da izbacim kodu?


He said he wanted to wait for more encouraging data on inflation, even though administration officials said the clean energy provisions would be part of a broader bill designed to reduce health and electricity costs, cut the deficit and strengthen the economy. It was the coda to more than a year of tortured negotiations. (The New York Times, July 15, 2022)
Rekao je kako želi pričekati više ohrabrujućih podataka o inflaciji, iako su dužnosnici administracije kazali kako će odredbe o čistoj energiji biti dio šireg nacrta zakona čiji je cilj smanjenje troškova zdravstva i struje, smanjenje deficita i jačanje gospodarstva. To je bilo finale više od godinu dana mučnih pregovora.




He said he wanted to wait for more encouraging data on inflation, even though administration officials said the clean energy provisions would be part of a broader bill designed to reduce health and electricity costs, cut the deficit and strengthen the economy. It was the coda to more than a year of tortured negotiations. (The New York Times, July 15, 2022)
Rekao je kako želi pričekati više ohrabrujućih podataka o inflaciji, iako su dužnosnici administracije kazali kako će odredbe o čistoj energiji biti dio šireg nacrta zakona čiji je cilj smanjenje troškova zdravstva i struje, smanjenje deficita i jačanje gospodarstva. To je bila završnica više od godinu dana mučnih pregovora.

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A person born hearing to deaf parents.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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37 As the referring court has pointed out, the Court of Justice has given a broad interpretation of the provisions of point 7(b) and (c) of Annex I to Directive 85/337 (which have been restated in identical terms in point 7(b) and (c) of Annex I to Directive 2011/92), holding that a project for refurbishment of a road which would be equivalent, by its scale and the manner in which it is carried out, to construction may be regarded as a construction project for the purposes of those provisions (see, to that effect, judgments of 25 July 2008, Ecologistas en Acción-CODA, C‐142/07, EU:C:2008:445, paragraph 36, and of 17 March 2011, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest and Others, C‐275/09, EU:C:2011:154, paragraph 27).
37 Kao što je to istaknuo sud koji je uputio zahtjev, Sud je odredbu Priloga I. točke 7. podtočki (b) i (c) Direktivi 85/337, koja je doslovno preuzeta u Prilogu I. točki 7. podtočkama (b) i (v) Direktivi 2011/92, protumačio široko, presudivši da se projekt adaptacije ceste koji je s obzirom na svoj opseg i način izvedbe ekvivalentan izgradnji može smatrati projektom izgradnje u smislu tih odredbi (vidjeti u tom smislu presude od 25. lipnja 2008., Ecologistas en Acción-CODA, C‐142/07, EU:C:2008:445, t. 36., kao i od 17. ožujka 2011., Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest i dr., C‐275/09, EU:C:2011:154, t. 27.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Maestro just said to cut the coda.
Maestro je upravo rekao da se izbaci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's the bloody coda!
Prokleta koda!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In paragraph 49 of the judgment under appeal, the Tribunal cited the judgment of 24 February 1981, Carbognani and Coda Zabetta v Commission (161/80 and 162/80, EU:C:1981:51), to conclude that the contested decision, although it implements an act of general application of the Council and of the Parliament, had to be regarded as a decision adversely affecting the appellants in that it amended their place of employment under allegedly unlawful conditions.
U točki 49. pobijane presude Službenički sud temeljio se na presudi od 24. veljače 1981., Carbognani i Coda Zabetta/Komisija (161/80 i 162/80, EU:C:1981:51), sa zaključkom da pobijanu odluku, iako provodi opći akt Vijeća i Parlamenta, treba smatrati odlukom kojom se nanosi šteta tužiteljima jer se njome mijenja njihovo mjesto zaposlenja u navodno nezakonitim okolnostima.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Thin-layer chromatography tells us the red dye is consistent with a standard coda pen.
Crvena tinta odgovara standarnoj olovci Coda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The selected laboratory ‘Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre — CODA-CERVA’ should be designated as EU reference laboratory in the field of diseases caused by capripox viruses (lumpy skin disease and sheep and goat pox).
Odabrani laboratorij „Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre – CODA-CERVA” trebalo bi imenovati referentnim laboratorijem EU-a u području bolesti uzrokovanih virusima capripox (bolest kvrgave kože te ovčje i kozje boginje).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
They also use unique clicking patterns, called codas, to communicate.
Također koriste jedinstven obrazac kliktanja koji se zove codas, za komunikaciju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thus, the case that gave rise to the judgment of 24 February 1981, Carbognani and Coda Zabetta v Commission (161/80 and 162/80, EU:C:1981:51), concerned individual acts that could objectively be regarded as involving the reassignment of two officials from an external post situated in Rome (Italy) to the seat of the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels (Belgium), pursuant to a decision of general application establishing a rotation system, which left the administration discretion and allowed it, inter alia, to take into account particular service problems or staff problems affecting the interested parties (judgment of 24 February 1981, Carbognani and Coda Zabetta v Commission, 161/80 and 162/80, EU:C:1981:51, paragraphs 4 to 9 and 12 to 15).
Dakle, u predmetu u kojem je donesena presuda od 24. veljače 1981., Carbognani i Coda Zabetta/Komisija (161/80 i 162/80, EU:C:1981:51), radilo se o pojedinačnim aktima za koje se moglo objektivno smatrati da se odnose na preraspoređivanje dvaju dužnosnika s vanjskog radnog mjesta u Rimu (Italija) u sjedište Komisije Europskih zajednica u Bruxellesu (Belgija), na temelju opće odluke o uspostavi sustava rotacije, koji je upravi davao diskrecijsku ovlast te joj omogućio da, među ostalim, uzme u obzir posebne poteškoće službe ili osobne probleme koji utječu na zainteresirane osobe (presuda od 24. veljače 1981., Carbognani i Coda Zabetta/Komisija, 161/80 i 162/80, EU:C:1981:51, t. 4. do 9. i 12. do 15.).Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Carrie had begun the ruination of my only niece's life, and now the grotesque coda had come.
Carrie je tada počela s uništavanjem života moje jedine nećakinje, a sada, sada je nastupio groteskni završni stavak.Literature Literature
Ecologistas en Acción-CODA is ordered to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission.
Ecologistas en Acción-CODA snosit će vlastite troškove i troškove Europske komisije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the contrary, unless roads in built-up areas are expressly excluded, the words ‘express roads’ cover urban roads which have the characteristics set out in Annex II to the AGR (judgment of 25 July 2008, Ecologistas en Acción-CODA, C‐142/07, EU:C:2008:445, paragraph 31).
Upravo suprotno, treba smatrati da s obzirom na to da ceste koje se nalaze u naseljenim područjima nisu izričito isključene, pojam „brze ceste“ obuhvaća gradske ceste koje imaju karakteristike predviđene Prilogom II. AGR-u (presuda od 25. srpnja 2008., Ecologistas en Acción-CODA, C‐142/07, EU:C:2008:445, t. 31.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre — CODA-CERVA, Brussels, Belgium is hereby designated as the Union (EU) reference laboratory in the field of diseases caused by capripox viruses (lumpy skin disease and sheep and goat pox).
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre – CODA-CERVA (Bruxelles, Belgija) imenuje se referentnim laboratorijem Unije (EU) u području bolesti uzrokovanih virusima capripox (bolest kvrgave kože te ovčje i kozje boginje).eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The coda on Alika, that was your best yet.
Kodom na Alika, to je još najbolje što možete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Several songs reference or are referenced in other Devin Townsend music: "Stand" would be recalled in "Watch You" on Contain Us; "Planet of the Apes" recalls the melody of "A Monday" from Ki; "The Mighty Masturbator" reuses the coda of "Processional" from the Infinity/Christeen + 4 Demos EP.
Nekoliko pjesama referencira ili su referencirane u drugim Townsendovim pjesmama: "Stand" je referenciran u skladbi "Watch You" sa kompilacije Contain Us; "Planet of the Apes" djelomično preuzima melodiju pjesme "A Monday" sa albuma Ki; "The Mighty Masturbator" se ponovno koristi završetkom pjesme "Processional" sa EP-a Infinity/Christeen + 4 Demos te dio teksta preuzima iz pjesme "Numbered!" sa albuma Addicted.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maestro, Odile's coda, please.
Mćstro, Odilinu kodu, molim vas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The coda of so many conversations over the years.
Završetak tolikih razgovora tijekom godina.Literature Literature
Applicant: Ecologistas en Acción-CODA (Madrid, Spain) (represented by: J.
Tužitelj: Ecologistas en Acción-CODA (Madrid, Španjolska) (zastupnici: J.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A red coda pen.
Crvena olovka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
T-359/10, Ecologistas en Acción-CODA (manifestly unfounded) || T-278/11, ClientEarth v Commission (manifestly inadmissible) || T-17/10, Steinberg v Commission (partly inadmissible, partly unfounded)
T-359/10, Ecologistas en Acción-CODA (očigledno neutemeljeno) || T-278/11, ClientEarth protiv Komisije (očigledno neprihvatljivo) || T-17/10, Steinberg protiv Komisije (djelomično neprihvatljivo, djelomično neutemeljeno)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Referring to the same sequence, film theorist Andrew Hageman notes that "the ninety-second coda that follows Betty/Diane's suicide is a cinematic space that persists after the curtain has dropped on her living consciousness, and this persistent space is the very theatre where the illusion of illusion is continually unmasked".
Referirajući se na iste trenutke filma, filmski teoretičar Andrew Hageman ističe da "90-sekundni završetak koji slijedi nakon Bettynog/Dianeinog samoubojstva predstavlja filmski prostor koji ostaje nakon što se zastori njezine svijesti zatvore, a taj izdržljiv prostor je ono kazalište u kojem se neprestano otkrivaju iluzije iluzija".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maestro, Odile' s coda, please
Maestro, Odilinu kodu, molim vasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
If I lose this job,The rest of my career will be a coda
Ako izgubim ovaj posao, ostatak karijere će mi biti u zapećkuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
‘It was delicious, my dear, but I need to save some room for the coda.’
"""Bili su sjajni, draga moja, ali moram ostaviti malo mjesta za codu."""Literature Literature
Following completion of the selection procedure, the successful laboratory was the consortium ANSES & CODA-CERVA set up by the Laboratory for Animal Health of the Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France, and the Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA), Uccle, Belgium.
Tim je postupkom za referentni laboratorij odabran konzorcij ANSES & CODA-CERVA kojega su osnovali Laboratory for Animal Health of the Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety – ANSES (laboratorij za zdravlje životinja Agencije za zdravu i sigurnu hranu, okoliš i radnu sredinu), Maisons-Alfort, Francuska, i Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre – CODA-CERVA (veterinarski i agrokemijski istraživački centar), Uccle, Belgija.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
52 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.