emphatic oor Kroaties


/ɪmˈfætɪk/ adjektief, naamwoord
Characterized by emphasis.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Although the male's flashing signals get more and more emphatic, in the end he has no choice but to fight.
Iako mužjakovi signali postaju sve snažniji, na kraju, nema izbora nego da se bori.


He specifically and emphatically warned against coming to this planet.
On je posebno naglašeno i upozorili će na ovoj planeti.


This is the only way that EU positions can be efficiently and emphatically enforced vis-à-vis its trading partners.
Samo na taj način moguće je učinkovito i izražajno braniti stajališta EU-a pred trgovačkim partnerima.

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The White House emphatically denies any involvement with this investigation.
Bijela kuća energično odriče bilo kakvu povezanost s istragom.Literature Literature
“No,” Peter responds emphatically, “it was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it was by having become eyewitnesses of his magnificence.”
Petar jasno odgovara: “Jer vam ne pokazasmo sile i dolaska Gospodina našega Isu[sa Kri]sta po pripovijetkama mudro izmišljenijem, nego smo sami vidjeli slavu njegovu.”jw2019 jw2019
Gustav insisted more emphatically that Rob leave his mansion.
Gustav je inzistirao da Rob napusti palaču.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
emphatically points to the need for stronger and deeper cooperation at local, regional and national level in initiating and developing strategies in support of international cultural relations and activities.
odlučno ukazuje na potrebu za snažnijom i dubljom suradnjom na lokalnoj, regionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini u području pokretanja i razvoja strategija za potporu međunarodnim kulturnim odnosima i aktivnostima.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It would be sufficient to maintain a cool attitude and an emphatically official tone.
Bit će dovoljno držati se hladnog, naglašeno službenog tona.Literature Literature
Make it very emphatic that His Majesty's government will hold the Chinese government and all governors of Chinese provinces responsible for the complete safety of Robert Conway.
Neka bude naglašeno da će vlada njenog veličanstva smatrati odgovornim Kinesku vladu i sve guvernere kineskih provincija za potpunu sigurnost Roberta Conwaya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was just being emphatic.
Samo sam bio nedvosmislen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to settled case-law which was referred to recently and emphatically in the case giving rise to the judgment in CB v Commission, (11) the distinction between infringements ‘by object’ and infringements ‘by effect’, derives from the fact that certain types of coordination between undertakings cause a sufficient degree of harm to competition so that it may be concluded that there is no need to examine their effects.
U vezi s razlikovanjem između povreda „[s obzirom na] cilj i „[s obzirom na] posljedicu“, iz također ustaljene sudske prakse na koju se nedavno podsjetilo u predmetu koji je doveo do presude CB/Komisija(11) proizlazi da su neke vrste koordinacije između poduzetnika toliko štetne za tržišno natjecanje da se može smatrati da ispitivanje njihovih posljedica nije potrebno.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sound law is in this sense emphatically found and not made.
U ovom smislu, valjani zakon je nedvosmisleno naen, a ne načinjen.Literature Literature
Luce has emphatically pointed out that this is far from necessarily so: The name ‘Atlantis’ is a most deceptive guide.
"Luce, naglašava da to nije nužno točno: ""Ime Atlantida izrazito je obmanjujuće."Literature Literature
Well, they either didn't care, or they were sending a rather emphatic message.
Nije ih bilo briga ili su poslali prilično empatičnu poruku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's what I said, but even more emphatically.
To je ono što sam rekao, ali još više naglašeno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is someone else who I believe received it, but that, too, has been emphatically denied.""
Mislim da ga je primila još jedna osoba, ali i to se odlučno poričeLiterature Literature
"Catherine declared emphatically; and she seemed to speak sincerely. -- ""Nelly, help me to convince her of her madness."
- emfatično izjavi Catherina; a činilo se da govo ri iskreno. - Nelly, pomozi mi da je uvjerim u njenu ludost.Literature Literature
Beginning in 1926, the brothers began printing and binding some Bibles in their own printery, including The Emphatic Diaglott and the King James and American Standard versions.
Od 1926. braća su u svojoj tiskari počela tiskati i uvezivati neke prijevode Biblije. Neki od tih prijevoda bili su The Emphatic Diaglott, King James Version i American Standard Version.jw2019 jw2019
The answer was an emphatic, “No!”
Rekli su mi da to ne dolazi u obzir.jw2019 jw2019
The apostle Paul urged superstitious people in the city of Lystra “to turn from these vain things [“vanities,” or “superstitions,” The Emphatic Diaglott] to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them.” —Acts 14:15.
Apostol Pavao pozvao je praznovjerne stanovnike Listre da se “od tih ispraznosti [“praznovjerja”, The Emphatic Diaglott] obrate Bogu živome, koji je načinio nebo i zemlju i more i sve što je u njima” (Djela apostolska 14:15).jw2019 jw2019
‘No contact arrangements,’ said Charles emphatically, ‘no price.
"""Nema nikakvog dogovora"", rekao je Charles kategorički, ""nema cijene."Literature Literature
Emphatically develop the bicycle industry’;
snažan razvoj industrije bicikala”,Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The EESC emphatically reaffirms the importance for youth mobility of programmes such as Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus and Youth in Action, whose contribution to young people's personal development, skills and qualifications is universally recognised.
EGSO ponovno potvrđuje važnost programa mobilnosti mladih kao što su Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus i Mladi u akciji čiji je doprinos osobnom razvoju mladih ljudi, vještinama i kvalifikacijama prepoznat u cijelom svijetu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, Detective Alexander has stated, quite emphatically, that she does not believe you capable.”
MeĊutim, detektivka Alexander izjavila je, priliĉno uvjereno, da ne vjeruje da ste sposobni za takav ĉin.""Literature Literature
Didn't you emphatically deny that your husband even had such an apartment?'
Niste li odlučno nijekali da je vaš muž uopće imao takav stan?Literature Literature
When seeking melodic inspiration, look no further than dawn and dusk avian orchestras or to the natural lilt of emphatic language.
Ako tražite inspiraciju za melodiju, ne gledajte dalje od zore i sumraka ptičjeg orkestra ili prirodne raspjevanosti izražajnog jezika.ted2019 ted2019
“The soul that is sinning—it itself will die,” the Bible emphatically states.
“Koja duša zgriješi ona će poginuti”, izričito kaže Biblija (Ezehijel 18:4, 20; Djela apostolska 3:23; Otkrivenje 16:3).jw2019 jw2019
– the applicant continued emphatically to protest his innocence, to object to his treatment, going so far as to speak of ‘lynching’, and above all to request more time before his resignation was announced; in that regard, Mr Romero Requena, when giving evidence, explained in response to a question from the applicant’s lawyers that, whilst emphatically protesting his innocence, the applicant accepted the political reality of his resignation;
– tužitelj je nastavio energično zagovarati svoju nedužnost kao i prosvjedovati protiv postupanja prema njemu, pri čemu je čak spominjao „linč“, i osobito zahtijevati da mu se odobri više vremena prije nego što javno objavi njegova ostavka; u tom pogledu, kao odgovor na jedno pitanje tužiteljeva odvjetnika, svjedok L. Romero Requena je pojasnio da je tužitelj, iako je energično zagovarao svoju nedužnost, prihvatio političku realnost svoje ostavke;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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