detrimental oor Kroaties


/ˌdɛtɹɪˈmɛntəɫ/ adjektief
Causing damage or harm.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


This is detrimental to economic growth, macroeconomic stability and development of an inclusive society.
To je štetno za gospodarski rast, makroekonomsku stabilnost i razvoj uključivog društva.


You think I should argue detrimental reliance. Hmm.
Misliš da bi trebala ići za škodljivim uvjerenjem.


Studies show that sanctioned violence has a detrimental effect on young people.
Istraživanja pokazuju da takvo nasilje loše utječe na našu omladinu.


Mobility schemes enhancing skills development should not reinforce a brain-drain effect that is detrimental to partner countries.
Programi mobilnosti za jačanje razvoja vještina ne bi trebali poticati odljev mozgova nauštrb partnerskih zemalja.

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Therefore, the Transaction would have led either to a general increase in prices for both products or to a selective change to the detriment of Euronext's offering in favour of Eurex.
Stoga bi transakcija dovela ili do općenitog povećanja cijena obaju proizvoda ili do selektivne promjene na štetu Euronextove ponude i u korist Eurexa.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
A standard contractual term, or a term not individually negotiated in a consumer contract, shall be regarded as unfair if, in breach of the requirements of good faith and equity, it establishes, unilaterally and without justification, the contractual rights and obligations of the parties to the detriment of the co-contractor of the party imposing the contractual term in question.
Odredba općih uvjeta ugovora ili odredba u potrošačkom ugovoru o kojoj se nije pojedinačno pregovaralo nepoštena je ako, suprotno načelu savjesnosti i poštenja, jednostrano i bez opravdanog razloga utvrđuje prava i obveze stranaka koji proizlaze iz ugovora na nepovoljan način za suugovaratelja stranke koja mu nameće konkretnu ugovornu odredbu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The problems identified have potentially significant macroeconomic spill-over effects, can lead to consumer detriment, act as economic or legal barriers to cross-border activity and create an unlevel playing field between actors.
Utvrđeni problemi imaju potencijalno značajne makroekonomske učinke prelijevanja, mogu dovesti do štete za potrošača, djelovati kao gospodarske ili pravne prepreke prekograničnim aktivnostima i stvoriti nejednake uvjete za uključene aktere.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
thereby placing the European Commission in a situation whereby it is legally compliant for the purposes of Article 266 TFEU by ordering it to refrain from continuing to prevent or hinder the establishment of the detrimental situation described in the two preceding paragraphs and
naloži Europskoj komisiji uspostavu zakonite situacije u smislu članka 266. UFEU-a, propuštajući daljnja pogoršanja u smislu zahtjeva 1. i 2. koja bi mogla spriječiti ili otežati uspostavu te situacije iEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In that case, the referring court asked whether it was permissible for a national court to substitute declaratory provisions of national law for an unfair term in a consumer credit contract in circumstances where, if the contract could not continue to exist without the term in question, invalidation of the contract might be detrimental to the consumer.
U tom je predmetu sud koji je uputio zahtjev pitao smije li nacionalni sud dispozitivnim odredbama nacionalnog prava zamijeniti nepoštenu odredbu potrošačkog ugovora o kreditu u okolnostima u kojima bi, ako bez predmetne odredbe ugovor ne bi mogao nastaviti postojati, utvrđenje ništetnosti ugovora moglo biti štetno za potrošača.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The third subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities’ financial interests must be interpreted as meaning that the concept of ‘competent authority’, within the meaning of that provision, is to be understood as designating the authority which has responsibility, under national law, for adopting acts relating to the investigation or legal proceedings in question, which authority may be different from that which is responsible for awarding or recovering sums wrongfully received to the detriment of the European Union’s financial interests.
Članak 3. stavak 1. podstavak 3. Uredbe Vijeća (EZ, Euroatom) br. 2988/95 od 18. prosinca 1995. o zaštiti financijskih interesa Europskih zajednica treba tumačiti na način da se pojam „nadležn[o] tijel[o]” u smislu te odredbe mora shvatiti kao tijelo koje je na temelju nacionalnog prava nadležno za poduzimanje radnji u vezi s istragom ili sudskim postupkom o kojem je riječ, a to tijelo može biti različito od onoga koje dodjeljuje ili izvršava povrat iznosa koji su nepravilno stečeni na štetu financijskih interesa Europske unije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is added that the name of the designation must be written in characters of a size at least two-thirds of the largest characters of the label, so that the name of the trade mark is not overemphasised to the detriment of the name of the designation.
Dodaje se da naziv oznake mora biti ispisan slovima veličine od najmanje dvije trećine veličine najvećih slova na etiketi kako naziv trgovačke oznake ne bi bio pretjerano naglašen nauštrb naziva oznake.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(10) A progressive reduction of landfilling is necessary to prevent detrimental impacts on human health and the environment and to ensure that economically valuable waste materials are gradually and effectively recovered through proper waste management and in line with the waste hierarchy as laid down in Directive 2008/98/EC.
(10) Postupno smanjenje odlaganja otpada nužno je kako bi se spriječili štetni utjecaji na zdravlje ljudi i okoliš te kako bi se osiguralo da se gospodarski vrijedni otpadni materijali postupno i učinkovito oporabljuju pravilnim gospodarenjem otpadom te u skladu s hijerarhijom otpada kako je utvrđena Direktivom 2008/98/EZ.not-set not-set
Can Article 4(6) of Framework Decision 2002/584 (1) be interpreted as being inapplicable to acts for which a custodial sentence has been imposed by a court of an issuing Member State, when those same acts are punishable in the territory of the executing Member State only by a fine, which means, in accordance with the domestic law of the executing Member State, that the custodial sentence cannot be executed in the executing Member State, which would be to the detriment of the social rehabilitation of the person sentenced and of his family, social and other ties?
Može li se članak 4. točku 6. Okvirne odluke 2002/584 (1) tumačiti na način da ga se ne može primijeniti na činjenice zbog kojih je kaznu oduzimanja slobode izrekao sud države članice izdavateljice naloga ako su te iste činjenice na državnom području države koja izvršava nalog kažnjive samo novčanom kaznom, što znači da u skladu s nacionalnim pravom države koja izvršava nalog nije moguće izvršiti kaznu oduzimanja slobode u državi članici koja izvršava nalog i to na štetu socijalne rehabilitacije osuđene osobe te njezinih obiteljskih, društvenih, gospodarskih i drugih veza?eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Fourth, the use without due cause of the mark applied for must lead to the risk that unfair advantage might be taken of the distinctive character or the reputation of the earlier trade mark or that it might be detrimental to the distinctive character or the reputation of the earlier trade mark.
Četvrto, uporaba žiga za koji je podnesena prijava bez opravdanog razloga mora dovesti do rizika da će nepošteno iskoristiti razlikovni karakter ili ugled ranijeg žiga ili im naštetiti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
in order to determine that such a transfer is in the best interests of the child, the court having jurisdiction in a Member State must be satisfied, in particular, that that transfer is not liable to be detrimental to the situation of the child.
kako bi mogao ocijeniti da je takav prijenos nadležnosti u najboljem interesu djeteta, nadležni sud države članice mora posebice osigurati da taj prijenos neće imati štetan utjecaj na položaj djeteta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of the detrimental effects of capital duty, the Commission should report every three years on the operation of this Directive with a view to abolishing this duty,
S obzirom na štetne učinke poreza na kapital, Komisija bi svake tri godine trebala izvijestiti o djelovanju ove Direktive s ciljem ukidanja navedenog poreza,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It shall make reference to any factors such as delays that might have detrimental impact or otherwise influence the investigation or its conclusions.
Upućuje se na sve čimbenike kao što su kašnjenja koja bi mogla imati štetan učinak ili na neki drugi način utjecati na istragu ili njezine zaključke.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Whereas the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is currently considering the longer-term regulatory capital treatment of expected loss provisions and to prevent an unwarranted detrimental effect on lending by credit institutions, appropriate transitional arrangements should be introduced in order to allow institutions to offset the potentially significant negative impact on Common Equity Tier 1 capital arising from expected credit losses accounting during the transitional period determined by the introduction of the revised international accounting standards.
Budući da Bazelski odbor za nadzor banaka (BCBS) trenutačno razmatra dugoročniji tretman regulatornog kapitala rezervacija za očekivane gubitke, te kako bi se spriječio neželjeni negativni učinak na odobravanje kredita kreditnih institucija, potrebno je uvesti odgovarajuće privremene režime kako bi se institucijama omogućilo da kompenziraju potencijalno znatne negativne učinke na redovni osnovni kapital nastale zbog većih očekivanih gubitaka po kreditima obračunatih tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja koji su posljedica uvođenja revidiranog međunarodnog računovodstvenog standarda.not-set not-set
‘A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.’
„Ugovorna odredba o kojoj se nisu vodili pojedinačni pregovori smatra se nepoštenom ako u suprotnosti s uvjetom o dobroj vjeri, na štetu potrošača prouzroči znatniju neravnotežu u pravima i obvezama stranaka, proizašlih iz ugovora.”Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
‘(1) A general contractual condition or a clause in a contract concluded with a consumer is unfair where, in breach of the requirements of good faith, it unilaterally and without reason determines, to the detriment of one of the parties, the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the contract;
„1. Opći ugovorni uvjet ili odredba u ugovoru sklopljenom s potrošačem su nepošteni ako su njima, kršenjem uvjeta o dobroj vjeri, jednostrano, bez razloga i na štetu jedne od strana utvrđena prava i obveze strana koje proizlaze iz ugovora;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Reduce the high tax wedge for low-income earners by shifting tax burden to other sources less detrimental to growth.
Smanjiti porezno opterećenje na niska primanja preusmjerivanjem poreznog tereta na izvore koji manje narušuju rast.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It could hardly be maintained that the possibility of causing detriment to these species is not accepted by modern societies.
U tom pogledu također se ne može tvrditi da moderna društva ne prihvaćaju mogućnost nanošenja štete tim vrstama.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
40 One of the objectives of that agreement is to place limits on successive recourse to fixed-term employment contracts or relationships, regarded as a potential source of abuse to the detriment of workers, by laying down as a minimum a number of protective provisions designed to prevent the status of employees from being insecure (judgment of 14 September 2016, Pérez López, C‐16/15, EU:C:2016:679, paragraph 26 and the case-law cited).
40 Jedan od ciljeva kojima teži Okvirni sporazum jest ograničiti uzastopne ugovore o radu ili radne odnose na određeno vrijeme – koje se smatra mogućim izvorom zlouporaba na štetu radnika – predviđanjem barem određenog broja zaštitnih odredaba kojima bi se izbjeglo ugrožavanje položaja radnika (presuda od 14. rujna 2016., Pérez López, C-16/15, EU:C:2016:679, t. 26. i navedena sudska praksa).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Effective protection of reporting persons as a means of enhancing the enforcement of Union law requires a broad definition of retaliation, encompassing any act or omission occurring in the work-related context which causes them detriment.
Da bi se osobama koje podnose prijave mogla osigurati djelotvorna zaštita kao način jačanja provedbe prava Unije potrebno je utvrditi široku definiciju osvete koja će obuhvaćati svaku radnju ili propust u poslovnom okruženju koja im šteti.not-set not-set
to implement the personal income tax measures in 2019 if, based on a forward-looking assessment in the context of the final programme review, a frontloaded implementation is needed in order to reach the agreed 3,5 % of GDP primary surplus fiscal target in 2019, which is to be reached without growth-detrimental measures;
provode mjere u pogledu poreza na osobni dohodak u 2019. ako na temelju preliminarne ocjene u kontekstu završnog preispitivanja programa bude potrebno pojačano financiranje na početku provedbe kako bi se 2019. ostvario dogovoreni fiskalni cilj primarnog deficita od 3,5 % BDP-a koji treba ostvariti bez mjera nepovoljnih za rast;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
However, in the provisional Regulation it was indeed concluded that the Union industry might win back some contracts to the detriment of the importing sector.
Međutim, u Privremenoj uredbi je doista zaključeno da bi industrija Unije mogla vratiti neke ugovore na štetu uvoznog sektora.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 shall not affect provisions in any Member State relating to the protection against the use of a sign other than for the purposes of distinguishing goods or services, where use of that sign without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the trade mark.
Stavci 1., 2., 3. i 6. ne utječu ni u jednoj državi članici na odredbe za zaštitu uporabe znaka u druge svrhe osim za razlikovanje proizvoda ili usluga, ako uporaba tog znaka bez opravdanog razloga nepošteno iskorištava razlikovni karakter ili ugled žiga ili im šteti.not-set not-set
Reporting persons and those facilitating the reporting shall have access to remedial measures against retaliation covering all direct, indirect, and future consequences of any detriment, including, as appropriate, (a) making any provision to act taken in breach of Article 14 void; (b) the reinstatement of the reporting person with equal salary, status, duties and working conditions; (c) the transfer of the reporting person to a new department or supervisor; (d) compensation for pain and suffering; (e) interim relief pending the resolution of legal proceedings.
Osobe koje podnose prijave i osobe koje olakšavaju podnošenje prijave imaju pristup korektivnim mjerama protiv osvete koje obuhvaćaju sve izravne, neizravne i buduće posljedice bilo kakve pretrpljene štete, uključujući, po potrebi: (a) poništenje svake mjere donesene protivno članku 14., (b) vraćanje osobe koja podnosi prijavu na rad s jednakom plaćom, statusom, dužnostima i radnim uvjetima; (c) prebacivanje osobe koja podnosi prijavu u novi odjel ili novom nadzorniku; (d) naknadu za duševnu bol i patnju; (e) privremenu pomoć do okončanja sudskog postupka.not-set not-set
It is also important to ensure that a potential uptake of renewable heating and cooling does not have detrimental environmental side-effects, in particular as regards air quality, be it inside or outside the Union.
Važno je i osigurati da potencijalno širenje uporabe grijanja i hlađenja iz obnovljivih izvora ne utječe nepovoljno na okoliš, posebno u pogledu kvalitete zraka unutar i izvan Unije.not-set not-set
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