demonise oor Kroaties


(British) Alternative spelling of demonize.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


She just worries the katipo will be demonised through the publicity.
Upravo brine katipo će se demonizira kroz publicitet.
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That's an argument Bin Laden uses to demonise the royal family.
Taj argument i Bin Laden koristi da predstavi kraljevsku obitelj kao đavole.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Narcotics have been systematically scapegoated and demonised.
Narkotici su... postepeno žrtvovani... i demonizirani.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For Paris-born Kamilo Nollas, A Balkan Tale is all about quashing stereotypes and going beyond the " demonisation " of the Ottoman Era
Za Kamila Nollasa, rođenog u Parizu, Balkanska priča rušenje je stereotipa i nadvladavanje " demonizacije " otomanskog dobaSetimes Setimes
The press are always either demonising us or demonising the clients.
Press uvijek bilo demoniziraju nas ili demoniziraju klijentima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the major playground, Supilo becomes a supporter of a softer Yugoslavian unitarism (because of which he was often demonised in Croatian circles).
Na idejnom planu, Supilo postaje pristašom omekšanoga jugoslavenskoga unitarizma (zbog čega je, usput, najčešće stigmatiziran, pa i demoniziran u hrvatskim nacionalnim krugovima).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The film has provoked negative comments in BiH, particularly among Serbs, who believe the movie demonises them
Film je izazvao negativne komentare u BiH, posebice među Srbima, koji smatraju da ih film demoniziraSetimes Setimes
" You will be condemned and demonised, " he recalled telling Milosevic
" Vi ćete biti okrivljeni i demonizirani ", prisjetio se vlastitih riječi Miloševiću MorillonSetimes Setimes
The amendments to the law on Non-Commercial Organisations (also known as ‘foreign agents’ law) in combination with other legislative novelties penalise advocacy work, demonise NGOs in the public eye and therefore prevent the development of civil society.
Izmjenama Zakona o neprofitnim organizacijama (poznatog i pod nazivom „zakon o stranim agentima”), u kombinaciji s drugim novim zakonskim odredbama, aktivizam je postao kažnjiv, a NVO-i se demoniziraju u javnosti, što onemogućava razvoj civilnog društva.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They're demonised, but pretty harmless really.
Su demonizira, ali prilično bezopasno stvarno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The priority for me is working towards Ryan not accepting the demonised version of you that she reinforces...
Meni je prioritet raditi na tome da Ryan ne prihvati tu demoniziranu verziju tebe koju mu ona nameće.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She just worries the katipo will be demonised through the publicity.
Upravo brine katipo će se demonizira kroz publicitet.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Earlier this month, the PSD Congress accused some within the Commission of " neo-Stalinism " and " McCarthyism ", charging that a campaign was under way to demonise and destroy the Left
Ranije ovog mjeseca na saboru PSD- a neki članovi povjerenstva optuženi su za " neo- staljinizam " i " McCarthyzam ", uz tvrdnje kako je u tijeku kampanja demonizacije i uništavanja ljeviceSetimes Setimes
Sometime governments themselves contribute to an atmosphere which demonises as traitors journalists critical of government policy, leading to self-censorship.
Ponekad same vlade pridonose okruženju u kojem se novinari koji kritiziraju državnu politiku proglašavaju izdajicama, što dovodi do autocenzure.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We should beware of demonising or idealising it on the basis of a superficial acquaintance.
Morali bismo se čuvati demoniziranja i idealiziranja samo na temelju tek površnog poznavanja.Literature Literature
How do we help by demonising the father?
Kako ćemo pomoći ako budemo demonizirali njezinog oca?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many politicians trying to drum up popular support, as well as parts of the media, have demonised migrants, meaning that those who do make it into the EU may face discrimination and even violent attacks.
Mnogi političari koji pokušavaju dobiti javnu podršku, kao i dio medija, demonizirali su migrante, što znači da bi se oni koji se domognu EU mogli suočiti s diskriminacijom, čak i nasilnim napadima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So they demonise their critics.
Zato demoniziraju svoje kritičare.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We find it that journalists usually just reinforce the status quo, reproduce the discourses that are part of the construction of the “migration problem” and dehumanise, demonise, belittle, victimise migrants, and often use them for a sensionalistic story that sells well.
Novinari, obično samo održavaju status quo, reproducirajući diskurse koji su dio izgradnje “migracijskog problema”, dehumaniziraju, demoniziraju, omalovažavaju te viktimiziraju migrante i često ih koriste za senzacionalističke priče koje se dobro prodaju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This fact limits (though it does not prevent) inter-ethnic polarisation: it is harder to demonise those with whom one is in coalition at least at some level, or has been in coalition before, or expects to be in the future.
Ova činjenica ograničava (ali ne nužno da sprečava) međuetničke polarizacije: teže je demonizirati one s kojim ste u koaliciji bar na jednom od nivoa vlasti, ili ste bili u koaliciji, ili očekujete da ćete biti u koaliciji u budućnosti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has warned against demonising Russia and said Germany had a particular role to play in maintaining dialogue with Moscow, given its history.
NJEMAČKI predsjednik Frank-Walter Steinmeier je upozorio da ne treba demonizirati Rusiju, podsjetivši da Njemačka zbog povijesti ima posebnu ulogu u održavanju dijaloga s Moskvom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The media were accused of demonising HSLS for months describing it as a crypto-rightist party which is publicly participating in the authorities, while secretly making preparations to rally around itself parties of the right, waiting for the right moment to establish alternative authorities.
Mediji su optuženi da već nekoliko mjeseci demoniziraju HSLS, prikazujući ga kriptodesničarskom strankom, koja javno sudjeluje u vlasti, a tajno se priprema da okupi desne stranke, i pričeka vrijeme koje će pogodovati formiranju alternativne vlasti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Confronted with the large-scale suffering of livestock animals on a daily basis, the majority of our fellow politicians did what they always do: deny and trivialise the facts, and demonise the messenger.
Suočena s masovnom i svakodnevnom patnjom životinja u stočarskoj industriji, većina kolega političara nastavila je raditi ono što uvijek čine: poriču, trivijaliziraju i demoniziraju glasnika.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But, this was the only way that church, despite the forceful christening and demonising of all things pagan, could significantly suppress the religion of nature, or more precisely - marginalise it.
No, to je zapravo i bio jedini način da Crkva, unatoč prisilnom pokrštavanju i demoniziranju svega paganskog, u značajnoj mjeri potisne religiju prirode, ili preciznije - marginalizira je.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But come next Friday evening, they will all sit in front of their flat screen TVs and laugh out loud at Bill Maher's "jokes" demonising Muslims as collectively violent terrorists.
Ali već naredni petak uvečer, svi će sjediti ispred svojih ravnih televizora i naglas se smijati na „šale“ Billa Mahera koje demoniziraju muslimane kao kolektivno nasilne teroriste.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
85. Condemns the steps taken by Member State governments to undermine and demonise civil society and NGOs; urges Member States to provide support to civil society organisations as they often do important work complementing social services provided by the state or even filling gaps not covered by the state;
85. osuđuje korake koje su poduzele vlade država članica radi potkopavanja i demoniziranja civilnog društva i nevladinih organizacija; potiče države članice da pruže potporu organizacijama civilnog društva jer se one često bave važnim radom kojim se dopunjuju socijalne usluge države ili čak popunjavaju praznine koje države nisu popunile;ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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