cymbal oor Kroaties


/ˈkɪmbəl/, /sɪmbəɫ/, /ˈsɪmbəl/ naamwoord
(music) a concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck: played either in pairs, by striking them together, or singly by striking with a drumstick or the like.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


A concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck.
Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head.
Jo Jones mu je bacio činelu u glavu.


Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head.
Jo Jones mu je bacio činelu u glavu.
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You don't tell a great cymbal player to crash his cymbals differently.
Ne možeš reći sjajnom sviraču cimbala da udara cimbalo drugačije.


common percussion instrument
Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head.
Jo Jones mu je bacio činelu u glavu.

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finger cymbals
cimbale · činele


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We're looking for a cymbal player.
Tražimo svirača na cimbalu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What if Dave played the cymbals and I just played the drums?
A da Dave svira činele, a ja bubnjeve?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And a healing process would begin amid the cymbals and drumbeats and horns and cheers.
A proces ozdravljenja zapoĉet će usred ĉinela i bubnjeva i puhaĉa i klicanja.Literature Literature
“You should have had Hichiriki and Cymbal and all your friends gathered around.""
"""Sad bi tu okolo trebali biti Hičiriki i Cimbal i svi tvoji prijatelji."""Literature Literature
The sound of an electric guitar in rock music is typically supported by an electric bass guitar, which pioneered in jazz music in the same era, and percussion produced from a drum kit that combines drums and cymbals.
Zvuk električne gitare u rock glazbi obično podržava električna bas-gitara, koja je bila pionir u jazz glazbi istoga doba, i udaraljke u kojima prevladavaju bubnjevi, uz koje se ponekad pojavljuju i činele.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The instruments used in Bible times can be divided into three basic categories: stringed instruments, such as the harp, the lyre (1), and the lute (2); wind instruments, such as the horn, or shofar (3), the trumpet (4), the much loved flute, or pipe (5); percussion instruments, such as the tambourine (6), the sistrum (7), cymbals (8), and bells (9).
Glazbala koja su postojala u biblijsko doba mogu se podijeliti u tri skupine. To su žičana glazbala, primjerice harfa, lira (1) i psaltir (2), zatim puhaća glazbala u koja spadaju rog, odnosno šofar (3), truba (4) i frula (5) te udaraljke, naprimjer def (6), zvečka (7), činele (8) i zvonca (9).jw2019 jw2019
You don't tell a great cymbal player to crash his cymbals differently.
Ne možeš reći sjajnom sviraču cimbala da udara cimbalo drugačije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cymbals, you know?
U činele, znate?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He barely remembered any of this now, but the monkey still scared him, particularly its cymbals.
Sad se toga još jedva sjećao, ali majmun ga je još uvijek plašio, osobito njegove činele.Literature Literature
To the accompaniment of drum and flute, sistrum and cymbal, we passed through the Moon Gate.
Uz pratnju bubnja i flaute, sistruma i činela prošli smo kroz Mjesečeva vrata.Literature Literature
Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas)
Udaraljke (na primjer, bubnjevi, ksilofoni, činele, kastanjete, maraksi)Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Each group, equipped with hand cymbals and drums, loudly danced and chanted.
Svaka od njih baratala je ručnim cimbalima i bubnjevima, glasno pjevajući i plešući.Literature Literature
Praise him with the clashing cymbals.
Slavite ga praskavim cimbalima.jw2019 jw2019
Hal came back, almost asleep again ... and suddenly the monkey began to beat its cymbals together in the darkness.
Hal se vratio, skoro opet zaspao... i odjednom je majmun u tami počeo lupati činelama.Literature Literature
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
»Kad bih ljudske i anđeoske jezike govorio, a ljubavi ne bih imao, bio bih mjed što ječi, ili cimbal što zveči.LDS LDS
I forgot my cymbals.
Zaboravio sam činele.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(1 Corinthians 14:19) A loveless person would be like “a sounding piece of brass” —a noisy, annoying gong— or an unmelodious “clashing cymbal.”
Korinćanima 14:19). Osoba bez ljubavi bila bi poput “mjedi koja ječi” — bučnog, dodijavajućeg gonga — ili poput nemelodioznog ‘cimbala koji zveči’.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 13:1) A clashing cymbal produces a harsh noise.
Korinćanima 13:1). Cimbal koji zveči stvara neugodne zvukove.jw2019 jw2019
Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head.
Jo Jones mu je bacio činelu u glavu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When David, as king, brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, the people “were celebrating before Jehovah with all sorts of instruments of juniper wood and with harps and with stringed instruments and with tambourines and with sistrums and with cymbals.”
Kad je kralj David dopremio kovčeg saveza u Jeruzalem, ljudi su se “veselili pred Jehovom svirajući svakakva glazbala načinjena od drva borovice, zatim harfe i psaltire, defove, zvečke i činele” (2.jw2019 jw2019
In most of the houses there were wild Friday parties with drums and cymbals that reverberated in your gut.
U većini kuća održavale su se uobičajene zabave petkom od čilih vam je bubnjeva i činela podrhtavalo u utrobi.Literature Literature
The apostle Paul explained: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a sounding piece of brass or a clashing cymbal.
Apostol Pavao je objasnio: “Ako govorim jezicima ljudskim i anđeoskim, a ljubavi nemam, tada sam mjed koja ječi i cimbalo koje zveči.jw2019 jw2019
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