eschew oor Kroaties


[ɛsˈtʃuː], /ɛsˈʃuː/ werkwoord
(transitive, formal) To avoid; to shun, to shy away from.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


I generally eschew formal engagements and social gatherings.
Sam uglavnom izbjegavaju formalne angažmane i društvenim okupljanjima.
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It was a response to Modernism and its corresponding architectural perspective, which eschewed sentimental attachment to old buildings and structures in favor of technological and architectural progress and change.
Bio je to odgovor na Modernizam i njemu pridružen pogled na arhitekturu koj je sentimentalnu vezanost za stare građevine i strukture predpostavio tehnološko arhitektonskom napretku i promjeni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The EU calls on all countries in the region to support an inclusive settlement that eschews the violence which continues to cause suffering for so many Afghans, disavows any link with terrorism or terrorist groups and respects human rights, in particular the rights of women and children.
EU poziva sve zemlje u regiji da daju potporu uključivom rješenju kojim se izbjegava nasilje koje i dalje uzrokuje patnju brojnim Afganistancima, kojim se odriče povezanost s terorizmom ili terorističkim skupinama i poštuju ljudska prava, osobito prava žena i djece.Consilium EU Consilium EU
15 NM therefore brought an appeal on a point of law before the Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court, Austria) seeking a declaration that NIKI Luftfahrt had fulfilled its obligation under Article 9(1)(b) of Regulation No 261/2004 by providing ON with accommodation free of charge, as, inter alia, the air carrier is not required, in order to eschew liability, also to check the facilities of the hotel offered by it.
15 Osoba NM je stoga podnijela žalbu u kasacijskom postupku pred Oberster Gerichtshof (Vrhovni sud, Austrija) kako bi se utvrdilo da je NIKI Luftfahrt ispunio svoju obvezu na temelju članka 9. stavka 1. točke (b) Uredbe br. 261/2004 time što je osobi ON besplatno osigurao smještaj s obzirom na to da zračni prijevoznik, kako bi izbjegao nastanak svoje odgovornosti, među ostalim, nije bio dužan provjeriti hotelske objekte koje nudi.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Without it being necessary to review in detail all the subtleties of casuistic case-law, which is not immune from a certain degree of trial and error, (40) I will simply recall that, in assessing whether a judicial body possesses the status of ‘court or tribunal’, the Court — which has eschewed developing a general and abstract definition of that concept — applies an identification method based on consideration of a set of convergent indicia relating to whether the body is established by law, whether it is permanent, whether its jurisdiction is compulsory, whether its procedure is inter partes, whether it applies rules of law and whether it is independent.
Nema potrebe detaljno navoditi sve potankosti slučajeva iz sudske prakse koji nisu imuni od određenog „iskušavanja“(40), nego ću samo podsjetiti da kod ocjenjivanja ima li tijelo koje je uputilo zahtjev obilježje „suda“, Sud, koji se nije upuštao u davanje opće i apstraktne definicije tog pojma, primjenjuje identifikacijsku metodu koja počiva na uzimanju u obzir sklopa povezanih indicija glede toga je li tijelo ustanovljeno zakonom, je li trajne naravi, je li njegova jurisdikcija obvezna, ima li postupak obilježja kontradiktornosti, primjenjuje li tijelo pravne norme te je li neovisno.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
She was a brilliant attorney who eschewed the rewards of estate and corporate law for the pursuit of advocacy.
Bila je sjajna odvjetnica koja je izbjegavala nagrade zemljišnog i korporativnog prava radi advokature.Literature Literature
Margulis eschews the reductionism of neo-Darwinism for a more holistic approach.
Margulis se distancira od neodarvinističkog redukcionizma u ko rist više holističkog pristupa.Literature Literature
Instead of turning back, we blame the instructions and then eschew them altogether.
Umjesto da se vratimo natrag, krivimo upute i uopće se ne obaziremo više na njih.LDS LDS
After World War II, the Falange opposed free capital markets, but the ultimately prevailing technocrats, some of whom were linked with Opus Dei, eschewed syndicalist economics and favoured increased competition as a means of achieving rapid economic growth and integration with wider Europe.
Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, Falanga se protivila slobodnom tržištu kapitala, ali su u konačnici prevladali tehnokrati, od kojih su neki bili povezani s Opusom Dei, izbjegavali sindikalističku ekonomiju i preferirali veću konkurenciju kao sredstvo postizanja brzog gospodarskog rasta i integraciju sa ostatkom Europe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And indeed, eschewing all false modesty, there was something here worth gaping at.
Rečeno bez laţne skromnosti, imalo se zbog čega zinuti.Literature Literature
40 In that regard, it is apparent from recital 10 of Directive 2002/47 that the directive seeks to strike a balance between, on the one hand, market efficiency, by eschewing formal requirements for the creation of financial collateral and, on the other, the safety of the parties to the financial collateral arrangement and third parties, by requiring that financial collateral be provided in a way that provides for some form of dispossession.
40 U tom pogledu, iz uvodne izjave 10. Direktive 2002/47 proizlazi da se njome želi stvoriti ravnoteža između, s jedne strane, tržišne učinkovitosti – na način da se izbjegne formalizam u vezi s davanjem financijskog kolaterala – i, s druge strane, sigurnosti za stranke ugovora o financijskom kolateralu te za treće stranke – tako da se zahtijeva da se financijski kolateral ostvaruje putem određenog oblika izvlaštenja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Senator Vinick surprised many Republicans surprised everyone across the board by accepting a position in Matt Santos'cabinet perhaps eschewing his own chances to run again in four years.
senator Vinick iznenadio mnoge republikanci sve iznenadio preko granice prihvacajuci polozaj u Matt Santos'ormar mozda izbjegava svoje sanse ponovno pokrenuti u zadnje cetiri godine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And don't use the word eschew.
I nemoj koristiti riječ kositi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The communication draws on a comprehensive approach to development assistance and the EU’s approach to resilience in this field, thus eschewing a ‘linear approach’.
Komunikacija se temelji na sveobuhvatnom pristupu razvojnoj pomoći i pristupu EU-a prema otpornosti u ovom području, čime se izbjegava takozvani linearni pristup.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
And once she'd gotten Buster into the apartment, she eschewed the all-natural juice for the kind with cartoon animals and riddles on the box.
I jednom kad bih stečen Buster u stan, ona klonio je sve-prirodni sok za vrste s cartoon animals i zagonetke na kutiji.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eschewing an academic career, his next step was to earn a master’s degree in criminology.
Klonio se znanstvene karijere te je njegov sljedeći korak bila diploma iz područja kriminologije.Literature Literature
Schinkel's Bauakademie (1832–1836), his most innovative building, eschewed historicist conventions and seemed to point the way to a clean-lined "modernist" architecture that would become prominent in Germany only toward the beginning of the 20th century.
Schinkelova Bauakademie (1832.–1836,), njegova nojinovativnija građevina, je nadišla historicističke konvencije i ušla u sferu "modernističke" arhitekture čistih linija, koja će postati dominantna u Njemačkoj tek početkom 20. stoljeća.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yorke denied that Radiohead had set out to eschew expectations, saying: "We're not trying to be difficult ...
Yorke je negirao da je Radiohead pokušao izbjeći komercijalna iščekivanja, izjavivši: "Ne pokušavamo biti komplicirani ...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The lyrical theme of the songs reflected a relationship between musical artist and a listener; Tweedy chose this topic because he sought to eschew the alternative country fan base.
Stihovne teme pjesama odražavale su odnos između glazbenog umjetnika i slušatelja; Tweedy je odabrao tu temu jer je pokušavao izbjeći bazu obožavatelja alternativnog countryja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many considered him to be an imagist, but he was really more of a modernist, eschewing the poetic traditions of Europe, in favor of celebrating everyday circumstances.
Mnogi su ga smatrali imagionistom, ali je on više bio modernista... osiguravajući poetske tradicije u Europi... kao zaslugu smatra se slavljenje svakodnevnih okolnosti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In fact, what's interesting about new power is that it eschews some of the professionalization and specialization that was all the rage in the 20th century.
Zapravo, ono što je zanimljivo o novoj moći je da ona izbjegava neke profesionalizacije i specijalizacije koje su bile glavne u 20. stoljeću.ted2019 ted2019
Confiscation eschews compensation.
Oduzimanjem izbjegavamo naknadu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I eschew discomfort?
Izbjegavam neugodnost?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this modern jail they eschew such terms as cell blocks.
"U ovim modernim zatvorima izbjegavaju izraze kao što su ""blokovi ćelija""."Literature Literature
He lived in a cave, eschewing wealth in the search for spiritual perfection.
Živio je u špilji, odbacivši bogatstvo zbog duhovnog savršenstva.Literature Literature
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