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You must connect the thoughts emphasized in the text to your introductory argument.
Misli koje si naglasio u stavku moraš povezati sa svojim uvodnim argumentom.jw2019 jw2019
It is important to emphasize that any bulk collection activities regarding internet communications that the U.S. Intelligence Community performs through signals intelligence operate on a small proportion of the internet.
Važno je napomenuti da se svako skupno prikupljanje komunikacije na internetu koje obavještajna zajednica SAD-a obavlja elektroničkim izviđanjem odvija na malom dijelu interneta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Just before he chose the Twelve Apostles, for example, Luke emphasizes the nocturnal duration of Jesus’ preparatory prayer: “In those days he went out into the hills to pray; and all night he continued in prayer to God.
Neposredno prije izbora dvanaestorice apostola, na primjer, Luka ističe kako se za to pripravljao molitvom koja je trajala čitavu noć: "Onih dana iziđe na goru da se pomoli. I provede noć moleći se Bogu.vatican.va vatican.va
This time, however, its significance is emphasized by the magnificence of the heavenly angel, for his glory lights up the whole earth!
No ovaj je put ta objava imala posebno značenje zbog veličanstvenosti anđela koji ju je prenio, jer je ‘sva zemlja zasjala od slave njegove’.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 6:3) This description emphasizes God’s superlative purity and cleanness.
Prorok Izaija zapisao je viziju u kojoj su anđeli opisali Stvoritelja riječima: Svet, svet, svet” (Izaija 6:3).jw2019 jw2019
As they share, emphasize that Jesus Christ directs the work of the Restoration.
Nakon što iznesu, naglasite da Isus Krist vodi djelo Obnove.LDS LDS
When reading scriptures, make it a habit to emphasize the words that directly support your reason for referring to those texts.
Stvori naviku da prilikom čitanja biblijskih redaka naglašavaš one riječi koje direktno podupiru razlog zbog kojeg čitaš te retke.jw2019 jw2019
The land army, as already emphasized, still refrained from such basically false trains of thought.
Kopnena vojska se, kao što je već istaknuto, držala povučeno od takvih principijelno pogrešnih razmišljanja.Literature Literature
Emphasize that close friends do not have to be of same age.
Naglasi da bliski prijatelji ne trebaju biti iste dobi.jw2019 jw2019
While schools such as logical positivism emphasize logical terms, supposed to be universal and separate from contingent factors (such as culture, language, historical conditions), ordinary-language philosophy emphasizes the use of language by ordinary people.
Dok škole kao logički pozitivizam su usredotočene na logičke izraze, pretpostavljeni da su univerzalni i odvojeni od kontigentnih faktora (kao kultura, jezik i povijesni uvjeti), filozofija običnog jezika naglašava uporabu jezika od strane običnih ljudi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It didn’t conceal his mouth, but, rather, emphasized it.
Nije mu skrivala usta, nego ih je podcrtavala.Literature Literature
3 It should not surprise us that the Bible emphasizes the need for regular encouragement.
3 Nije ništa neobično što nas Biblija uvijek iznova potiče da redovito hrabrimo jedni druge.jw2019 jw2019
It emphasizes practice or exercise.
Naglašava vježbu i uvježbavanje.LDS LDS
(As students respond, emphasize the following truth: Heavenly Father expects us to follow Jesus Christ’s example when we are persecuted for our beliefs.)
(Dok učenici odgovaraju, naglasite sljedeću istinu: Nebeski Otac očekuje od nas da slijedimo primjer Isusa Krista kada nas se progoni zbog naših uvjerenja.)LDS LDS
(1 Peter 5:7) Over and over the Scriptures emphasize the personal concern that God has for each of his servants.
Petrova 5:7). Biblija uvijek iznova naglašava da se Bog osobno brine za svakog od svojih slugu.jw2019 jw2019
This is because the celestial organization of heaven is based on families.14 The First Presidency has encouraged members, especially youth and young single adults, to emphasize family history work and ordinances for their own family names or the names of ancestors of their ward and stake members.15 We need to be connected to both our roots and branches.
To je zbog toga što se celestijalna organizacija neba temelji na obitelji.14 Prvo predsjedništvo potaknulo je članove, naročito mlade i mlade samce, da naglase djelo obiteljskog rodoslovlja i uredbe za članove svoje obitelji i pretke članova svog odjela i okola.15 Trebamo biti povezani s našim korijenjem i granama.LDS LDS
Wise counselors often “salt” their words with illustrations, since these can emphasize the seriousness of a matter or can help the recipient of counsel to reason and to view a problem in a new light.
Mudri savjetodavci često “zasole” svoje riječi ilustracijama, jer time mogu istaknuti ozbiljnost neke stvari, ili mogu navesti primatelja savjeta na razmišljanje i da sagleda probleme u novom svjetlu.jw2019 jw2019
Read paragraph 8, and emphasize the eight listed points.
Pročitaj 8. odlomak i istakni osam navedenih točaka.jw2019 jw2019
According to one scholar, the Greek word rendered “freely forgive” “is not the common word for remission or forgiveness . . . but one of richer content emphasizing the gracious nature of the pardon.”
Jedan bibličar navodi da grčka riječ prevedena izrazom “spremno opraštajte” nije uobičajena riječ za oprost. Ona je puno izražajnija i prenosi misao o velikodušnom opraštanju.jw2019 jw2019
In addition, chapter 5 of the 12th Five Year Steel Plan emphasizes the importance of ‘strengthen[ing] the connection of fiscal, financial, trade, land, energy saving, environmental protection, safety and other policies with the steel industrial policy’.
Osim toga, u petom poglavlju 12. petogodišnjeg plana za industriju čelika naglašava se važnost jačanja povezanosti fiskalne, financijske, trgovinske i zemljišne politike te politike energetske uštede, zaštite okoliša, sigurnosti i drugih politika s politikom industrije čelika.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
EMPHASIZING that this Agreement shall not affect the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina arising from the Agreement between the European Community and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the readmission of persons residing without authorization.
NAGLAŠAVAJUĆI da ovaj Sporazum ne utječe na prava, obveze i odgovornosti Europske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine koji proizlaze iz Sporazuma između Europske zajednice i Bosne i Hercegovine o ponovnom prihvatu osoba bez boravišne dozvole,Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Emphasize need to work territory thoroughly and to call back on all placements.
Naglasi potrebu da se područje obrađuje temeljito i da se ponovno posjeti osobe kojima je ostavljena literatura.jw2019 jw2019
Hegel emphasizes that a people gives itself its existence in its world.
Hegel naglasava: U tom svom svijetu narod je sebi dao opstojnost.Literature Literature
Let me emphasize again the importance of security.
Zelim jos jednom naglasiti sigurnost i vaznost operacije benadrukken.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It should be emphasized that this beginning in time is very different from those that had been considered previously.
Valja naglasiti da je taj početak u vremenu veoma različit od onoga o kojem se razmišljalo prije toga.Literature Literature
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