erudite oor Kroaties


/ˈɛr.(j)ə.daɪt/, /ˈɛr.(j)u.daɪt/, /ˈɛr.(j)ʊ.daɪt/ adjektief, naamwoord
Learned, scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Where did the erudite Greek translator... meet the anonymous author of his death?
A gdje je učeni prevodilac s grčkog sreo anonimnog autora svoje smrti?


Well, Carlton is a bit goonish, but Matthew is actually quite erudite and a world-class chess player to boot.
Pa, Carlton je malo goonish, ali Matthew je zapravo prilično obrazovan i svjetske klase šahist za dizanje.

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He was the most highly qualified exponent of the Christian culture of his time in very varied contexts, from theology to exegesis, from history to erudition.
On je bio jedan od najdostojnijih zastupnik kršćanske kulture svoga doba u najrazličitijim kontekstima, od teologije do egzegeze, od povijesti do
However, he did not devote himself to the art of poetry as an end in itself but, rather, used art and every other form of erudition as a means for deepening knowledge of the word of God.
On se međutim nije posvećivao pjesništvu radi pjesništva, već – što je bilo potpuno uobičajeno u njegovo vrijeme – umjetnost i sva druga znanja koristio je za produbljivanje Boje riječ
Too erudite?
Previše učeno?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It pretends to be eclipsed by the erudition or the taxonomies that in fact it manipulates.
Hini da nestaje iza erudicije ih taksinomija kojima ipak manipulira.Literature Literature
You’re so—erudite, Randolph, that’s the word, but it’s not enough.
Ti si takav... erudit, Randolphe, to je prava riječ, ali to nije dovoljno.Literature Literature
Nothing would be worse than a detailed scholarly analysis. Erudition, interpretation, complication.
Sad ne bi bilo ništa gore od temeljite znanstvene analize... lijepog izražavanja, interpretacije i komplikacije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Come on, chief, put these clothes on; your erudition is beyond any doubt,' I said, coming to my father's rescue.
"""Samo se vi, šefe, obucite; ovdje nitko ne sumnja u vašu erudiciju"", rekao sam pritekavši tati u pomoć."Literature Literature
The rector is delivering a most erudite series of sermons on John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments, are you familiar with it?’
Rektor će održati niz vrlo učenih propovijedi o knjizi Johna Foxea Djela i spomenici, jeste li upoznati s njom?”Literature Literature
Well, all I' ve heard is that he' s successful... erudite and handsome
Pa, ono sto sam ja čula jeste da je uspješan... učen i zgodanopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
If you've tuned in for mental health advice with an erudite twist,
Ako ste se uključili zbog psiholoških problema sa zanimljivim zapletom, moja emisija će se nastaviti na samom kraju sata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But despite her erudition and broad views, she was a devout Catholic.
No unatoč erudiciji i širokim pogledima, ostala je pobožna katolkinja.Literature Literature
The Senate would no doubt benefit from the vice president's learning and erudition on the subject, but I respectfully remind him that barring a tie in voting, he has no say in the matter.
Senat bi nesumljivo imao koristi od potpredsjednikovog znanja i načitanosti o ovom pitanju, ali ga s poštovanjem podsjećam da se, sem u slučaju neriješenog glasanja, on ne pita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Clue of the White Petals, the Clue of Generosity, and the Clue of Excessive Erudition.""
Trag bijelih latica, trag veliko dušnosti i trag pretjeranog znanjaLiterature Literature
I mean, no one's David Foster Wallace, but there's an erudition to your stuff, and some whimsy, which I like.
Nitko nije David Foster Wallace, ali u tvojim djelima postoji znanje i mala zaigranost, što volim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If we wished to harp on this patriarchal erudition, we would inform M.
‘Kad bismo se htjeli držati ove patrijarhalne učenosti, mi bismo g.Literature Literature
He was a friend of Petrarch's, who wrote of Dandolo that he was "a just man, incorruptible, full of ardor and love for his country, erudite, eloquent, wise, affable and humane".
Bio je prijatelj sa Petrarcom koji je o njemu napisao da je nepotkupljiv čovjek pun žari i ljubavi za svoju zemlju, obrazovan, elokventan, mudar, ljubazan i human.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where did the erudite Greek translator... meet the anonymous author of his death?
Gdje je Grčki prevoditelj... sreo anonimnog autora njegove smrti?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Kiernan’s elegant and erudite The Lords of Human Kind (1969, 1972) surveys European attitudes to the outside world.
Kiernana The Lords of Human Kind (1969, 1972) daje pregled evropskih stanovišta prema ostalom svijetu.Literature Literature
"""Without sidestepping the issue or trying to show off how erudite you are,"" the tall one adds."
-Bez skretanja s teme ili pokušaja pokazivanja koliko ste učeni - dodaje viša.Literature Literature
So in true web fashion, they put together a poll, where they had a bunch of very erudite, very thoughtful, cultured names.
Stoga su u pravoj internet modi sastavili anketu gdje su imali hrpu vrlo obrazovanih, promišljenih, kulturnih imena.QED QED
Attack Erudite?
Napast ćete Učene?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I mean, you have put in years of study and erudition.
lza vas su godine učenja i erudicije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What does a critical examination of Hitler’s erudition and knowledge show?
Sto pokazuje kritičko ispitivanje Hitlerove erudicije i znanja?Literature Literature
We have formed a team of scientists, erudite and journalists.
Okupili smo tim znanstvenika, istraživača i novinara..OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And they easily tap their erudition to solve problems in their special domains.
I oni lako uklope svoje obrazovanje da riješe probleme u svojim specijalnim područjima.jw2019 jw2019
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