construction justifiability oor Kroaties

construction justifiability

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Indeed, that construction was justified on the grounds that the legal status of Turkish nationals (under Article 7 of Decision No 1/80) could not be compared to that of EU nationals (under the system set up by Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 (32)).
Takvo je stajalište, nadalje, opravdano time da se pravni status turskih državljana (prema članku 7.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is also an absence of baseload power stations able to cover demand independently, and this justifies the construction of the CCG power station.
Proizvodnim postrojenjima u Bretanji nedostaju bazne elektrane koje bi samostalno zadovoljile potražnju, što opravdava izgradnju kombinirane elektrane na plin.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
they are justified by the particular construction; and
da je to opravdano zbog posebne konstrukcije; iEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(a) they are justified by the particular construction; and
(a) da je to opravdano zbog posebne konstrukcije; inot-set not-set
— they are justified by the particular construction
— tako zahtijeva posebna konstrukcija,Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
they are justified by the particular construction
tako zahtjeva posebna konstrukcija,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
they are justified by the particular construction
tako zahtijeva posebna konstrukcija,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The UK authorities claim that there are important market failures as regards the construction of new nuclear which justify the set-up of the SGEI.
Vlasti Ujedinjene Kraljevine tvrde da postoje važni tržišni nedostaci u pogledu izgradnje nove nuklearne elektrane koji opravdavaju uspostavu SGEI-ja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even if WienCont lost all these volumes, which Slovakia doubts, the company would not be harmed to an extent that would justify not constructing a modern tri-modal terminal in Bratislava on the Danube.
Čak i da WienCont izgubi sve te opsege, u što Slovačka sumnja, društvo ne bi bilo oštećeno do mjere koja bi opravdala neizgradnju suvremenog trimodalnog terminala u Bratislavi na Dunavu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Spain, the cost of the construction works carried out was justified by means of copies of the invoices from the contractor and copies of proofs of payment.
Troškovi građevinskih radova koji su izvedeni u Španjolskoj opravdani su preslikama računa izvođača i presli‐ kama potvrda o plaćanju.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
It also claimed that even if the adjustments were justified, the constructed export price should only include costs related to imports by RFAI, and exclude all SGA costs related to the exports of the SEE.
Osnovne uredbe. Tvrdio je i da bi, čak i da su prilagodbe opravdane, izračunana izvozna cijena trebala uključivati samo troškove povezane s uvozom koji je izvršilo društvo RFAI, a ne uključivati nikakve troškove POA povezane s izvozom jedinstvenog gospodarskog subjekta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Metrans argues that the arguments Slovakia uses to justify the State aid for constructing the terminals are unsubstantiated, incorrect or otherwise not relevant.
Metrans tvrdi da su argumenti koje Slovačka koristi za opravdanje državne potpore za izgradnju terminala neutemeljeni, netočni ili drukčije nevažni.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose!
Privremena zdanja slabašnog ljudskog uma kako bi opravdao postojanje bez smisla ili svrhe!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Poland states that the safety of aircraft operations further justifies the construction of a hub of airports in the Tricity area with Gdynia airport serving as a back-up, emergency airport (landing in Gdynia airport is possible in ca. 80 % of cases when cloud base and visibility do not allow landing in Gdansk airport).
Poljska tvrdi da i zračna sigurnost jamči izgradnju čvorišta zračnih luka u području Trojmiasta, pri čemu zračna luka Gdynia služi kao dodatna zračna luka za hitne situacije (slijetanje u zračnoj luci Gdynia moguće je u oko 80 % slučajeva kada zbog baze oblaka i vidljivosti slijetanje u zračnoj luci u Gdansku nije moguće).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Indeed, Articles 2(1)-2(6) of the Basic Regulation provide for several circumstances justifying the use of constructed normal value as opposed to using actual domestic sales for dumping margin calculation purposes on a case-by-case basis.
Naime, u članku 2. stavcima 1. do 6. navodi se nekoliko okolnosti kojima se opravdava uporaba izračuna uobičajene vrijednosti umjesto uporabe stvarne domaće prodaje u svrhu izračuna dampinške marže od slučaja do slučaja.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Where the Director deviates from or rejects the comments and amendments submitted by the Board of Regulators, the Director should provide a duly justified written reasoning to facilitate a constructive dialogue.
Ako ravnatelj odstupi od primjedbi i izmjena koje je podnio Odbor regulatora ili ih odbije, ravnatelj bi trebao dati propisno utemeljeno pisano obrazloženje kako bi omogućio konstruktivan dijalog.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
- in a Member State where no coherent network of motorways or dual carriageways with similar characteristics exists in the major part of the State, in that part of the country, but only on roads used for international and interregional heavy goods transport, provided that the traffic demand and population density do not economically justify the construction of motorways or of dual carriageway roads with similar characteristics;
u državi članici u kojoj ne postoji jedinstvena mreža autocesta ili cesta s dvostrukim trakom sličnih značajki na većem dijelu njezinog područja, u dotičnom dijelu države, ali samo za ceste koje se koriste za međunarodni i međuregionalni prijevoz tereta, pod uvjetom da su prometna potražnja i gustoća stanovništva takvog opsega da ne postoji gospodarska opravdanost izgradnje autocesta ili cesta sličnih značajki s dva prometna traka;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
These provisions allow the tax administration to approve a specific depreciation plan presented and justified by the taxable person, including for assets under construction.
Te odredbe omogućuju poreznim vlastima da odobre konkretan plan amortizacije koji porezni obveznik predstavi i obrazloži, uključujući i onaj za imovinu u izgradnji.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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