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The Bokelj Navy — as reflected in its statute — is part of Boka Kotorska’s Catholic tradition, which has been preserved and handed down as intangible cultural and spiritual heritage since 1860, primarily by followers of the Catholic faith and members of the Croatian nation, without detracting from the important contribution made by all other groups.
Bokeljska mornarica dio je katoličke tradicije u Boki Kotorskoj, što se očituje i u samom statutu mornarice, koju su, u najvećoj mjeri, od 1860. godine, sačuvali i baštinili kao nematerijalno kulturno i duhovno nasljeđe pripadnici katoličke crkve i hrvatskoga naroda, ne umanjujući važnost i doprinos svih ostalih.not-set not-set
The fact that, in the main proceedings, the investments made by Ms Schweier, which, I would reiterate, relate to the period from 1997 to 2003, fall in part within the scope of Article 73b of the EC Treaty and in part within the scope of Article 47(1) of the OCT Decision does not detract from the restrictive nature of the regime provided for in Paragraph 18(3) of the AuslInvestmG in the light of those provisions.
B UEZ‐a i dijelom pod članak 47. stavak 1. Odluke o prekomorskom pridruživanju, to ne mijenja ograničavajući karakter uređenja iz članka 18. stavka 3. AuslInvestmG‐a u odnosu na te odredbe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 6:3) Overly casual or tight-fitting clothes can detract from our message.
Korinćanima 6:3). Preležerna ili pak pretijesna odjeća može nekoga odvratiti od naše vijesti.jw2019 jw2019
Does it detract from the Kingdom message we bear?
Odvraća li od poruke Kraljevstva koju nosimo?jw2019 jw2019
The packaging of portioned or grated “Ragusano” must take place in compliance with the relevant regulations, and in all events in a manner that does not detract from the cheese's shelf-life or organoleptic characteristics.’
Pakiranje sira ‚Ragusano’ rezanog na komade ili u ribanom obliku mora se odvijati u skladu s mjerodavnim propisima te u svakom slučaju na način kojim se ne skraćuje rok trajanja sira ili umanjuju njegova organoleptička svojstva.”Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Why does the high position and authority of Jesus not detract from the worship we give to Jehovah?
Zašto se može reći da visok položaj i ovlasti koje je Isus dobio ni na koji način ne odvraćaju ljude od obožavanja Jehove?jw2019 jw2019
(23) However, the use of evidence obtained from a competition authority should not unduly detract from the effective enforcement of competition law by that competition authority.
(23) Međutim, upotreba dokaza koji su pribavljeni od tijela nadležnog za tržišno natjecanje ne bi smjela neopravdano umanjiti djelotvornu provedbu prava tržišnog natjecanja od strane tijela nadležnog za tržišno natjecanje.not-set not-set
However, we found a number of issues that detracted from the projects ’ performance ( see Box 9.5 ).
Međutim, Sud je utvrdio niz pitanja koja su umanjila uspješnost projekata ( vidi okvir 9.5. ).elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
(68) Such a finding certainly does not detract from the discretion of the EU and the Member States to modify the framework relating to the employment of contract staff of CSDP civilian missions.
Takav zaključak definitivno ne umanjuje diskrecijsku ovlast Unije i država članica da izmijene okvir zapošljavanja ugovornog osoblja civilnih misija ZSOP-a.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(Psalm 73:28; Daniel 7:18, 22, 25, 27; Revelation 4:11; 6:10) In no way does a proper subjection to human authorities detract from our worship of the Supreme Authority, the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.
Pokazivanje dostojne podložnosti ljudskim vlastima ni u kom slučaju ne odvraća od obožavanja suverenog Gospodina Jehove.jw2019 jw2019
‘mechanically damaged units’ means units which have been severed into several parts, all of such parts that together equal the size of a full unit being considered as a single unit, or units where the trimming has been excessive and which show serious gouges on the surface of the units which substantially detract from the appearance;
„mehanički oštećene jedinice” znači jedinice razlomljene u nekoliko dijelova, koje su sve zajedno jednake veličini cijele jedinice koja se smatra jednom jedinicom ili previše obrezane jedinice koje pokazuju značajne udubine na površini, čime se značajno narušava izgled;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
3.10Tax fraud, money laundering or the sum of illicit activities developed in tax havens move sums much higher than those of the previous paragraph that detract from public finances at a time when they are especially necessary.
3.10Porezne prijevare, pranje novca ili zbroj nezakonitih aktivnosti razvijenih u poreznim oazama obuhvaćaju iznose znatno veće od onih navedenih u prethodnoj točki. To ide nauštrb javnih financija u vrijeme kad su ta sredstva osobito potrebna.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It has been observed that some wear types of attire that are not dignified and detract from the occasion.
Primijetilo se da neki nose kostime koji nisu dostojanstveni i odudaraju od te prigode.jw2019 jw2019
Finally, for the sake of completeness, it must also be pointed out that the comparatively early stage of the dispute in the main proceedings — that is to say the stage prior to committal for trial — also does not detract from the admissibility of the request for a preliminary ruling. (31)
Konačno, radi cjelovitosti još treba napomenuti da usporedivi rani stadij postupka povodom glavnog spora – tj. dio postupka prije dopuštanja optužnice za glavnu raspravu – također nije imao utjecaja na dopuštenost zahtjeva za prethodnu odluku(31).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Brand space: Suppliers must add their trade name or trade mark, the tyre line, tyre dimension, load index, speed rating and other technical specifications on the sticker along with the label, in any colour, format and design, provided that this does not detract from or disrupt the message on the label defined in point 1 of this Annex.
Prostor za marku: Dobavljači moraju dodati svoj trgovački naziv ili žig, liniju gume, dimenzije gume, indeks opterećenja, stupanj brzine i druge tehničke specifikacije na naljepnici zajedno s oznakom, u bilo kojoj boji, obliku i dizajnu pod uvjetom da ne odstupa ili remeti poruku na oznaci definiranu u točki 1. ovog Priloga.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
These are seen as unnecessary, as well as detracting from product aesthetics and industrial design.
Smatra se kako su ti podaci nepotrebni, kao i da narušavaju izgled proizvoda i industrijski dizajn.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whispering, eating, chewing gum, rattling papers, and making unnecessary trips to the rest room may interfere with the concentration of others and detract from the dignity due Jehovah’s place of worship.
Došaptavanje, jedenje, žvakanje gume, šuškanje papirima i nepotrebno odlaženje u toalet, može smetati koncentraciji drugih i smanjiti dostojanstvo koje zaslužuje Jehovino mjesto obožavanja.jw2019 jw2019
This reduces the need for publishers to congregate in the territory, which can detract from the dignity of our work.
Tako se objavitelji neće morati dogovarati na samom području, što bi moglo umanjiti dostojanstvo naše službe.jw2019 jw2019
This technical variation should not detract from the main point, that Jesus sent forth a large group of his disciples to preach.
Ova tehnička varijacija ne bi trebala odvući pažnju od osnovne misli, naime da je Isus poslao veliku grupu svojih učenika da propovijedaju.jw2019 jw2019
The prosiness of the originators detracted nothing from the bravery of the movement.
Prozaičnost pokretača nije oduzimala ništa od hrabrosti pokreta.Literature Literature
Meyer preferred this "righter ending" to the film version, explaining "the end in the movie detracts from the importance of people in the present taking the responsibility for the ecology and preventing problems of the future by doing something today, rather than catering to the fantasy desires of being able to be transported in time to the near-utopian future."
Meyer je davao prednost tom "ispravnom kraju" a ne kraju u filmu, jer "kraj u filmu skreće od važnosti ljudi koji žive u sadašnjosti i uzimaju odgovornost za ekologiju kako bi spriječili probleme u budućnosti tako što rade nešto danas, umjesto da imaju fantaziju kako će biti teleportirani u utopijsku budućnost."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A manner that is too casual detracts from the dignity of a Christian meeting and from the seriousness of what is stated.
Previše ležeran način izlaganja umanjuje dostojanstvo kršćanskih sastanaka i ozbiljnost onoga što se govori.jw2019 jw2019
There must be some hidden defect—something, anything, to detract from his total gorgeousness.
Morala je postojati neka skrivena mana - nešto, bilo što, što će umanjiti njegovu potpunu prekrasnost.Literature Literature
It shall not in any way be hidden, obscured, detracted from or interrupted by any other written or pictorial matter or any other intervening material.
Ni u kojem slučaju te informacije ne smiju biti skrivene, prekrivene ili prekinute drugim pisanim ili slikovnim prikazima, ili drugim materijalom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
But the detractions did not matter to Chancellor.
Ali takva odbijanja nisu bila važna Chancelloru.Literature Literature
203 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.