curd oor Kroaties


/kɜː(ɹ)d/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The part of milk that coagulates when it sours or is treated with enzymes; used to make cottage cheese.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


The first subparagraph shall also apply to cheese and curd.
Prvi podstavak također se primjenjuje na sir i skutu.



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

bean curd
dry curd cottage cheese


Advanced filtering
It is more significant to point out that the curds are drained without being pressed than to indicate that this is done on the settling table.
Navođenje da se cijeđenje odvija bez prešanja važnije je od navođenja da se ono provodi na stolu za cijeđenje.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
ban on the conservation of the dairy raw materials, partially finished products, curd or fresh cheese at a temperature below 0 °C, in order to avoid any practices that are not in line with traditional know-how.
zabrana čuvanja mliječnih sirovina, proizvoda u pripremi, gruša ili svježeg sira držanjem na temperaturi nižoj od 0 °C kako bi se spriječila svaka praksa koja nije u skladu s tradicionalnim znanjem i umijećem.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cheese makers are trained to cut the curd into large cubes which is essential for fat and moisture retention in the finished product and helps produce a moist soft velvety textured curd.
Sirari su obučeni da režu gruš na velike kocke, što je neophodno za zadržavanje masnoće i vlage u gotovom proizvodu i doprinosi proizvodnji sočnog, mekanog i baršunastog gruša.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
As regards the additional tariff quota for imports into Norway of 1 200 tonnes of cheese and curd, the Parties agree that 700 tonnes will be administered by auction and 500 tonnes by the licensing system.
Kada je riječ o dodatnoj carinskoj kvoti od 1 200 tona sira i skute za uvoz u Norvešku, stranke se slažu da će 700 tona biti stavljeno na dražbu, a na 500 tona primjenjivat će se sustav uvoznih dozvola.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The cheesemakers’ ability to identify the perfect time during the milk curdling at which the curd is ready to separate is a key element.
Sposobnost sirara da utvrdi odgovarajući trenutak koagulacije mlijeka u kojem je skuta spremna za rezanje presudna je.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Unripened or uncured cheese (fresh cheese) (including whey cheese and curd)
Nefermentirani ili nesoljeni svježi sir (uključujući sir od surutke i skutu)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Half of the curd cheese filling is spread over the second layer of filo pastry and a small quantity of the cream and fatty toppings is poured onto it.
Polovica nadjeva od svježeg sira stavlja se preko drugog sloja lisnatog tijesta te se preko njega prelijevaju preljev od vrhnja i masni preljev.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The curd is kneaded and stretched to give it a stringy texture.
Skuta se gnječi i rasteže kako bi dobila ljepljivu teksturu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cheese and curd
Sir i skutaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The local producers' expertise and long-standing experience in making ‘Κρασοτύρι Κω’ (Krasotiri Ko)/‘Τυρί της Πόσιας’ (Tiri tis Possias), which has been acquired over the years and is passed down from one generation to the next and includes preparing the wine lees (‘possia’) and using the cheese moulds (‘tyrovoli’) to strain the curds, have also helped to create this unique cheese that enjoys a widespread reputation.
Stručnost i dugogodišnje iskustvo lokalnog stanovništva u proizvodnji sira „Κρασοτύρι Κω” (Krasotiri Ko)/„Τυρί της Πόσιας” (Tiri tis Possias), koji su se stjecali godinama i prenose se s jedne generacije na drugu, a uključuju pripremu vinskog taloga („possia”) i upotrebu kalupa za sir („tyrovoli”) za cijeđenje skute, pridonijeli su stvaranju tog jedinstvenog, naširoko poznatog sira.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
cooling the curd (until 18-22 °C is reached, at an intensity of 3-4 °C per minute),
hlađenje skute (dok ne dosegne 18 – 22 °C, pri intenzitetu od 3 – 4 °C po minuti),Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Just some preserved bean curd that you like.
Samo onaj grah u konzervi kojeg voliš.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The sentence ‘With the exception of partial skimming, the addition of rennet, lactic starters, salt or water in order to clean the curd, nothing may be removed from or added to the milk.’ is replaced by:
Rečenica: „Uz iznimku djelomičnog obiranja, dodavanja renina, mliječnih startera, soli i vode za ispiranje gruša, ništa se ne smije oduzimati ni dodavati mlijeku tijekom izrade.” zamjenjuje se rečenicom:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The amendments have been made because of the need to provide details of the operations involved in the manufacturing stage, in particular those operations that determine that the product obtained conforms to the product description, specifically as regards the stages of coagulation and working of the curd.
Te su izmjene uvedene jer je potrebno navesti pojedinosti o postupcima u fazi proizvodnje, posebno o onim postupcima kojima se osigurava da dobiveni proizvod bude u skladu s opisom proizvoda, što se ponajviše odnosi na faze koagulacije i obrade gruša.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The aim is to prevent the over-acidification of the chopped and warmed curd and any microbial contaminants from spreading, to stop the curd from sticking and to regulate compaction.
Postupkom se sprječava prekomjerno kiseljenje usitnjene i zagrijane skute i širenje mikrobioloških onečišćivača kako se skuta ne bi slijepila i kako bi se regulirala kompresija.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The ban on pre-draining and on deferred use of the curd have been worded more explicitly than in the current product specification.
Zabrana tehnike prethodnog cijeđenja i zabrana ostavljanja gruša za naknadnu upotrebu jasnije su sastavljene nego u važećoj specifikaciji proizvoda.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
After coagulation, the stages of cutting and stirring the curd and the separation of most of the curd and whey before putting into moulds have been introduced to reflect customary practice: ‘After coagulation, the curd is cut into cubes of a size between that of a maize kernel and a hazel nut.
Kako bi se uzele u obzir uobičajene prakse, nakon koagulacije provode se faze rezanja i miješanja gruša te odvajanje najvećeg dijela gruša i seruma prije stavljanja u kalup: „Nakon koagulacije gruš se reže u kockice veličine u rasponu od zrna kukuruza do lješnjaka.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Kefir [milk beverage], Milk cream, Whipped cream, Curds, Fruit and herb quark desserts, Kefir [milk beverage], Desserts, Essentially consisting of milk with added flavourings, with gelatine and/or starch as binding agents
Kobilje mlijeko [kumis], Vrhnje, Tučeno vrhnje, Sir od skute, Voćni desert od svježeg sira i jela od svježeg sira sa začinskim biljem, Kobilje mlijeko [kumis], Deserti, Koji se uglavnom sastoje od mlijeka uz dodatak aroma sa želatinom i/ili škrobom kao vezivomtmClass tmClass
The curds are cut using a cheese harp and distributed gradually among the various moulds, open to their maximum diameter or shape.
Gruš se reže s pomoću sirarske harfe i postupno raspoređuje u kalupe, koji su otvoreni do najvećeg promjera ili oblika.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
During formation of the curd grains, a third of the whey is drained off, after which the curd grains are heated.
Tijekom stvaranja zrna gruša ocjeđuje se trećina sirutke, nakon čega se zrna gruša zagrijavaju.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Cheese and curd, with the exception of Cheese and curd originating in Switzerland, imported without licence
Sir i sirutka, osim sira i sirutke podrijetlom iz Švicarske, uvezeni bez dozvoleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘Both individual farmers and producers at small cooperatives or large milk processing plants stuff the curds into the cheese bags by hand or by mechanical means, tie a knot in the end, remove them from the bags after pressing, and rub them down by hand with a mixture of seasonings before baking them.’
„Neovisno o tome jesu li samostalni ili pripadaju maloj zadruzi ili velikim mljekarama, svi proizvođači ručno ili mehanički provode radnje kojima se kiselo mlijeko ulijeva u vrećice za sir, kojima se na tim vrećicama veže čvor i kojima se iz njih vadi sir nakon prešanja te prije kuhanja ručno trljaju svaki sir mješavinom začina.”eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It is prohibited to conserve the dairy raw materials, partially finished products, curd or fresh cheese at a temperature below 0 °C.
Navodi se zabrana čuvanja mliječnih sirovina, proizvoda u pripremi, gruša ili svježeg sira držanjem na temperaturi nižoj od 0 °C.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The curds are pressed into the correct shape and desired weight in vats.
Gruš se u velikim bačvama preša tako da se dobiju pravilni oblici i željene težine.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
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