confounded oor Kroaties


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of confound.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


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They trusted in thee, and were not confounded.
Vjerovali su u tebe, i nisu bili zbunjeni.
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14 What has confounded such scientists is the fact that the massive fossil evidence now available reveals the very same thing that it did in Darwin’s day: Basic kinds of living things appeared suddenly and did not change appreciably for long periods of time.
14 Ono što je zbunilo znanstvenike je činjenica da i današnje obilje fosilnih dokaza otkriva istu stvar kao i u Darwinovo vrijeme: temeljne životne vrste pojavile su se iznenada i nisu se znatno mijenjale tokom dugih vremenskih razdoblja.jw2019 jw2019
22 And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded.
22 I pravedni se ne trebaju bojati, jer oni su ti koji neće biti zatrti.LDS LDS
10 The hypocritical Jewish clergy seek an occasion to seize Jesus, but he answers a number of their catch questions and confounds them before the people.
10 Licemjerno židovsko svećenstvo traži priliku da uhvati Isusa, ali on odgovara na nekoliko njihovih lukavih pitanja i posramljuje ih pred narodom.jw2019 jw2019
“As it is, you have wasted the best part of my day with your confounded imagination.”
"""Kada smo već kod toga, učinio si da potrošim najbolji dio dana na tvoju pretjeranu maštu."""Literature Literature
At every step these mortals confound us!
Na svakom koraku ovi smrtnici nas zbuniti!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Put to shame and confusion them that have devised evil against us, and let Thy mighty angel confound and destroy their ilk
Posij sramotu i zbunjenost među njima koja će uništiti zlo koje nam prijeti, i pusti svog moćnog anđela koji će pomesti i uništiti vojsku njihovuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You really are a confounded fool, aren't you?
Ti si zaista prokleti idiot, zar ne?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I grew taller, until, by and by, I did suppose I knew every thing now, and there were no mysteries to confound anymore.
Rastao sam dok napokon nisam smatrao da sada znam sve, i da nema više nerazmrsivih zagonetki.Literature Literature
It's confounded risky, but we got to face it.
Riskantno, ali moramo se suočiti s time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At every step these mortals confound us!
Na svakom koraku ovi smrtnici nas zbunjuju!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's one thing I can't stand about you, your confounded complacency.
Nešto kod tebe ne mogu podnijeti, a to je tvoja prokleta samouvjerenost.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They trusted in thee, and were not confounded.
Vjerovali su u tebe, i nisu bili zbunjeni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
7 And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded, that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the aGentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land; and by them shall our seed be bscattered.
7 I to znači da vrijeme dolazi kad će, nakon što sav dom Izraelov bude raspršen i izmiješan s drugima, Gospod Bog podignuti moćan narod među apoganima, da, i to na licu ove zemlje; i oni će potomstvo naše braspršiti.LDS LDS
If pups are tested on the day of weaning, it is recommended that this testing be carried out prior to actual weaning to avoid a confounding effect by the stress associated with weaning.
Ako se mladunci ispituju na dan odbijanja od sise, preporučuje se da se ispitivanje obavi prije odbijanja od sise kako bi se izbjegao zbunjujući učinak stresa povezanog s odbijanjem od sise.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I am not chivalrous, Miss Trent, and I am not sweet, confound your impertinence!""
Nisam ja kavalir, gospođice Trent, i nisam sladak, prokleta bila ta vaša drskost!Literature Literature
I believe it’s Slickson’s doing – confound him and his dodges!
Mislim da je to Slicksonovo maslo - do vraga i on i njegovo vrdanje!Literature Literature
I have this view that the act of Parliament is like a double-edged sword, for ever a man answers one way it confounds his body,
Moje mišljenje je da je odluka Parlamenta mač sa dvije oštrice, i ako čovjek odgovori na jedan način povrijedit će svoje tijelo,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For, (as it is written), I will confound the wisdom of the wise and destroy the understanding of the prudent.
Eto, to je najviše što bih im preporučio u stvarima koje se bave znanjem i mudrošću.Literature Literature
the concept of the limit dose and international guidelines on maximum recommended doses and for assessing confounding effects of excessive toxicity;
pojam granične doze te međunarodne smjernice za najveće preporučene doze i za ocjenjivanje zbunjujućih učinaka prekomjerne toksičnosti;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It was a mystery to confound that Mother could give him her adorings, but so she did.
Bila je nerazmrsiva zagonetka kako ga je Majka mogla toliko obožavati, ali doista jest.Literature Literature
Nevertheless, they did rebuke the judges in the words which they had spoken against Nephi, and did contend with them one by one, insomuch that they did confound them.
Ipak, oni prekoriše suce zbog riječi što ih oni bijahu izrekli protiv Nefija, i prepirahu se sa svakim od njih napose, toliko da ih postidješe.LDS LDS
description of and justification for the design of the clinical performance study, its scientific robustness and validity, including the statistical design, and details of measures to be taken to minimise bias, such as randomisation, and management of potential confounding factors;
opis i obrazloženje projekta studije kliničke učinkovitosti, njezine znanstvene pouzdanosti i valjanosti, uključujući statistički projekt, te pojedinosti o mjerama koje je potrebno poduzeti radi svođenja pristranosti na najmanju moguću mjeru, kao što je postupak slučajnog odabira, te upravljanje potencijalno zbunjujućim čimbenicima;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Prior to the study, careful selection is required of a diet without an elevated level of phyto-oestrogens (for guidance see (6)(9)) or metabolisable energy, that can confound the results (15)(17)(19)(22)(36).
Prije studije potreban je pažljiv odabir prehrane bez povišene razine fitoestrogena (za primjer vidjeti (6) (9)) ili metabolizirajuće energije, koji mogu poremetiti rezultate (15) (17) (19) (22) (36).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Still confounds and shocks Many americans from the pre-2001 era.
Imao je sposobnost prikriti svoje zadnje namjere, tako da su godinama kasnije mnogi Amerikanci još uvijek zbunjeni i šokirani onim što se događalo prije 2001.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am confounded.
Zbunjen sam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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