coldest oor Kroaties


Superlative form of cold: most cold .

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


You know, interestingly enough, the coldest day in boston's history did not start off that way.
Znate, zanimljivo je da najhladniji dan u bostonskoj povijesti nije tako počeo.


You know, interestingly enough, the coldest day in boston's history did not start off that way.
Znate, zanimljivo je da najhladniji dan u bostonskoj povijesti nije tako počeo.

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(*1) For multi-temperature vending machines, TV shall be the average of TV1 (the maximum measured product temperature in the warmest compartment) and TV2 (the maximum measured product temperature in the coldest compartment).
(*1) Kod automata za prodaju s više temperatura TV prosjek je vrijednosti TV1 (najviša izmjerena temperatura proizvoda u najtoplijem odjeljku) i TV2 (najviša izmjerena temperatura proizvoda u najhladnijem odjeljku).Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
for other compartments the thermodynamic factor is determined by the coldest design temperature capable of being set by the end-user and maintained continuously according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
za druge odjeljke, termodinamički faktor je određen najnižom projektiranom temperaturom koju krajnji kupac može podešavati i koja se može trajno održavati prema uputama proizvođača.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It's the crazy notion that the longest, coldest, darkest nights can be the warmest and brightest.
To je suluda ideja da najduže, najhladnije, najmračnije noći mogu biti najtoplije i najsvjetlije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So, in the coldest place on Earth, they work inside a refrigerator.
Dakle, na najhladnijem mjestu na Zemlji, oni rade unutar hladnjaka.ted2019 ted2019
The bathroom at the Yale Club suddenly seems to me to be the coldest room in the universe and I shudder involuntarily.
Zahod u Yale Clubu iznenada mi se čini najhladnijom prostorijom na svijetu pa se nehotice stresem.Literature Literature
“What a delight it is, during the coldest spell of winter, to take out those jars of preserved summer, bringing the past summer back, evoking a longing for the one to come,” aptly says a Swedish writer in the book Svenska Bärboken (The Swedish Berry Book).
“Kako li je divno kad za najhladnije zime iz smočnice izvadite staklenke s voćem ubranim prošlog ljeta, oživljavajući uspomene na to ljeto i budeći čežnju za onim koje će tek doći”, kaže jedan švedski pisac u knjizi Svenska Bärboken (Šumsko voće u Švedskoj).jw2019 jw2019
An F0 value of 3, 00 means that the coldest point in the product has been heated sufficiently to achieve the same killing effect as 121 °C (250 °F) in three minutes with instantaneous heating and chilling.
Vrijednost F0 od 3,00 znači da je najhladnija točka proizvoda dovoljno zagrijana za postizanje jednakoga učinka uništavanja kao na 121 °C (250 °F) u trajanju od tri minute trenutačnog zagrijavanja i hlađenja.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Humans have long felt the lure of this mysterious world, yet it was only a hundred years ago that the first explorers walked inland and were confronted by the highest, driest and coldest territory on Earth.
Ljudi već dugo osećaju primamčivost ovog misterioznog sveta, ipak, bilo je to samo pre sto godina kada su prvi istraživači ušetali u kopno i susreli se sa najvišom, najsuvljom i najhladnijom teritorijom na Zemlji.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune's outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the Solar System, with temperatures at its cloud tops approaching 55 K (−218 °C; −361 °F).
Zbog velike udaljenosti od Sunca, Neptunova vanjska atmosfera jedno je od najhladnijih mjesta u Sunčevu sustavu s temperaturama na vrhovima oblaka oko −218 °C (55 K).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Temperate winters, the coldest month being January;
blage zime sa siječnjem kao najhladnijim mjesecomEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It was ten to three in the morning, the coldest and darkest and loneliest part of the night.
Bilo je deset do tri ujutro, najhladniji, najmračniji i najusamljeniji dio noći.Literature Literature
In this area the monthly average temperature of the coldest month (January) varies from 9,5 to 10 °C and that of the warmest month (August) varies from 25,6 to 26 °C, with frequent maximum temperatures of over 40 °C; in addition, the daily temperature fluctuation (the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature over a 24-hour period) is not great, due to the favourable influence exerted by the sea.
Na tom području prosječna mjesečna temperatura najhladnijeg mjeseca (siječnja) iznosi od 9,50 do 10 °C, dok temperatura najtoplijeg mjeseca (kolovoza) iznosi od 25,60 do 26 °C, s najvećim vrijednostima koje su često veće od 40 °C. Osim toga, temperaturna kretanja (razlika između najveće i najmanje temperature u razdoblju od 24 sata) ostaju ograničena zahvaljujući utjecaju mora koje na povoljan način ublažuje klimu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It was February, the coldest month, and it was after ten.
Bijaše veljača, najhladniji mjesec, a već je bilo prošlo deset.Literature Literature
4. the energy consumption of a refrigerating appliance shall be determined in the coldest configuration, according to the manufacturer’s instructions for continuous normal use for any ‘other compartment’ as defined in Annex IV, Table 5.
4. potrošnja energije kućanskih rashladnih uređaja određuje se u najhladnijoj konfiguraciji, prema uputama proizvođača za trajnu normalnu uporabu „drugog odjeljka”, kako je utvrđeno u Prilogu IV. tablici 5.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Like all other islands near Š ibenik , the climath of Ž irje is caracterised by modest winters , warm summers , and relatively small differences between the warmest and the coldest month .
Kao i na svim otocima šibenskog okružja , klimu Žirja karakteriziraju blage zime , topla ljeta i relativno mala kolebanja između najtoplijeg i najhladnijeg mjeseca .hrenWaC hrenWaC
"""Something like that,"" I said in the coldest tone I dared."
"""Nešto slično"", rekla sam najhladnijim tonom kojim sam se usudila."Literature Literature
Bring me the coldest bottle of wine in the saloon
Donesite mi najhladnije vino koje imateopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
3. for multi-use appliances and compartments, the storage temperature during the measurement of energy consumption shall be the nominal temperature of the coldest compartment type as claimed for continuous normal use according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
3. kod višenamjenskih uređaja i odjeljaka, za vrijeme mjerenja potrošnje energije temperatura čuvanja je nazivna temperatura najhladnijeg tipa odjeljka prikladna za trajnu normalnu uporabu prema uputama proizvođača;eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The average temperatures in the coldest month (January or December) vary between 6 °C and 9 °C.
Prosječne temperature tijekom najhladnijih mjeseci (siječnja ili prosinca) kreću se od 6 °C do 9 °C.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
That's the meanest, coldest...
To je najniža stvar...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Would even the coldest racist burn horses alive, just to punish their owner?
Bi li i najhladnokrvniji rasisti spalili žive konje, samo zato da kazne njihova vlasnika?Literature Literature
Come with me to the bottom of the world, Antarctica, the highest, driest, windiest, and yes, coldest region on Earth -- more arid than the Sahara and, in parts, colder than Mars.
Pođite sa mnom na dno svjeta, Antarktiku, najviše, najsuhlje, najvjetrovitije, i da, najhladnije područje na Zemlji -- sušnije od Sahare i, u dijelovima, hladnije od Marsa.ted2019 ted2019
(iii) for other compartments the thermodynamic factor is determined by the coldest design temperature capable of being set by the end-user and maintained continuously according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
iii. za druge odjeljke termodinamički je faktor određen najnižom projektiranom temperaturom koju krajnji kupac može podešavati i koja se može trajno održavati prema uputama proizvođača.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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