day-labourer oor Kroaties


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Decimo Monatti, 74, day labourer since he was 8!
Decimo Monatti, 74, nadničar od 8 godine!

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day labourer


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Men older than my pa turn out if they can get a day's labour.
Ljudi stariji od mog oca dođu ako ima nade za dnevnicu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The hired worker, the day-labourer, the farmhand – you won’t get away from that.’
Nadničar, najamnik, zakupnik — i dalje od toga ni makac.Literature Literature
Probably making steady tracks for that Mexican day labourers camp.
Vjerojatno ide u ono meksičko naselje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The dim lamplight and the spluttering quill were too much to contend with after the day’s labours.
Slaba svjetlost lampe i prskavo pero bili su previše da se s njima nosim nakon napornog radnog dana.Literature Literature
Decimo Monatti, 74, day labourer since he was 8!
Decimo Monatti, 74, nadničar od 8 godine!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The hired worker, the daylabourer, the farmhand – you won’t get away from that.’
Nadničar, najamnik, zakupnik — i dalje od toga ni makac.Literature Literature
The hired worker, the day-labourer, the farmhand - you won’t get away from that.’
Nadničar, najamnik, zakupnik — i dalje od toga ni makac.Literature Literature
Day labourer since he was 7!
Nadničar od 7-me!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A coffee shop, pregnant with day labourers.
Kavana prepuna dnevnih radnika.Literature Literature
We did a few days labouring near Cowley.
Napravili smo nekoliko dana trudi blizini Cowley.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But we can't have day labours trade things through the office.
Ne možemo dopustiti da obični radnici dolaze u ured.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Firstly the false assumption that a whole day's labour is always worked in all conditions of society; etc., etc.
Prvo, pogrešna je pretpostavka da se u svim stanjima društva uvijek radi cijeli radni dan itd. itd.Literature Literature
On the other side the rise of the tenant and the transformation of the agricultural population into free day-labourers.
S druge strane, pojavljivanje zakupaca i pretvaranje zemljorad ničkog stanovništva u slobodne nadničare.Literature Literature
—The tradesman is different from the day-labourer, as well as from him who is ready for any casual employment.
Zanatlija se razlikuje od nadničara, kao i od onoga koji je spreman za jednu pojedinačnu slučajnu službu.Literature Literature
I will not have my reputation taken away at the whim of a man never done a day's labour in his life.
Ne kanim izgubiti ugled. Hirom čovjeka koji u životu nije zasukao rukave.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We got back to Castle Rock a little past five o'clock on Sunday morning, the day before Labour Day.
Vratili smo se u Castle Rock malo poslije pet u nedjelju ujutro, dan prije Dana rada.Literature Literature
In the berrichon farming and winegrowing areas, those small cheeses were often intended as food for the workers and day labourers in the fields or vineyards.
Ti su mali sirevi u poljoprivrednim i vinogradarskim područjima regije Berry često bili namijenjeni prehrani radnika ili nadničara u poljima ili vinogradima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
With his IRA companions seemingly dead after the attack, Fergus flees to London, where he takes a job as a day labourer, using the alias "Jimmy".
Nakon što većina članova IRA-e umre u napadu, Fergus se započne skrivati u Londonu gdje se zapošljava kao radnik imena "Jimmy".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5. by employees in connection with their remuneration and the reimbursement of costs arising from the contracts of workers, day labourers, domestic staff and all private employees ...’
5. radnika koje se odnose na plaću i naknadu troškova iz ugovora o radu radnika, radnika zaposlenih na dan, radnika u kućanstvima, svih radnika koji rade u privatnom sektoru [...]“EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the time of the restructuring notification CSK had 110 employees, of whom 22 were employees with a civil servant status, whereas the remaining were day-labourers.
U trenutku obavijesti o restrukturiranju društvo CSK imalo je 110 zaposlenika, od kojih su 22 imali status državnih službenika, a preostali su bili dnevni radnici.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
5. by employees in connection with their remuneration and the reimbursement of costs arising from the contracts of workers, day labourers, domestic staff and all private employees.
5. radnika koje se odnose na plaću i naknadu troškova iz ugovora o radu radnika, radnika zaposlenih na dan, radnika u kućanstvima, svih radnika koji rade u privatnom sektoru kao i poslodavaca na temelju isplaćenih predujmova tih tražbina.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Or, the commodity which they obtain for their 3 days of labour had only 11⁄2 days worked up in it.
Drugim riječima, roba koju oni dobijaju za svoja 3 dana rada sadrži u sebi samo U /2 dan rada.Literature Literature
Say that 10 days of necessary labour and 10 days were employed on the product.
Neka je na proizvod bilo upotrijebljeno, recimo, 10 potrebnih radnih dana i 10 dana viška.Literature Literature
(Assume that these 40 thaler=4 days' necessary labour.)
(Pretpostavimo da je tih 40 talira = 4 potrebna radna dana.)Literature Literature
“Did I hear you say something about two pence a day for labourers?”
“Jesam li dobro čula da si spominjao dva penija na dan za nadničare?”Literature Literature
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