denies oor Kroaties


Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deny.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Making these kids stay late, inconveniencing all these people, denying the neighborhood of Fourscores.
Izrada ta djeca ostanu kasno, inconveniencing sve te ljude, negirajući susjedstvo Fourscores.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

demantirati · negirati · nijekati · nijekati si · odbijati · odbijati si · odbiti · odbiti si · odreći se · odricati se · oduprijeti se · oduzeti · oduzeti si · oduzimati · oduzimati si · opovrgavati · opovrgnuti · osporavati · osporiti · pobijati · pobiti · poreknuti · poreći · poricati · uskratiti · uskratiti si · uskraćivati · uskraćivati si · ustegnuti · ustegnuti si · ustezati · ustezati si · zanijekati · zanijekati si
demantiran · odbijen · odreći
negativ · niječan · uskraćivanje
denying the antecedent
negiranje antecedensa
Denis Papin
Denis Papin
to deny
negirati · nijekati · poreći · poricati · zanijekati
deny a pass
spriječiti dodavanje
Denis Diderot
Denis Diderot
demantirati · negirati · nijekati · nijekati si · odbijati · odbijati si · odbiti · odbiti si · odreći se · odricati se · oduprijeti se · oduzeti · oduzeti si · oduzimati · oduzimati si · opovrgavati · opovrgnuti · osporavati · osporiti · pobijati · pobiti · poreknuti · poreći · poricati · uskratiti · uskratiti si · uskraćivati · uskraćivati si · ustegnuti · ustegnuti si · ustezati · ustezati si · zanijekati · zanijekati si


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She would deny such a possibility.
Zanijekala bi da je to bilo moguće.Literature Literature
His petition was denied # times
Vaš zahtev smo # puta odbijaliopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She gave them the love that had been denied them.
Ona im je dala ljubav koja im je bila uskraćena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
459 Fourthly, and lastly, it must be found that, by their line of argument claiming that the Commission’s allegations relating to the concertation were constantly denied by Chiquita and Mr C1, the applicants merely repeat the arguments already rejected in the context of the examination of the third plea in law (see paragraphs 332 to 409 above).
459 Konačno, kao četvrto, valja utvrditi da se tužitelji glede argumentacije da su Chiquita i C1 neprekidno opovrgavali navode Komisije o savjetovanju ograničavaju na ponavljanje argumenata koji su već odbijeni u sklopu ispitivanja trećeg tužbenog razloga (vidjeti gornje točke 332. do 409.).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nature has denied me the ability, it would seem, but not the need.
Čini se da mi je priroda uskratila sposobnost, ali ne i potrebu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eleventh plea in law, alleging that even if (which is denied) the contested measure entailed a State aid scheme, the Commission made an error of law in holding that recovery of the aid would not infringe the fundamental principles of EU law, and in ordering recovery irrespective of whether the establishment of the CFCs and their making of loans to non-resident group companies in fact entailed an exercise of the freedom of establishment or the free movement of capital.
Jedanaesti tužbeni razlog, koji se temelji na tome da je Komisija, čak i ako osporena mjera predstavlja državnu potporu (što se niječe), počinila pogrešku koja se tiče prava kada je utvrdila da se povratom potpore ne bi povrijedilo temeljna načela prava Unije, i kada je naložila povrat potpore neovisno o tomu je li osnivanje CFC-ova i njihovo davanje zajmova nerezidentnim grupacijama društava zapravo predstavljalo ostvarivanje slobode poslovnog nastana ili slobodnog kretanja kapitala.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Do you deny this?
I to poričete?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do not both denying it; do not worry, I will not narc you out
Ne poricite obojica; ne brini, necu vas izbacitiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
To deny it any longer would put both your life and your immortal soul in jeopardy.
Uskratim li ti istinu, u opasnosti bi se mogli naći i tvoj život i tvoja besmrtna duša.Literature Literature
Who I know you're denying is really your boo.
ONOG ZA KOGA NE PRIZNAJEŠ DA JE TVOJ ZATVORENIK.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A judge denied Thompson bail as he is considered to be a high flight risk.
Sudija je odbacio kauciju za Tomsona zbog velikog rizika od bekstva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Article 10(2), read in conjunction with Article 2(f), of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 295/91 must be interpreted as meaning that where a passenger is downgraded on a flight, the price to be taken into account in determining the reimbursement for the passenger affected is the price of the flight on which he was downgraded unless that price is not indicated on the ticket entitling him to transport on that flight, in which case it must be based on the part of the price of the ticket corresponding to the quotient resulting from the distance of that flight and the total distance which the passenger is entitled to travel.
Odredbe članka 10. stavka 2. u vezi s člankom 2. točkom (f) Uredbe (EZ) br. 261/2004 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 11. veljače 2004. o utvrđivanju općih pravila odštete i pomoći putnicima u slučaju uskraćenog ukrcaja i otkazivanja ili dužeg kašnjenja leta u polasku te o stavljanju izvan snage Uredbe (EEZ) br. 295/91 treba tumačiti na način da, u slučaju premještaja određenog putnika u niži razred, cijena koju je potrebno uzeti u obzir za izračunavanje nadoknade na koju dotični putnik ima pravo je cijena leta na kojemu je taj putnik premješten u niži razred, osim ako ta cijena nije navedena na karti, u kojem slučaju je potrebno osloniti se na dio cijene te karte koji odgovara količniku udaljenosti navedenog leta i ukupne udaljenosti prijevoza na koji putnik ima pravo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
35 In those circumstances, the principle of effectiveness precludes such national legislation or administrative practices in so far as they are liable to deny a taxable person the opportunity to correct its invoices concerning certain operations and to rely on them with a view to obtaining a refund of VAT improperly invoiced and paid by that taxable person, even though the five-year limitation period laid down by that legislation has not yet elapsed (see, by analogy, judgment of 26 April 2018, Zabrus Siret, C‐81/17, EU:C:2018:283, paragraph 40).
35 U tim okolnostima, načelu djelotvornosti protivi se takav nacionalni propis ili nacionalna upravna praksa jer mogu poreznom obvezniku uskratiti mogućnost ispravljanja računa koji se odnose na određene njegove transakcije i mogućnost da se na njih pozove radi povrata PDV-a koji je neosnovano obračunan i taj ga je porezni obveznik neosnovano platio, iako prekluzivni rok od pet godina određen navedenim propisom još nije protekao (vidjeti po analogiji presudu od 26. travnja 2018., Zabrus Siret, C-81/17, EU:C:2018:283, t. 40.).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
189 In addition, the applicants do not deny that during the transitional period the meetings of Club Italia and Club España continued (see Annexes 3 and 4 to the contested decision).
189 Nadalje, tužitelji, s jedne strane, na poriču da su sastanci klubova Italia i España nastavljeni tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja (vidjeti priloge 3. i 4. pobijanoj odluci).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Last week, Chris Mundy was denied life insurance.
Odbili su ga osigurati prošli tjedan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Is this my reward for risking my life, to be mistrusted and denied?
Je li to moja nagrada, što sam riskirala život da mi se ne vjeruje i da me se demantira?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then why were they cc'd on a letter denying it?
Zašto su onda bili izbrisani na dopisu koji ih je odbio?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(c) deny an export licence if there is a clear risk that the military technology or equipment to be exported might be used in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law.
(c) uskraćuju dozvolu za izvoz, ako postoji očit rizik da bi vojna tehnologija ili oprema namijenjena izvozu mogla biti korištena za izazivanje ozbiljnih kršenja međunarodnog humanitarnog prava.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
He wasn't mincing any words with Antoku in denying him whatever it was that he was after—filthy opium, it sounded like.
Nije birao riječi s Antokuom uskraćujući mu ono, što god to bilo, što je ovaj htio - prljavi opijum, tako je zvučalo.Literature Literature
Or does AgriNext still deny that its pesticides are causing Colony Collapse Disorder?
Ili AgriNext poriče da njegovi pesticidi izazivaju Sindrom Srušene Kolonije?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
35 And it came to pass that whomsoever of the Amalickiahites that would not enter into a covenant to support the acause of freedom, that they might maintain a free bgovernment, he caused to be put to death; and there were but few who denied the covenant of freedom.
35 I dogodi se, on naredi da svatko od Amalikijaca tko ne htjede ući u savez da podupire stvar slobode, da bi mogli očuvati slobodnu vladavinu, bude pogubljen; a bijaše ih samo nekoliko koji odbiše savez slobode.LDS LDS
FI: Acquisition of shares by foreign owners giving more than one third of the voting rights of a major Finnish company or a major business undertaking (with more than 1 000 employees or with a turnover exceeding 1 000 million Finnish markka or with a balance sheet total exceeding EUR 167 million) is subject to confirmation by the Finnish authorities; the confirmation may be denied only if an important national interest would be jeopardised.
FI: Za stjecanje udjela koji daju više od trećine glasačkih prava u većem finskom društvu ili poduzeću (s više od 1 000 zaposlenika, prometom koji premašuje 1 000 milijuna finskih maraka ili ukupnom bilancom većom od 167 milijuna EUR), stranim je vlasnicima potrebna suglasnost finskih nadležnih tijela. Suglasnost se može uskratiti samo ako su ugroženi važni nacionalni interesi.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Okay, ma'am, that card's just going to keep being denied.
Gospođo, ta kartica će i dalje biti odbijana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We do, however, deny that Petty Officer Lee murdered Seaman lan Dunsmore, and that is what he's on trial for.
Poričemo da je ubio razvodnika Iana Dunsmorea, zbog čega mu se sudi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The BEREC Office may defer, omit or deny the provision of information concerning the reasons for the restriction referred to in paragraph 1 if it would cancel the effect of the restriction.
Ured BEREC-a može odgoditi, izostaviti ili uskratiti pružanje informacija o razlozima ograničenja, kako je navedeno u točki 1., ako bi to poništilo učinak ograničenja.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
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