contort oor Kroaties


(transitive) To twist in a violent manner; as, features contorted with fury.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


That happens when you're being haunting by a contort mask.
Hoće to tako kada te progoni neko sa iskrivljenom maskom.





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Scott sat on the edge of Boo’s bed and looked at his daughter, her cute little face contorted into a frown.
Scott je sjeo na rub Booinog kreveta i pogledao svoju kderku, čije se slatko lišde namrštilo.Literature Literature
The astrologer’s contorted face comes to me dimly through the black flowers blooming across my eyes.
Astrologovo iskrivljeno lice izgledalo mi je mutno kroz crno cvijeće koje mi je cvjetalo pred očima.Literature Literature
The attendants carried the stretcher to the threshold and, contorting, managed to get it halfway into the room.
Bolničari su odnijeli nosila do praga i, nagnuvši ih, uspjeli ih napola ugurati u sobicu.Literature Literature
It is warped contorted crooked.
Sve je deformirano, iskrivljeno, pogrešno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But the sailor’s face was not contorted in panic.
Ali mornarevo lice nije bilo iskrivljeno od panike.Literature Literature
She lifted a hand to strike him, her beautiful features contorted in hatred and anger.
Ona podigne ruku da ga udari, a lijepo lice joj se zgrči u bijesu i mržnji.Literature Literature
Only when he finished with the rooster did the colonel turn to the contorted face of his wife.
Tek kad je završio s pijetlom, pukovnik se suoči s izobličenim licem svoje žene.Literature Literature
My mouth contorted into what Sarah called my “sour-puss.”
Usta su mi se iskrivila u ono što Sarah naziva kiseliš.Literature Literature
Sometimes a pair will contort their necks into elegant shapes and look each other in the eye.
Ponekad partneri znaju iskriviti vratove praveći elegantne likove pa tako gledaju jedan drugoga u oči.jw2019 jw2019
Her face contorted with pain .
Lice joj se iskrivilo od boli.Literature Literature
His face was red, his body contorting into an agonizing pose.
Lice mu je bilo crveno, tijelo savijeno u položaju agonije.Literature Literature
Sonia’s body goes rigid, her face contorting in a look of sheer terror and pain before she slumps onto the floor.
Sonijino se tijelo koči, lice joj se grči u grimasu posvemašnjeg užasa i boli pa se srozava na pod.Literature Literature
In mortal fear, the concubine shook herself and gesticulated like a contorted puppet, but without leaving the ground.
Užasnuta, priležnica je frktala i gestikulirala kao nepokretna lutka, ne odljepljujući se od zemlje.Literature Literature
His beautiful face had been contorted with agony.
Prekrasno mu je lice bilo izobličeno u agoniji.Literature Literature
To their hosts’ amusement, as the missionaries drank the green and bitter brew, their faces contorted in a variety of ways.
Kad su misionari popili zeleni i gorak napitak, njihova su se lica iskrivila u različite grimase, što je zabavljalo njihove domaćine.jw2019 jw2019
Sam above her, eyes clouded with a mix of love and lust, face contorted with pleasure.
Sam iznad nje, oči zamagljene mješavinom Ijubavi i požude, lice izobličeno od užitka.Literature Literature
It contorts the shape of this tiny moon, moving rock as if it were nothing more than water.
To krivi oblik ovog sićušnog mjeseca, pokrećući stijene kao da je u pitanju voda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He massaged the contorted face until it took on a relaxed, almost peaceful expression.
Masirao je zgrčeno lice dok nije poprimilo opušteniji, gotovo spokojan izraz.Literature Literature
He crept down from the wagon and stood on the road, fear contorting his face.
On se izvuče iz kola i stade na cestu, a na licu mu se vidio kukavan strah.Literature Literature
For a second they had the look of models contorted into awkwardly elegant poses of delight and astonishment.
Na sekundu su izgledale kao manekenke iskrivljene u nezgodno otmjene poloţaje oduševljenja i ĉuđenja.Literature Literature
The curved lines adorning the amphora are helical, evoking the characteristically contorted trunks of age-old olive trees.
Zaobljene linije koje ukrašavaju amforu spiralne su, čime podsjećaju na karakteristično iskrivljena debla stoljetnih stabala maslina.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
He contorts in a very peaceful, very holy way.
Iskrivljuju ga na jako spokojan, jako svetački način.Literature Literature
Feldman was crumpled on the grass beside the open driver’s door, his purpling face contorted.
Feldman je bio izvijen na travi kraj otvorenih vozačkih vrata, ljubičastog iskrivljenog lica.Literature Literature
What contortions are visible on my own face?
Kakva se izobličenja vide na mome licu?Literature Literature
What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away.
Ono što leži u nama ne može nikada usitinu biti zauzeto, izobličeno ili uzeto.ted2019 ted2019
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