directors oor Kroaties


Plural form of director.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


And I'm no director, and you're not a producer.
I ja nisam direktor, i ti nisi producent.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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Soortgelyke frases

music video director
Redatelj videospotova
political director
politički direktor
election of directors
izbor predsjedništva
Directorate for Use Official Aircrafts
Direkcija za korištenje službenih zrakoplova
spiritual director
sports information director
direktor za odnose s javnošću
direkcija · direktorat · direktorij · uprava
Director General's Office
Kabinet ravnatelja


Advanced filtering
Ahmad Sarkandi is a director of the company.
Ahmad Sarkandi je direktor poduzeća.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unfortunately, as in the rest of the region as well as globally, this progress is being slowed down and this has affected Croatia on many fronts,’ said Mamta Murthi, World Bank Country Director for Central Europe and the Baltic Countries.
Nažalost, baš kao što je slučaj s ostatkom regije ali i drugdje u svijetu, ovaj se napredak usporio, ostavljajući dalekosežne posljedice na Hrvatsku', izjavila je Mamta Murthi, Direktorica Svjetske banke za središnju Europu i baltičke
Drink with me, director.
Popij sa mnom, redatelju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Union producers may submit a written request for a review on the above basis, to reach the European Commission, Directorate-General for Trade (Unit H-1), CHAR 4/39, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (2) at any time from the date of the publication of the present notice but no later than three months before the date mentioned in the table below.
Temeljem navedenog, proizvođači iz Unije mogu podnijeti pisani zahtjev za reviziju koji Europska komisija, Glavna uprava za trgovinu (European Commission, Directorate-General for Trade (Unit H-1), CHAR 4/39, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgija (2)) mora primiti u bilo kojem trenutku od dana objave ove obavijesti, ali najkasnije tri mjeseca prije datuma navedenog u tablici u nastavku.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I've been a managing director for a few years now.
Već godinama sam izvršni direktor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Executive Director shall as soon as possible inform the Management Board and the EDPS of the cases in which paragraph 5 has been applied.
Izvršni direktor što je prije moguće obavješćuje upravni odbor i Europskog nadzornika za zaštitu podataka o slučajevima u kojima je primijenjen stavak 5.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The amendment shall be considered accepted at the end of a period of 18 months after it has been notified provided that at least one-third of the Contracting Parties at the time of the adoption of the amendment by the meeting have communicated to the Director General of the IAEA that they accept the amendment.
Izmjena se po isteku razdoblja od 18 mjeseci nakon što je dostavljena smatra prihvaćenom ako je najmanje jedna trećina ugovornih stranaka u trenutku prihvaćanja izmjene na sastanku glavnom direktoru IAEA-a priopćila da prihvaća izmjenu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Director of the BEREC Office shall take part in the deliberations, except those related to Article 32, without the right to vote.
Direktor Ureda BEREC-a sudjeluje bez prava glasa u svim raspravama, uz iznimku onih koje se odnose na članak 32.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
excellent analytical and conceptual skills; strategic vision and leadership being able to focus/develop the work of the Directorate in line with the goals of Eurostat;
izvrsne analitičke i konceptualne vještine; strateška vizija i rukovodstvo, sposobnost usredotočenosti i razvijanja rada Uprave u skladu s ciljevima Eurostata,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Deputy FBI director commits murder.
Zamjenik direktora počini ubojstvo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Director guy, the trout are gonna spit this thing out.
Režiseru, gužva će ovo da ispljune.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It also cost the executive director his job
Taj skandal je izvršnog ravnatelja agencije koštao radnog mjestaSetimes Setimes
The Bulgarian Government and the Director of the Burgas customs office have submitted that under the TIR Convention, no persons other than the TIR carnet holder can be considered as ‘directly liable’.
Bugarska vlada i pročelnik carinarnice Burgas navode da je, u skladu s Konvencijom TIR, nositelj karneta TIR jedina osoba koja se može smatrati „neposredno odgovornom”.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The director of the National Vocation Service of the French Catholic Church was quoted as saying: “We’re seeing the super-marketing of religion.
Ravnatelj Glavnog ureda za duhovna zvanja Francuske katoličke crkve rekao je: “U današnje vrijeme ljudi biraju religiju kao da kupuju robu u samoposluzi.jw2019 jw2019
Prosecutor serving at the Venezuelan First Special Court of First Instance, with an office within the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)).
Tužiteljica na Prvom posebnom prvostupanjskom sudu Venezuele s uredom u Glavnoj upravi vojne protuobavještajne službe (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
42 By its second ground of appeal, Tilly-Sabco claims that the General Court infringed Article 164(2) of Regulation No 1234/2007 and vitiated the judgment under appeal by a contradiction in the reasoning by dismissing the second plea in its action, based on the lack of competence of the Director-General of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to sign the contested regulation, rejecting its argument, in paragraph 200 of the judgment under appeal that the contested regulation could not be treated as a periodic agricultural instrument.
42 Svojim drugim žalbenim razlogom Tilly-Sabco prigovara Općem sudu da je povrijedio članak 164. stavak 2. Uredbe br. 1234/2007 i u obrazloženje pobijane presude unio proturječje odbivši njegov drugi tužbeni razlog, koji se temeljio na nenadležnosti glavnog direktora Glavne uprave za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj za potpisivanje sporne uredbe, odbivši u točki 200. pobijane presude njegov argument koji se temeljio na tome da se sporna uredba ne može kvalificirati kao periodični poljoprivredni instrument.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Scout's precocious observations about her neighbors and behavior inspired National Endowment of the Arts director David Kipen to call her "hysterically funny".
Scoutine opservacije o njenim susjedima i ponašanje nadahnjuju ravnatelja Nacionalne zaklade umjetnosti, Davida Kipena, da je nazove "urnebesno smiješnom".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this context it is necessary that the Executive Director manages the timing in such a manner as to give Member States sufficient time to provide their comments, building on their operational expertise, while staying within the work plan of the Agency and the time limits foreseen in this Regulation.
U tom je kontekstu potrebno da izvršni direktor organizira vrijeme na takav način da država članica da dovoljno vremena za iznošenje svojih primjedbi, oslanjajući se na svoja operativna iskustva, ali zadržavajući se unutar radnog plana Agencije i vremenskih ograničenja predviđenih ovom Uredbom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Director-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Glavna direktorica za pomorstvo i ribarstvoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Executive Director shall be the chief executive responsible for the day-to-day management of the FCH 2 Joint Undertaking in accordance with the decisions of the Governing Board.
Izvršni direktor je glavni izvršitelj odgovoran za svakodnevno upravljanje zajedničkim poduzećem za gorive ćelije i vodik 2 u skladu s odlukama upravnog odbora.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of Clean Sky 2 JU and shall implement the budget of the Joint Undertaking.
Izvršni direktor odgovoran je za svakodnevno upravljanje Zajedničkim poduzećem „Clean Sky 2” i izvršava njegov proračun.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
However, the EESC recognises, that if, due to exceptional circumstances, the director is not able to carry out the functions of the appointing authority, this competence needs to shift to another senior staff member.
Međutim, EGSO uviđa da, ako zbog iznimnih okolnosti direktor nije u mogućnosti izvršiti zadaće tijela nadležnog za imenovanje, tu je ovlast potrebno prenijeti na drugog člana rukovodećeg osoblja.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Director of Pan Systems Pyongyang.
Direktor poduzeća Pan Systems Pyongyang.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Kosovo Compromise Project Director Aleksandar Mitic told SETimes the negotiations are " disastrous for Serbian interests "
Ravnatelj projekta Kosovski kompromis Aleksandar Mitić izjavio je za SETimes kako su pregovori " katastrofalni po srpske interese "Setimes Setimes
His brother Christopher had worked on other science fiction scripts, but decided to take the Interstellar script and choose among the vast array of ideas presented by Jonathan and Thorne, picking what he felt, as director, he could get "across to the audience and hopefully not lose them," before he merged it with a script he had worked on for years on his own.
Jonathanov brat, redatelj Christopher Nolan, radio je na drugim filmskim znanstveno-fantastičnim projektima, ali na kraju se odlučio za Interstellar i izabrao između mnoštva ideja koje su mu Jonathan i Kip Thorne dali, birajući ono što je mislio da bi kao redatelj mogao "dati publici u nadi da se ona neće pogubiti" prije nego je započeo s prepravkom scenarija.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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