distractedly oor Kroaties


In a distracted manner

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“This is... not the moment to discuss it,” said Lupin, avoiding everybody’s eyes as he looked around distractedly.
"""Ovo... nije trenutak za takve rasprave"", reče Lupin, izbjegavajući poglede ostalih i smeteno se ogledavajući po sobi."Literature Literature
She laughs at odd places in the conversation or drops out of it distractedly.
Smije se u neprikladnim trenucima razgovora, ili se zbunjeno povlači iz njega.Literature Literature
While she hunted she talked distractedly about the German Federal Drug Agency and declared it to be a paper tiger.
Dok je tražila, rastreseno je govorila o Njemačkoj saveznoj agenciji za nadzor lijekova, nazvavši je tigrom od papira.Literature Literature
When I returned to my seat, she was awake and gazing distractedly out the window.
Kad sam se vratio do sjedišta ona je bila budna i zurila rastreseno kroz prozor.Literature Literature
"""There's a pretty boat in the garage,"" he said distractedly."
— U garaži je lijep čamac — rekao je odsutno.Literature Literature
Big hands, Kate noted distractedly, adorned with a single thin gold wedding band.
Velike ruke, odsutno je primijetila Kate, ukrašene samo tankim zlatnim vjenčanim prstenom.Literature Literature
"""Uh-huh,"" she said distractedly, looking for something on the counter, cursing cheerfully until she found it."
— A-ha — reče ona odsutno, tražeći nešto na radnoj plohi, raspoloženo psujući sve dok to nije i pronašla.Literature Literature
He was toying distractedly with a chain attached to the bronze railing that ran all the way round the pool.
Rastreseno se poigravao lancem pričvršćenim za brončani rukohvat koji je okruživao cijeli bazen.Literature Literature
He glanced distractedly around the room, trying to remember if he’d owned a vase.
On odsutno preleti pogledom po sobi, pokušavajući se sjetiti je li posjedovao vazu.Literature Literature
The android dropped Shapiro and backed away, clittering distractedly to itself.
Android je pustio Shapira i udaljio se, odsutno ćeretajući samome sebi.Literature Literature
"""If he does not want to be found, this is perhaps the ideal place,"" I completed his reasoning, no less distractedly."
"""Ako ne želi da ga pronađemo, ovo je, na žalost, savršeno mjesto"", dovrših jednako rastreseno."Literature Literature
he snaps but distractedly at the driver, the Crystals still blaring from the radio.
Daj, pojačaj to, prasne, ali rastreseno, na vozača, dok Crystalsi i dalje trešte s radija.Literature Literature
I enquired after the health of Terentia, and he said, distractedly, ‘Oh, she is very well.
Raspitao sam se za Terenci- jino zdravlje, a on mi je rastreseno rekao: “Oh, dobro je.Literature Literature
Harold is still looking distractedly around the club and he waves to another couple, raising his champagne glass.
Harold se i dalje rastreseno ogleda po klubu, maše nekom paru, podiže čašu.Literature Literature
«Come on, Dave, that's not helping,» Norton said distractedly.
"""Daj, Dave, to ne pomaže"", rekao je Norton odsutno."Literature Literature
Chiara was propped on one elbow in bed, leafing distractedly through a thick fashion magazine.
Chiara se u krevetu podbočila na lakat i rastreseno listala debeo modni časopis.Literature Literature
Go to your room, she said distractedly.
"""Odi u svoju sobu"", rekla je smeteno."Literature Literature
‘Oh hi, Lucy,’ he says distractedly, rummaging in the cupboard under the sink.
"""O, bok, Lucy"", kaže on rastreseno, tražeći nešto po ormariću ispod sudopera."Literature Literature
He looked around him distractedly, as if he had only just woken up and realized where he was.
Rastreseno je gledao oko sebe, kao da se upravo probudio i shvatio gdje je.Literature Literature
I exhaled smoke, distractedly examining the fingernails on my left hand.
Ispustila sam dim odsutno pregledavajući nokte lijeve ruke.Literature Literature
ʹGreat,ʹ said Harry distractedly; if he did not tell somebody soon, he would burst.
"""Odlično"", rastreseno će Harry; ako nekome uskor&ne kaže što se dogodilo, pući će od muke."Literature Literature
He rubbed his hand distractedly over his scalp and smelled again the antiseptic taint of the body bag on his sleeve.
Odsutna je duha protrljao glavu rukom i opet nanjušio antiseptički vonj vreće za tijelo na rukavu.Literature Literature
He picked up odd objects, fondled them distractedly, put them down, while continuing to speak.
Hvatao je neobične predmete, odsut no ih milovao, odlagao nastavljajući govoriti.Literature Literature
“Uh-huh,” she said distractedly, looking for something on the counter, cursing cheerfully until she found it.
— A-ha — reče ona odsutno, tražeći nešto na radnoj plohi, raspoloženo psujući sve dok to nije i pronašla.Literature Literature
If I was drawn in a comic strip, she thought distractedly, there’d be all those wavy stink-lines coming up from me.
Da sam nacrtana u stripu, pomisli ona rastrojeno, iz mene bi izlazile one valovite crte koje označavaju smrad.Literature Literature
39 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.