constrict oor Kroaties


To narrow, especially by applying pressure.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Not too constricted, but just enough to make things interesting.
Ne previše stegnut, tek dovoljno da stvari budu zanimljive.
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But... don't opiates constrict pupils?
Ali... ne opijati stisnuti učenike?
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It also helps to dilate constricted blood vessels during physical activity and inhibits the formation of plaque.
Također pomaže u širenju suženih krvnih žila u tjeku neke tjeelsne aktivnosti. I spriječava nastanak naslaga.

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Existentialists can expound; relativists can rationalize with their constricted views of reality—that truth is only a subjective experience—laws are laws!
Egzistencijalisti mogu tumačiti; relativisti mogu racionalizirati sa svojim ograničenim pogledima na stvarnost – da je istina samo subjektivno iskustvo – zakoni su zakoni!LDS LDS
O allowed her to take off her bolero, her dress, her whalebone belt which constricted her waist, and her sandals.
O pusti da joj skine bolero, haljinu, steznik i sandale.Literature Literature
He describes the nature of cerebral intelligence, ordinary thought, as constrictive and “centripetal.”
"Prirodu cerebralne inteligencije, običnih misli, opisuje kao ograničavajuću i ""centripetalnu""."Literature Literature
The heart constricts at the thought.
Srce me zaboli na pomisao.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Food for worms in an unmarked Yorktown grave, I expect,” Marcus said breathlessly, his vocal cords constricted.
"""Bio bih hrana crvima u neoznačenom grobu u Yorktownu, mislim"", bez daha je rekao Marcus, jer grlo mu je bilo stisnuto."Literature Literature
But there are constrictions even on crime.
Ali čak i zločin ima svoja ograničenja.Literature Literature
Ben's throat constricted, and he had to wait a few moments before resuming.
Benu se stisnulo grlo i morao je priĉekati nekoliko trenutaka prije nego što je nastavio.Literature Literature
Through defying the constrictions of craft specialization, the artist restored the full exercise of mind.
Negirajući skučenost zanatske specijalizacije, umjetnik je obnovio totalnu intelektualnu aktivnost.Literature Literature
His speech came out in spurts, constricted with fear and hampered by the uncomfortable position.
Riječi su mu bile isprekidane, ispunjene strahom i naporne zbog neugodnog položaja.Literature Literature
Now, obviously, you'd expect severe constriction injuries, but look at this.
Očito je da se očekuju teške ozljede od stezanja, ali pogledaj ovo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pupils constricted.
Sužene zjenice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Public procurement is facing new challenges as it is increasingly expected to: demonstrate best value for public money in ever-constricting budgetary environments; use the opportunities of digitisation and evolving markets; make a strategic contribution to horizontal policy objectives and societal values such as innovation, social inclusion and economic and environmental sustainability; maximise accessibility and show accountability for minimising inefficiencies, waste, irregularities, fraud and corruption, as well as building responsible supply chains.
Javna se nabava suočava s novim izazovima jer se sve više očekuje: dokazivanje najbolje vrijednosti za uložena javna sredstva u sve manjim proračunskim okruženjima; iskorištavanje mogućnosti koje nude digitalizacija i tržišta u razvoju; davanje strateškog doprinosa horizontalnim ciljevima politike i društvenim vrijednostima kao što su inovacije, socijalna uključenost te gospodarska i ekološka održivost; optimizacija pristupačnosti i preuzimanje odgovornosti za smanjivanje neučinkovitosti, rasipnosti, nepravilnosti, prijevara i korupcije na najmanju moguću mjeru te uspostavljanje odgovornih opskrbnih lanaca.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
That, combined with the constricted lung capacity, caused her death.
To u kombinaciji sa kapacitetom pluća uzrok je njene smrti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This was pictured by the two constricting metal bands wrapped around the dream tree’s rootstock.
To je predočeno sa dva metalna stezna obruča, koji su stavljeni oko panja sa žilama iz sna.jw2019 jw2019
Everything in the body constricts and stiffens.
Sve u tijelu se sužava i koci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The quietude of the Provincara's household, balm to Cazaril's soul, was doubtless acid to poor constricted Teidez.
Mirnoća provincijaričina dvora, iako melem za Cazarilovu dušu, zacijelo je trovala sirotoga sputanog Teideza.Literature Literature
Bacterial infection's more likely to turn constrictive.
Bakterijska infekcija prije može biti konstruktivna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In what manner were these practical, enlightened, persistent men part of a constricting patriarchy?
Na koji su način ovi praktični, prosvijetljeni, uporni muškarci dio restriktivnoga patrijarhata?Literature Literature
John Sampson pulled at the constricting knot around his neck and ripped the damn thing off.
John Sampson povukao je čvor koji ga je gušio i strgnuo prokletu stvar s vrata.Literature Literature
One, it's a sun- shading device, so that when the sun hits the surface, it constricts the amount of sun passing through, and in other areas, it's a ventilating system, so that hot, trapped air underneath can actually move through and out when necessary.
Jedna je da služi kao suncobran, tako da ograniči količinu svjetlosti koja prolazi kad sunce obasja njegovu površinu, a s druge strane služi kao sustav za ventilaciju, tako da topao zrak ispod može zapravo proći i izaći van kad je to potrebno.QED QED
I check the pulse and then I check the eyes to confirm no constriction in the pupils, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing.
Provjerim puls i provjerim oci da potvrdim da nema reakcije zjenice, i nije bilo nicega, absolutno nicega.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One writer put it this way: “Too many people own too many cars, and they want to drive them in the same constricted space.”
Govoreći o tom problemu, jedan je novinar napisao: “U gradovima živi jako mnogo ljudi koji imaju jako mnogo automobila i svi se oni žele voziti na istom skučenom prostoru.”jw2019 jw2019
Several anatomical features found in Microraptor, such as a combination of unserrated and partially serrated teeth with constricted 'waists', and unusually long upper arm bones, are shared with both primitive avians and primitive troodontids.
Nekoliko anatomskih osobina kod Microraptora, poput kombinacije nazubljenih i djelomično nazubljenih zuba s uskim "strukom" i neobično duge kosti gornjeg dijela ruke, zajedničke su s primitivnim pticama i primitivnim troodontidima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hearing a high whine start up in his inner ear, the sound of his blood squealing through his constricted veins.
Začuje kako mu u unutrašnjosti uha počinje visoko cviljenje, zvuk krvi što pišti kroz stisnute žile.Literature Literature
The ability of a songbird to alter its vocal filter is discussed by Stephen Nowicki in an article in Nature: “A bird could adjust its vocal filter in several ways: for example by varying tracheal length, by constriction of the larynx, or by flaring its throat and beak.
Stephen Nowicki je u jednom članku u Naturi razmatrao sposobnost ptica pjevica da povećaju svoj glasni filter: “Ptice na nekoliko načina mogu prilagoditi svoj glasni filter: naprimjer, promjenom dužine dušnika, stiskanjem grkljana, ili širenjem svog ždrijela i kljuna.jw2019 jw2019
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