cupled oor Kroaties


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The muscles and ligaments that surround it are important also : to stabilize ( four muscles that make up " rotary cupling " ) and move it ( deltoideus that makes shoulder round and others ) , as well as their mutual relations .
Bitni su mišići i ligamenti koji ga okružuju : stabiliziraju ( četiri mišića koja čine “ rotatornu manžetu “ ) i pokreću ( deltoideus koji čini rame zaobljenim i drugi ) , a isto tako i njihovi međusobni odnosi .hrenWaC hrenWaC
His name is Sarah, the day that cuple 20 have to take her to the big cave
Zove se Sara, i onog dana kada bude punila 20 godina, moraš je odvesti do Velike Pećine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
World Cupl You act like it's some kind ofholy quest.
Ponašaš se kao da je Svjetski kup neka svetinja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One of them tells that «when God created Earth in his hand he had left cuple of earth clumps and he decided to drop them on the place where Kornati islands stand today».
Jedna od njih kaže da «kad je Bog stvarao zemlju u ruci mu ostane nekoliko grumena koje odluči baciti na današnje mjesto Kornata».ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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