dark nebula oor Kroaties

dark nebula

(astronomy) A type of nebula that unlike other types of nebulae does not emit or reflect light and therefore appears as a starless region in the sky.

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Tamna maglica

astronomical object type
And last there are dark nebulae like the Horsehead.
I na kraju, postoje tamne maglice poput " Konjske glave ".

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We see these dark nebulas as shadows against the background stars.
Ove mračne magline vidimo kao senke spram zvezda u pozadini.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were exploring a dark nebula, just gathering deuterium.
Istraživali smo tamnu maglicu prikupljajući deuterij.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And last there are dark nebulae like the Horsehead.
I na kraju, postoje tamne maglice poput " Konjske glave ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And finally, there are the dark nebulas... clouds of interstellar gas and dust... visible usually because they appear in silhouette... against the bright nebulas behind them.
Tu su i tamne magline, oblaci međuzvezdanog gasa i prašine, vidljivi samo zato što se javljaju u siluetama spram svetlih maglina koje se nalaze iza njih.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Similar nebulae not illuminated by stars do not exhibit visible radiation, but may be detected as opaque clouds blocking light from luminous objects behind them; they are called "dark nebulae".
Slične maglice bez zvijezda u blizini ne emitiraju svjetlosnu radijaciju, ali se mogu otkriti jer "blokiraju" svjetlost zvijezda iza njih.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Enterprise is preparing to enter the Mar Oscura, an unexplored dark-matter nebula.
Pripremamo se za ulazak u Mar Oscura, neistraženu maglicu od tamne tvari.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I remember there was a time when I lost a warp nacelle going through a dark-matter nebula.
I meni je otpalo kad sam prolazio kroz maglicu tamne tvari.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If it really is a dark matter nebula, we' d be the first to directly observe one
Ako je to maglica tamne tvari, prvi ćemo je izravno promatratiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
If it really is a dark matter nebula, we'd be the first to directly observe one.
Ako je ovo stvarno maglina sačinjena od tamne materije,... Bićemo prvi koji smo ispitali jednu takvu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The object is an unusual combination of an open cluster of stars; an emission nebula (the lower, red portion), a reflection nebula (the upper, blue portion) and a dark nebula (the apparent 'gaps' within the emission nebula that cause the trifurcated appearance; these are also designated Barnard 85).
Neobični je spoj otvorenog skupa zvijezda, emisijske maglice (donji, crveni dio), odrazne maglice (gornji, plavi dio) i tamne maglice (očigledni jazovi unutar emisijske maglice zbog kojih izgleda trodijelna; oni su također označeni kao Barnard 85).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nebula means dark mist.
O čemu se tu radi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We might peer through that great darkness, seeking the Andromeda nebula, our nearest galactic neighbor.
Možda ćemo u toj tami pokušati nazrijeti Andromedinu maglicu, jednog od najbližih galaktičkih susjeda.Literature Literature
The unusual preponderance of dark matter in this nebula is causing small gaps in the fabric of normal space.
Gustoća tamne tvari u maglici stvara praznine u prostoru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Spinning slowly as the wire unwound, he dropped through total darkness, not a star or nebula in sight.
Kako se sajla odmotavala on se lagano okretao i padao kroz potpunu tamu, bez zvijezda ili maglica u vidokrugu.Literature Literature
As the ship went through the nebula, it sent out a dark-matter bow wave.
Brod je u prolasku odašiljao uzvodni udarni val.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He also discovered five southern double stars with the prefix GLE, and several dark sky objects, including the planetary nebula, IC 5148 in Grus.
Otkrio je pet južnih dvostrukih zvijezda prefiksa GLE, te nekoliko tamnih nebeskih objekata, uključujući planetnu maglicu IC 5148 u zviježđu Ždralu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The nebula region is visible in amateur telescopes from dark sky locations.
Maglica je s mračne lokacije vidljiva u amaterskim teleskopima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dark nebulae are dense clouds of interstellar dust obscuring the light of objects behind them.
Tamne magline su gusti oblaci međuzvjezdane prašine koji nam zaklanjaju svjetlost objekata koji se nalaze iza njih.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Dark nebulae are vast clouds of interstellar matter.
Tamne magline su ogromni oblaci međuzvjezdane materije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The galaxies are in a frenzy of star birth- - a multitude of nebulas glow pink in the darkness- - one final flare of stellar activity before the galaxies merge to become one.
Galaksije bjesne rađajući zvijezde mnoštvo Maglica, rozi sjaj u tami jedan finalni vatromet zvjezdane aktivnosti prije nego se galaksije stope i postanu jedna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The galaxies are in a frenzy of star birth -- a multitude of nebulas glow pink in the darkness -- one final flare of stellar activity before the galaxies merge to become one.
Galaksije bjesne rađajući zvijezde mnoštvo Maglica, rozi sjaj u tami jedan finalni vatromet zvjezdane aktivnosti prije nego se galaksije stope i postanu jedna.QED QED
Dark-matter density is nearly one order of magnitude higher than in similar nebulae.
Maglica je za red veličine gušća nego slične maglice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
M20 owe its name, Trifid nebula, to dark absorption nebula that divides it into three main lobes.
M20 zahvaljuje svoje ime, Trifid maglina, tamnoj maglini koja je dijeli na tri glavna dijela.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Reflection nebulae themselves do not emit significant amounts of visible light, but are near stars and reflect light from them.[18] Similar nebulae not illuminated by stars do not exhibit visible radiation, but may be detected as opaque clouds blocking light from luminous objects behind them; they are called dark nebulae.[18]
Odrazne maglice po sebi ne emitiraju znatne količine vidljive svjetlosti, ali se nalaze blizu zvijezda pa reflektiraju njihovo svjetlo.[2] Slične maglice bez zvijezda u blizini ne emitiraju svjetlosnu radijaciju, ali se mogu otkriti jer "blokiraju" svjetlost zvijezda iza njih. Takve se maglice zovu tamne maglice.[2]ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Its interesting shape is a result of interaction between red-glowing emission nebula and dark lanes of interstellar dust and gas obscuring it.
Njegov interesantan oblik je rezultat međudjelovanja crvenkasto svijetleće emisione magline i tamnih područja međuzvjezdane prašine i plina koji je zakrivaju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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